After hearing what Church said, Kane finally understood the deep meaning of Bell's words just now.

It's not that he deliberately drew a line between himself and himself, but what he said was true.

The previous Bell was dead, and now it is Bell who has been resurrected!

Kane looked around and suddenly remembered: "Where is the great god?"

Bell still said coldly: "The master has gone back."

"Going back!?" Kane was stunned.

Church on the side explained: "After we woke up, the master was still there. He told us some things. Here are some things about your abilities and the tasks you need to perform next."

Kane was full of surprises. Although he didn't see Los again after waking up, at this moment, through these two people who came back from the dead, he deeply felt the power and unfathomableness of that person.

"Great God... What does the Mayor of Arkham want?" Feeling that it was a bit too difficult to say the great god, Kane changed the title.

He believed that the greatness of the gods could be seen in everything he did in his life. As long as he respected them enough in his heart, the great gods would not care about the title.

Bell said: "After you wake up, return to the police department and reorganize the police department. There is no need to kill people, because these people will be the master's servants in the future."

Kane's eyes flashed with ferocity after hearing this: "I know that I will keep those fence-sitters, but some people should be useless to the mayor, so I will deal with them myself."

Bell frowned slightly: "Don't be blinded by hatred and anger. The master gave you power, not for you to vent your anger!"

Kane did not feel uncomfortable with Bell's tone and blame, because Bell has always been like this and has never changed.

Kane said: "Don't worry, I will be sensible."

Bell continued: "Second, take out all the files about David Charlemagne at the time, and then redo it. David Charlemagne did not kill anyone at the time, and he did not have a mental illness. Then hold a press conference and completely overturn the case."

Hearing this, Kane was stunned: "David Charlemagne? Is the mayor still related to him?"

"Tomorrow, David Charlemagne will come here as the master's messenger. You should know what it means, right?" Bell said coldly.

Kane had been in the officialdom for many years, so he naturally knew what this meant. He instantly smelled the breath of the coming storm.

Kane said: "These two are fine, because he did not kill anyone at the beginning, it was very simple."

Bell handed over a piece of paper: "Third, use your secret power to start monitoring the daily movements of the people on this list. You don't need to explore any secrets. You must be concealed and never let the other party find out."

Kane took the list and looked at it, grinning: "Mayor Arkham is worthy of being a great god. Can he see the future? These guys, I am going to settle accounts with them!"

After Bell finished speaking, Church handed over the box and said: "The master asked me to tell you about your current abilities and strengths. You need to explore the details on your own."

Kane's eyes lit up when he heard this, Excitedly asked: "Tell me quickly."

Church said: "The master used a blood therapy method to heal all the diseases and old injuries in your body, and upgraded your body to about the level of a superhuman of level 15."

"Then based on this technology, the master upgraded your genes. He integrated the genes of spiders into your body, so that you not only have the huge power of arthropods, but also have the ability to spin silk, climb walls and sense danger like spiders."

"The master also said that your overall strength is about level 25 now, and your overall combat power is equivalent to an elite special forces of 100 people. He also said that you are the Spider-Man of another world, but I don't know what this last sentence means." Church said.

Kane heard this, and it seemed that the inherited memory hidden deep in his mind gradually awakened.

In an instant, Kane had an unprecedented understanding of his body.

He arched his legs slightly, and with a light jump, he jumped directly across a distance of six meters and came to the old iron gate of the factory.

Then he gently placed his hands on the door, and he actually climbed up like a spider.

Then he jumped down easily, holding the old iron door that weighed at least 500 kilograms with both hands, and actually picked it up like picking up a chair.

"This... is this the power of the gods!?" Seeing this terrifying ability that far exceeds the limit of human beings, Kane was extremely excited and surprised at this time.

Bell said lightly: "The master hopes that you can be like a spider, quietly weave a web with Massa City as the center, and then extend your web to the entire Massa Province, so that the master's will can cover the entire province."

"You'd better not let the master down."

Kane put down the big iron door, his eyes flashing with extremely excited and dazzling divine light, looking at the new and powerful body, taking a deep breath: "I swear, I will never let the great gods down!"

After receiving all the new information, Kane took off the old clothes that he had worn for several days. He opened the box and took out the uniform of the director of honor and dignity that belonged to him.

With the arrival of the first ray of sunshine in the morning, the Massa Tiger is back.


Office of the director of the police department

At this time, the two deputy directors who suddenly "got into trouble" last night were passionately denouncing the group of vicious bandits who had killed their beloved director.

The policemen below heard this at this time, and everyone had their own thoughts and sounded absent-minded.

"Does anyone know where Chief Bud has gone?" asked a bald deputy director with a big belly.

Chief Bud was the key figure in the action that everyone tacitly agreed to last night.

Now there is no one in the director's office except a pool of blood.

They thought Bud had succeeded and transported Kane's body away.

"Bud? That guy colluded with gangsters and attacked the director, and he has been shot dead."

At this time, a deep and powerful voice came.

Hearing this voice, everyone was like seeing a ghost.

Because at that time, many people saw with their own eyes that the owner of this voice was shot into a sieve by guns.

Turning around, they saw Chief Chuchi, who was wearing a uniform, striding in.

Just when they felt confused, a figure that they were very familiar with and had been extremely awed by all these years, the figure that should have disappeared forever, appeared again.

"Chief Kane!??" After seeing Kane, the two deputy directors almost got scared.

All the policemen couldn't help but tremble when they saw this scene.

The king is old, but his majesty remains.

Moreover, the king who has returned now is completely different from the old man who was like a candle in the wind yesterday!

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