After determining the goal, Los was not in a hurry to inform Joel, but first met with Borg who had returned.

In the mayor's office, Artus stood aside very uneasily, while Berg was relatively relaxed and waited quietly.

"Don't be nervous. Mayor Arkham is a very easy-going and enthusiastic person. He has an excellent vision and will express enough kindness to all talents like you."

"Tell everything you know, and if it's useful to the mayor, you can definitely win his asylum."

Hearing Borg's words, Artus felt a little relieved, and then thanked Borg again: "Thank you for your help."

"I didn't have many friends in the capital back then, but you are just one of them, so now you don't have to be polite." Borg said with a smile.

While the two were talking, the door to the office was opened, and under Artus's gaze, a handsome young man with a slightly melancholy temperament walked in.

This young man has a well-proportioned figure, a brisk pace, and a temperament that looks more like that of a freshly graduated student. Apart from his aristocratic melancholy temperament and rather handsome face, there is not much that deserves attention.

"Mayor!" Before Artus knew who this person was and why he came here, Borg's voice sounded next to him.

Arter was suddenly startled: "This is...the mayor who rules the entire Arkham!?"

Here Ross's eyes swept over Artus's face, and then he looked at Borg with a happy smile and asked: "Looking at you, you must have brought me good news again."

Borg strode over, shook hands with Los and hugged him, then laughed and said: "You really know me very well. This time I went to the August Empire and I have officially made contact with the big conglomerate there, the Johnson family. He has a lot of questions about me." Arkham is very optimistic about its status as a special zone and has a very strong desire to cooperate, but it is a little worried about our current situation. "

Ross sat down casually, leaned back in the chair and said, "I have a feeling that they shouldn't be worried now."

Borg suddenly laughed twice, and then said with some pride: "With my lobbying, they now believe in our strength. In a few days, they will send people over to inspect and say that if we solve the freight problem , they are ready to have a solid long-term cooperation with us.”

Los was very satisfied: "The August Empire is rich in spices and excellent fabrics. These things are in short supply in our Rosas Empire. They have been controlled by the three major families of the military over the years. It is time to change the dealer. "

Berg continued: "Also, Mayor, I also encountered two large-scale pirate groups this time. The two groups combined have a total of three hundred people."

"Oh? It seems that your acquaintance with them should be a very exciting story." Lose said with a smile.

Borg was immediately excited to talk about his bravery and strength at that time, but then he thought that Artus was still there, and then he stopped his desire to perform.

After coughing, Borg introduced: "By the way, Mr. Mayor, let me introduce you. This person is one of my few friends in the imperial capital, Viscount Reagan Artus. He now knows some very important things." The news may be able to help you.”

Here Artus hurriedly stepped forward, bowed and said: "The great and wise Mayor of Arkham, Reagan Artus offers you my sincere greetings."

Looking at this standard noble etiquette, Ross smiled and said: "Viscount Artes, please sit down. Arkham welcomes friends who come with good intentions."

Artus said anxiously: "Dear Mr. Mayor, I am no longer a viscount. My title, my company, and my land have all been taken away."

Under Artus' worried gaze, Ross still had a gentle smile on his face: "I like honest friends, Mr. Artus, and I also like people who have stories, because in many cases, I may be able to help them revise them." The end of the story."

Hearing these gentle but domineering words, Artes suddenly felt that his future was bright.

Under Borg's guidance, he sat down carefully.

At this time, the office door opened, and a beautiful red-haired girl wearing a white suit came in with two cups of black tea. With a spring-like smile on her face, she said to the two of them: "Please use it."

Artus hurriedly thanked him and gradually relaxed as he watched the aroma and steam gradually emitted from the black tea.

Ross: "So, tell me your story, Mr. Artus."

Artus took a deep breath and said: "Six months ago I was a quite prosperous Viscount, owning a happy family, two ranches, a farm, and a bank founded by our family."

"Financial talent?" Loston's eyes suddenly lit up.

Artus nodded: "However, my happy and peaceful life was quickly broken."

"Serial murders occurred one after another in the capital. I thought that such things would be far away from the manor area with good security, but that night, a black shadow flashed past, and I fainted at that time."

"When I came to, I found myself standing there covered in blood with a knife in my hand. In front of me, two maids in my house were lying there naked and disembowelled."

Ross thought for a moment and said, "Serial Ripper? I seem to have heard this news."

Artus nodded: "That's the news. At that time, a group of policemen surrounded me. Then they accused me of being the serial murderer, saying that I killed six women in a row and had the behavior of raping corpses. "

"Overnight, the Ates family was completely covered in dust. Faced with this ironclad evidence, my wife and children no longer believed me. Finally, she took my children back to her parents' home and has not contacted me since. Pass."

"There are a lot of problems with this matter."

Artus clenched his fists: "Of course there is a problem! Because I was framed by those damn guys!"

"The lackey of the Eisen family, the despicable Peng Ao!"

Borg on the side explained: "Li Peng'ao, a senior director of the Merchant Guild, is mainly responsible for the financial cooperation between the bank and the Chamber of Commerce."

Ross nodded in understanding.

Artes clenched his fists and said: "Their goal is for my family bank. They arrested me and tortured me to extract a confession. How could I admit it?"

"Later! They admitted directly in front of me that all of this was designed by them for the benefit of our family bank. As long as I sign the relevant authorization letter for property transfer, all previous charges can be cancelled."

"If I don't agree, not only will I die, but my wife and children will also be threatened!"

"I'm not afraid of death, but Linn and Bol..." Artus' face was full of helplessness and worry.

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