Kane has been a staunch atheist since he was a child. He always believed that his fate and future can only be controlled by himself.

Because he was confident and strong enough at that time, he had the ability to control his own future.

But in recent years, with the increase of age and the appearance of diseases, he began to believe in gods.

As for who to believe in, he didn't know. He just hoped that everything he had done in these years could be favored by the gods, so that he could get His favor when he was desperate.

Because he was no longer strong, he was full of unknowns and fears about his future.

And this fear reached its maximum tonight, just now.

He saw his illegitimate son, his most trusted subordinate, die in his arms, saw the bravery of promoting his subordinates, and also saw the shameful betrayal.

He found that no matter what you have done, no matter how powerful your majesty is, you can't get the loyalty of everyone.

Because people's hearts are always full of greed, just like others, and so are you.

At this moment, after Kane heard what Los said, the first thing he felt was dreaming.

Then, he came back to his senses and keenly perceived that everything Los said was true.

The price he had to pay to get all this was naturally extremely heavy.

It was very difficult for him to be a local emperor who had always been high above others and now to submit to others and become their loyal subordinates.

The twilight lion king was still the lion king. You could kill him, but you couldn't make him lose his pride.

Of course, the premise of all this was that the one who proposed all this was a "lion" at the same level as him.

And now, standing in front of Kane was a god!

Kane's mouth, which was surrounded by gray stubble, chuckled: "If you are really a god, I will be your loyal believer and regard you as the supreme faith in all my future lives."

After a pause, Kane's deep eyes looked at Los: "Respected and powerful Mayor Los Arkham, you... are you?"

What responded to him was not language, but a coldness that could easily freeze a person's soul.

When the great god in ancient armor and holding a spear appeared, Kane's eyes widened, and his weak and pale face showed an indescribable reverence and ecstasy.

"What I have done in my life has finally... won the favor of the gods."

No human can resist the true miracle, especially a greedy person in a desperate state.

The cold air flashed by, and when Kane came to his senses, he found that the god had disappeared, and the one standing there was still a smiling Los.

"Just now, was that an illusion?" Kane felt that all this was too dreamy.

Los stood up: "Maybe, maybe not."

"Where are you going?" Kane asked hurriedly.

Los smiled and said: "Today, some people will suddenly get lost in this city and disappear forever."

"Director Kane, be ready to dedicate everything you have, and then accept the gift of the gods."

The door of the office closed silently, and Kane looked at the dark office, and was stunned for a long time.

The huge police department and the noisy streets just now suddenly fell into a strange silence at this moment.

This silence is like the dead silence and loneliness left after the end of the world and the extinction of all souls, which can quickly torture people in this darkness to madness.

Kane felt for the first time what it meant to spend a day like a year in the dark. At this moment, he felt that every second seemed as long as a day.

Five minutes later.

After Kane spent "more than 300 days" in the dark, the door of the office opened again.

Bright light shone in from the door, and the darkness that had just fallen into gradually returned to light.

Kane looked up and saw Los standing there calmly, with the light behind him shining in from behind him, as if the light was emitted from his body, illuminating this dark and desperate world.

At this moment, Kane completely fell.

He struggled to get up, crawled on the ground, and touched his head, which had been proud all his life, to the ground: "Great God, I am willing to dedicate all my wealth, all my family, all my subordinates, and all of myself, in exchange for your gift and protection."

Silently, Kane felt someone touching his head, and silently six or seven warm currents flowed from his scalp to his body.

Then he felt as if he was surrounded by countless clouds, floating in the sky, and then lost consciousness.


When Kane came to his senses again, he found himself in an abandoned factory.

The cold wind poured into the room through the broken windows, bringing the temperature inside to minus 15 degrees.

But in this situation, Kane found that his whole body was very warm, without any cold.

He quickly got up, and then felt that his old and weak body was full of powerful strength.

Looking down, he saw that his old and weak hands had regained vitality.

The body that was gradually losing control had fully recovered, and the most important thing was... he now felt that he was omnipotent and could even kill a brown bear with his bare hands.

In the darkness, Kane first looked around vigilantly, but found that his eyes could clearly see everything in the darkness.

At the same time, his ears have become extremely keen, and he can easily hear the subtle footsteps outside the factory.

He suddenly looked back, and through the gap in the door, he saw a lone wolf looking towards this side with green eyes.

At the moment when the eyes of the man and the wolf collided, the wolf seemed to sense the great danger, turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

"Are you awake?" came a familiar and cold voice.

Kane's body froze, and then he turned around in disbelief. Then he suddenly discovered that the dead illegitimate child Bell had actually come back to life, and was standing in front of him so completely.

"Bell! My child! You...are you okay!?" Kane was overjoyed and wanted to reach out and hug him.

Bell's temper was still cold, and he quickly avoided his embrace and said calmly: "The life you gave me, I have given back to you. The Bell you know is dead. Now standing here is a brand new Bell. ”

Kane froze after hearing this. His keen ears suddenly heard the sound of footsteps.


He suddenly turned his head to look, only to find that the recently deceased Chief Qiu Qi was walking briskly carrying a box: "Director, I brought your uniform back!"

Kane blinked in disbelief: "Aren't you... dead? Church!?"

After hearing this, Church replied: "I did die, but the great master resurrected me, and Bell was resurrected with me."

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