Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 296 The God Who Hears the Prayer

At this time, Kane has fallen into a complete desperate situation. The people he deployed outside have been completely wiped out, and the other people outside have no time to defend themselves.

Kane also didn't expect that these guys were so anxious for his death.

"Trouble doesn't happen overnight, it needs to be rooted out." Kane sneered.

These are two famous quotes that have come out of his mouth over the years.

Now it has come true for myself.

The other party's eagerness exceeded his imagination.

Holding the illegitimate son he never dared to admit, Kane raised his head and murmured: "If there really is a god in this world, if the god can hear my voice, why don't you help me!?"

"Although I am not a good person, the police station I control is countless times better than those bastards! During my term of office, the crime rate in the entire city of Massa has been reduced by 30%, and the crime rate in the entire province of Massa has been reduced by 30%." The rate was reduced by 27%, and I served justice for thousands of people at the bottom!”

"Am I really not worthy of your favor!?"

The desolate and desperate voice echoed in this office, heralding the end of a male lion.

Of course, this assumes that there is no other person interfering with the normal plot.

Fortunately, now, the gods heard Kane's prayer.

When Kane closed his eyes in despair, a clear, peaceful voice came, but with a voice as warm as the sun.

"For such an outstanding person, you will naturally win my favor, son."

Hearing this voice, Kane's whole spirit seemed to be electrocuted. He immediately opened his eyes and followed the voice in disbelief.

Immediately, under his gaze, a silver-grey eagle transformed into a handsome and mighty young man.

"You are..." Kane's whole body was filled with shock and disbelief.

The young man smiled slightly: "Los Arkham, the god who saves you."

At this moment, this man of steel, who was ruthless, iron-blooded and known as the Massa Tiger, actually had tears in his eyes.

He looked at this somewhat familiar young man, because he had seen photos of this young man in the information more than once.

"Arkham...Mayor, are you...really okay?"

Kane is still full of worries about this young man. He does not have any extraordinary knowledge. In his knowledge, no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot block the attacks of so many guns.

What's more, this young man looks so ordinary. Apart from being able to turn into an eagle, he doesn't seem to have any other special abilities.

Los knelt down, looked at the old police chief, smiled and said, "Gods are omnipotent, aren't they?"

At this time, the office door was violently opened, and then three people strode in, dragging a body behind them.

The body being dragged was none other than Section Chief Qiu Qi, who had been beaten into a sieve.

The leader was his nemesis, Section Chief Bude.

"Oh! My dear director, why are you so embarrassed?" Section Chief Bude asked with a playful expression.

Kane's control ability is still very strong. His expression instantly returned to calm, he looked at Bude and said coldly: "I really have a white-eyed wolf."

"Have you forgotten who protected your wife in the first place? Who made you rise to the position of section chief?"

Chief Bude laughed and said: "I know, of course it's you! The powerful Massa Tiger."

"But Section Chief, times have changed! You are so weak now. The king of this empire should be replaced. People have to be aware of current affairs, right?"

As he spoke, he dragged Qiu Qi's wide-eyed corpse over, stepped on the head of his former enemy, and sneered: "There must be a limit to repaying kindness. Look at this. This is the result of being ignorant of current affairs. He I am so loyal and grateful to you, but in the end, what can I gain? Instead, I will step on you!"

Kane's expression remained calm: "You will regret it."

"Yes, I regret it now. I regret not betraying you earlier! Otherwise, the position of deputy director would be mine!" Bud said and directly took out a pistol and pointed it in front of Kane.

Looking at the classic police movie routine, Ross couldn't help but feel curious. He looked at Bud and asked: "Hey! Didn't you see me? There is an extra living person in the office, can't you tell?"

Bude didn't say anything after hearing this, and then shot him.


After a gunshot, Bude immediately took back his gun and grinned: "You will be next."

"Section... Section Chief! Section Chief!" At this time, the two people behind him stuttered a reminder.

"What's wrong?" Before Bude could recover, he heard Ross's voice coming out again.

"This thing still wants to kill people?"

Bude then turned around and saw that Ross had easily grabbed the bullet that had just been fired and played with it on his fingertips.

And in that casual play, he easily shaped the steel bullet into various shapes.

It's like it's not a bullet, but a piece of plasticine!

After Kane saw this scene, he knew that his savior had come.

Immediately, he felt how barren and ridiculous his imagination was.

Really powerful people cannot block the attacks of those guns.

Because gun attacks cannot touch their bodies at all!

Kane has never been so hopeful, excited, and excited as he is now.

Opposite Kane, Bude's face was very pale and gradually became frightened.

"To be honest, I don't like ungrateful people." Los said, and he crushed the bullet into iron filings and scattered them on the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone, including Kane, felt a tingling sensation on their scalps.

What kind of powerful existence can reach this level.

"So, you die."

As soon as the voice fell, Kane didn't see what happened at all, and saw the bodies of these three people fell straight to the ground, their eyes widened, their expressions extremely distorted, and they bled to death.

The three people screamed, and Los sat casually on the sofa beside them, looking down at Kane: "The death of these three people can buy us about one minute."

"What... do you want?" Kane asked nervously.

Los said casually: "I saw what you asked Joel to give me. To be honest, this is not a condition that cannot be refused."

Kane swallowed hard. Now it seems that for such a powerful existence, it is indeed not a condition that cannot be refused.

Then, Los smiled and said, "I can give you everything you can imagine."

"An extremely healthy body, a lifespan of three hundred years, and even strength beyond that of normal humans."

Hearing this, Kane felt an indescribable excitement bursting out from the depths of his soul!

These three items are the ultimate fantasy of all humans.

"And you, you need to give everything you have, from now on, you will be my loyal follower."

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