Charlemagne didn't care what role Los played, he was more concerned about the plan this time.

After all, his return this time might stir up too many waves, and might even disrupt the entire upper circle of Massa.

"Mayor, what are your plans for this return? You allowed me to go back, what role do you want me to play in this?"

Los sat down casually and smiled: "Of course, it's the down-and-out young master who has returned as a king."

"The three-year period has expired, and now welcome the young master home!" Los said loudly, with a crooked evil smile.

Charlemagne was a little confused, not knowing what the deep meaning of Los's schizophrenic words was.

After finding out that Charlemagne didn't understand the joke at all, Los coughed and got back to the point, saying, "Legally, you are still the heir of the Charlemagne family, right?"

Charlemagne nodded, "Yes, but I am now both a murderer and a mental patient. According to the inheritance law, I can no longer directly access these properties and can only manage them as an agent."

Loss casually said, "Murderer and mental patient are just titles. What if I remove these two titles from you?"

Charlemagne's eyes lit up, "Is it possible?"

"Of course!"

Charlemagne pondered for a moment, "This is just a qualification for me. Now Judy has completely controlled the two major families, and even my family knights have been completely controlled by her. The relevant connections have also been inherited by Judy. If I go back now, it will only be an empty shell."

Loss smiled and said, "I want this empty shell."

"Do you want to use me as a starting point to mess up the entire Massa?" Charlemagne understood what Los meant.

Los nodded slightly: "Even if you go back with nothing, the relevant qualifications, status, connections, and reputation are still there. Through you, I can directly connect with many people, and at the same time, I can extend more tentacles through you."

"But Mayor, everyone knows that I am in Arkham now. They have formed a line to block Arkham in Massa. I am afraid of them..."

Los waved his hand: "Don't worry, you are not in Arkham these years. You have formed a troupe yourself and have been touring the two empires of Augustus and Viscu for these years."

Charlemagne was stunned, and then understood what Los meant.

For the high-level officials and nobles in Massa, many things just need a name above morality. As for whether others believe it or not, it doesn't matter. As long as they don't have real evidence, public opinion will soon subside.

To sum it up with a joke from the upper class: "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

When Charlemagne came here, he already knew that the mayor was ready for everything, so he didn't say anything more.

"Have you made up your mind?" Los suddenly asked.

Charlemagne was silent for a moment and shook his head: "To be honest, I can't hate Judy now. Maybe I was too weak at the beginning, so I didn't have the qualifications to stand with her."

"What a lovelorn person."

Los thought to himself, and then said: "It doesn't matter. I don't plan to let you kill her this time."

Charlemagne's eyes lit up and looked at Los.

Los smiled and said: "Talents are rare. As for these talents, as long as they don't make me angry, I won't kill them easily. The best way to expand rapidly is to turn those excellent enemies into your loyal servants."

As he said, Los looked at Charlemagne and said: "This time when you go back, you have two tasks. This is very vulgar and vulgar, but the meaning is very clear, so Charlemagne understood it instantly.

Los did not prevent him from getting back together with the witch, nor did he care what the witch had done before. If you have the ability to make her obedient and become ours, everything will be fine.

At the same time, this is also the time for Charlemagne to show his true strength.

"Great Mayor! I swear by the Moonlight Holy Sword! Complete your task absolutely perfectly! "

These words immediately inspired Charlemagne's ambition. At this moment, he was like a tamer who was bitten by a beautiful lion.

After years of training, he was ready to conquer the dangerous lion again.

That kind of longing and desire made him feel excited and excited.

Los nodded with a smile, and then said: "Then, I will use all the power of you and the Roman family to extend my tentacles to the entire Massa high-level. In the end, I want to control all the high-level officials in the province of Massa."

Charlemagne was radiant at this time and said confidently: "Yes!"

"In this operation, I am your messenger and thug. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course I understand. I will definitely let you have contact with all the high-level officials."

"Well, go and prepare. After you go back this time, you will stay there. After all, that is your home. "Los got up and walked out.

Hearing this, Charlemagne was deeply touched. He looked at Los' back and bowed deeply in silence to express his respect and gratitude.

At the same time, Arkham Theater.

Lilith stood on the stage beautifully. Opposite her were all the core members of the entire Arkham Theater, a total of twelve people.

Each of the twelve people, including Eve, was inhabited by a powerful ancient hero.

And in the body of the leader Eve, the Desert Emperor and his Queen were inhabited at the same time.

Now, Eve's body is like the desert emperor's palace. In this palace, he can live peacefully with his queen forever without worrying about interference from outsiders.

The twelve young people who were there more than three months ago have undergone tremendous changes after experiencing these three months.

Since their bodies could not bear the power of those heroic spirits, they had been receiving nourishment from blood therapy for three months.

This special blood specially developed for them can strengthen their bodies and speed up their integration with those heroic spirits.

The progress of accepting heroic spirits is about 40%, and with the addition of blood therapy, the strength is between level 20 and 30.

Among them, the ones who have made the most obvious progress are naturally the group leader Eve, as well as the actor Renault and the heroine Gloria.

Although Eve's appearance has not changed much, her left and right eyes have quietly mutated, with one side turning into pure yellow and the other side turning into ice blue.

At the same time, her whole body exudes a special aura of a king, which is very imposing.

"Do you know about this mission?" Lilith asked.

The twelve people immediately nodded vigorously to express their understanding.

Lilith looked at Eve and said, "This is your first mission. I hope you won't disappoint the mayor."

Eve replied restrainedly and confidently: "Don't worry, we are no longer what we used to be."

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