After listening to Artus's statement, Ross roughly knew Artus' past, and then asked: "What do you know?"

Artus immediately said: "I know that they are controlling more private banks and forming alliances through these banks to form economic sanctions, and the main target of the sanctions is your Arkham City."

"Also, that Peng Ao is just a loser, and Ben Frozen above him is the instigator!"

Hearing this, Los Angeles was immediately moved, because in the past three months, in Barlow's investigation related to Arkham's economic sanctions, the name Ben Frozen often appeared, and he is now working in Massa. Province.

"In other words, they are now using the whole country to deal with me?" Thinking of this, the corners of Los's mouth suddenly turned up slightly, because he felt that this matter was getting more and more interesting.

Artus continued: "In addition, I used the last connections of the family to investigate and found out that both Frosen and Peng'ao are now in the province of Massa. They are also related to Charlemagne and Judy Charlemagne, the head of the Roman family. There is the Massa Chamber of Commerce and the Imperial Bank collaborating together to carry out many invisible activities. "

"Judy Charlemagne." Upon hearing the name, Ross immediately remembered his former big client.

"It seems that the relationship between us has been established very early. In this case, it is even more time for me to go there myself." Loss is looking forward to his trip to Massa more and more.

There are so many minions, he needs to think carefully about how to play with them.

After all, killing is not difficult for Los. But in this financial aspect, killing people is simply not going to solve the problem.

What he needs now is puppets and infiltration. When there is no response, he wants to spread his tentacles to all parts of the Massa Province.

At that time, the entire province will become the outskirts of Arkham, providing Arkham with everything it needs.

Artus asked tentatively: "Dear Mayor, is the information I... provided useful?"

Ross smiled and said: "It's very useful. You have provided me with a lot of new ideas, dear Mr. Artus."

Hearing this, Artes suddenly felt relieved. Before he could speak, Los asked: "So, Mr. Artes, what do you want to get?"

Artus clenched his fists and said: "I want to take back everything I lost! Then let my wife and children come back to me."

Ross smiled and said: "This is not equivalent to what you provided."

Artus was a little panicked and said hurriedly: "Dear Mayor, I can also give some other things. I still have many connections and I know some people. By the way! If you can help me take back these, I can give them to you." Give you half of my wealth!"

Ross did not answer directly, but said: "Mr. Artus, you have to understand that your revenge is not that simple, and it will most likely require a long process."

"Now you just want to restore your reputation, wealth and family. Don't you have any thoughts about those who harmed you?"

Hearing this, Artus clenched his fists: "Of course I do...but...they are too strong, I don't..."

Ross glanced at Borg.

Borg immediately understood what Ross meant and whispered: "Artus, to the great Mayor of Arkham, your enemies are just a group of bugs that can be crushed to death at any time. If you want, all your All wishes for revenge can be fulfilled here.”

Upon hearing this, Artus's eyes instantly burst into a dazzling light. He stared at Borg, and then looked at Los behind the desk as if he was attracted by a deadly devil.

Ross looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

Ates was stunned and said: "If...if you can kill all those bastards to avenge me, I can give up all my property, and I can give up my reputation, as long as you can let My family is back with me and I don’t want anything else.”

Artus knew very well that even if he really returned to the way he was before, if he couldn't get rid of the breath in his heart, then nothing would be able to go back to the past. He would most likely be tortured by this incident for the rest of his life, and then become depressed. And finally.

But at this moment, when he heard that there was a possibility of revenge, the anger and resentment that had been squeezed by fear and helplessness in his heart completely burst out.

Ross smiled and said: "I am not interested in your wealth, but I am very interested in your talent."

Artus was stunned when he heard this, and then immediately said: "If you can help me get revenge, I am willing to contribute all my knowledge to the development of Arkham!"

Ross laughed happily: "I really appreciate you more and more, Mr. Artus."

While talking, Los stood up and came to the window to look at the beautiful snow scene outside: "Are all the enemies you are sure of now in Massa Province?"

"Yes! I'm sure." Artus said with great certainty.

Los nodded: "Get ready, I will send someone to follow you to Massa City the day after tomorrow."

"Ah!? The day after tomorrow?" Artus was suddenly shocked. He thought that this matter would take a few months to plan carefully.

Ross didn't speak and looked out the window quietly.

Borg whispered: "Why don't you quickly say thank you?"

Artus woke up from a dream and immediately said: "Thank you! Thank you! Great Mayor of Arkham, I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life, and your light will always illuminate the rest of my life."

"Borg, greet Artus for me." Lose's voice came.

After hearing this, Borg nodded immediately: "Understood!"

Under Borg's guidance, Artus walked out of the city hall like a dream.

"Liuke, hit me." Artus suddenly said.

Borg was stunned: "Are you stupid?"

Artus said seriously: "I want to make sure whether I am dreaming."

Borg laughed and hugged his shoulders: "Don't worry, you're not dreaming."

"Let's go. You may have suffered a lot in recent times. You entertained me so many times before. I'll entertain you well this time!"

In the office upstairs, Lilith appeared quietly and asked: "Master, who are you going to take with you this time?"

Ross said directly: "Go and notify Hull and ask her to prepare the new technology tomorrow."

"Also, go inform Eve at the Grand Theater that it's their turn to perform this time."

After hearing this, Lilith immediately understood: "Understood!"

After everything was ordered, Ross stretched his body and said, "After staying in Arkham for so long, it's time to go out and see the outside world."

"It has nothing to do with what I designed. What will the world automatically generated by the will of the world look like? Let me wait and see!" Loss is very much looking forward to this trip.

I can't even wait to see what kind of world this is.

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