After dealing with Charlemagne's problem, Los immediately turned his attention to the outside of Arkham.

He promised Charlemagne that he could prove that he didn't kill anyone and didn't go crazy, which was not just empty talk.

In order to prepare for these conditions, he planned to go out tonight.

After leaving the office, Los went directly to the underground research institute.

Dr. Mursi was still researching new blood therapy products, completely immersed in this ocean of blood.

Los didn't disturb him, just took a few bottles of medicine, asked Debbie to record it, and then turned and left.

The days in Massa Province in January were very short. It was completely dark at more than four o'clock in the evening, and the temperature began to drop rapidly, even to minus 20 degrees.

The night wind blew, and the biting cold could easily penetrate the cotton clothes that were not thick enough, making people feel the majesty of this winter.

When Arkham was about to welcome its lively and rich nightlife, an eagle soared up somewhere and easily reached a height of thousands of meters, and then disappeared into the night sky in an instant with the harsh sound barrier.

At the same time, in the capital of Massa Province, the city center of Massa City, the provincial police headquarters.

The tired Kane sat on the sofa weakly, his old face looked so pale and weak, like a dying lion king, no longer able to protect his own population and territory.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, several gunshots suddenly came from outside, and the piercing screams were blocked by the double-layer glass, and only vague shouts could be heard here.

Kane stretched out his trembling hand and held the coffee cup beside him, but was forced to stop because of the weakness of his fingers, and used his rarely used left hand to pick up the coffee.

His symptoms are getting worse and worse.

Now he hasn't been home for almost a week. Every day he locks himself in this office because he can feel safe here.

His previous disgust for the home that he had little affection for since childhood has become a little fear now.

He is afraid that if he goes home, those who covet his rights will know his physical condition, and he is even afraid that those people will be blinded by greed and kill him at home.

He couldn't find any sense of security in his own home, and he didn't even trust his wife, his two sons and two daughters.

Only here, only this office can make him feel at ease, because here he still has absolute authority, and the police officers he promoted are still obedient and grateful to him.

At the same time, in secret, the guards he secretly supported are also guarding his master at all times.

Although this can make him feel at ease temporarily, he knows that his time is running out.

Every day when he wakes up these days, he can clearly feel the worsening of his illness.

When he met Joel that day, his right hand could barely hold the cane to support his body.

But now this hand can't even hold the cup.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" The legendary Masa Tiger now has urgency and fear in his eyes.

He is afraid that he doesn't have enough time and misses the hope and miracle that may exist.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Kane's tired voice came: "Come in."

Then, the handsome young man walked in, and he could see a lot of blood on the cuffs of the white shirt inside the black coat.

That was not the enemy's blood, but his own.

"The temptations of those guys are becoming more and more frequent and blatant. Now some people in the police station have begun to have crooked thoughts and start to change their minds according to the situation." The young man whispered.

Kane still said calmly at this time: "It seems that there are many more people who want me to die than those who want me to live."

The young man nodded silently: "You must be prepared for the worst. They now dare to attack blatantly near the police station. If no one tips off, they don't have such courage."

Kane also fell into silence.

Along with his physical problems, his empire is gradually collapsing from the inside.

"In two days, if there is no news in two days, you can leave." Kane leaned back in his chair and said lightly.

The young man replied coldly: "I won't go anywhere. As long as I'm alive, no one can get close to you."

After that, he turned and left.

Kane looked at the young man's back and reminded him with a weak voice: "Bandage the wound."

The young man's body stiffened, and then he walked out directly and closed the office door.

Outside the office, the police officers who were working all set their sights on this young man.

Although they were Kane's loyal subordinates, they had a very clear understanding of the recent situation and the direction of the wind.

At this time, they must make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise their future will be full of uneasiness.

"What are you looking at! Have you finished handling the cases in your hands?!" At this time, Church's eyes glared and he shouted loudly.

Everyone bowed their heads and continued to work after hearing this.

As time passed slowly, there were more and more calls in the police station. At six o'clock, there were less than five police officers left in the huge police station, and Chief Church was naturally one of them.

"Chief, something is wrong!" A young policeman whispered.

Church, who had been busy with the case, also discovered the seriousness of the problem at this time, because he suddenly found that the noisy neighborhood in the past suddenly became quiet.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and pushed the door in: "Director! Something is wrong! I will take you away from here!"

Kane's face looked solemn at this time. He naturally discovered the problem, but...he couldn't do anything.

Because the people who are attacking him now are beyond his imagination.

In the dark night, the light of street lamps strives to illuminate the dark road.

Soon, heavy snow fell from the sky, seeming to bury all traces of tonight.

Under the dim street lights, in the wind and snow, some figures suddenly appeared, and then the harsh gunfire sounded.

This was an extremely fierce gun battle that lasted for more than ten minutes.

However, such a tragic gun battle in the downtown area also occurred at the Provincial Police Department, but it did not attract anyone's attention.

The remaining five police officers in the police station were pale at this time, clenching their guns and trembling.

At this time, along with the sound of somewhat messy footsteps, they saw the cold young man from before running in covered in blood.

There are at least four bullet holes in his body. It is a miracle that the whole person can run.

He rushed directly into Kane's office and whispered: "This life is returned to you."

After saying that, his body went limp and fell to the ground.

Church tightened the gun in his hand, his eyes red: "These traitors!"

After saying that, he rushed out madly.

Then some more gunfire rang out and everything calmed down.

Naturally, the four remaining policemen had already dispersed, threw away their weapons, and surrendered with their heads in hands.

In the office, Kane sat on the ground, holding the young man's body covered in blood, and whispered: "Bell, my child, I'm sorry for you."

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