When the two deputy ministers saw Kane coming back in this posture, they were so frightened that they almost peed.

You need to know how many days of observation it took for the two of them to have great courage and determination before they dared to execute the plan last night.

It was a plan that had no possibility of failure and was absolutely sure to kill in one strike. It was a perfect plan that they had deduced many times with those big shots without any flaws!

But now! There was a flaw in perfection, and it was the most serious flaw that frightened the two of them the most.

When everyone was overwhelmed by the solemn atmosphere, Kane had already arrived at the seat that used to belong to him, between the two deputy directors.

Then he stretched out his arms with a smile on his face, put his arms around the shoulders of the two deputy directors and asked with a smile: "What's going on? Such a large-scale mobilization meeting is held so early in the morning? Is there any major case?"

Snap! Snap!

In the silence, sweat continued to drip from the cheeks of the two deputy directors. Their fat faces were pale with fear, as if they were two pig heads that had been cut off and bled.

The two deputy directors did not dare to speak, and some of the police officers below who knew something about the situation were naturally frightened.

But there are still a lot of Kane's loyal followers who don't understand what is going on.

At this time, a squad leader who looked to be about thirty years old immediately said with indignation: "Director! The two deputy directors just said that you were killed by a gangster! They also said that we should go find the murderer!"

Another policeman said with an angry look on his face: "Yes! We wanted to raise questions, but the two of them pushed us back! Director! We suspect that there is something wrong with the two deputy directors!"

These two deputy ministers are outsiders who have been placed around Kane in the past two years, and they have not always had a good relationship with Kane's core confidants.

And these confidants have believed for many years that their real leader is naturally only Kane.

Two deputy directors airborne? What a fart!

The words of these people immediately broke the dead silence in the police hall. Kane's burly body leaned forward slightly, his eyes looked at the sweat on the foreheads of these two people, and his ears could keenly hear the nervous beating of their hearts.

"Don't you two want to explain it? I believe there must be some misunderstanding here?" Kane said with a smile.

Seeing Kane at this moment, all the police officers in the hall cheered.

For many years, Director Kane, the Tiger of Massa, has always shown his unfathomable smile and smiled at everyone. He is a "smiling tiger" in the true sense.

He is very kind and easy-going to his own people, and his smile is a testament to his absolute confidence.

Because true majesty does not require a serious appearance, but a spiritual aura and an attitude of leading by example.

Kane has been like this for many years, until recently when he had health problems, he seldom smiled and even had a bad temper.

Feeling that he was weak, the tiger felt inferior and thought that smiling would make him look cowardly, so he needed a majestic appearance to intimidate all his subordinates and enemies in his territory.

He knew it, and so did everyone else.

But now, the tiger that always smiles appears again, and what this means is clear to everyone.

The two deputy directors turned their heads with difficulty and looked at Kane with a smile on his face. In an instant, they felt a biting chill burst out from the gaps in his eyes and began to erode their souls.

The bald deputy director on the left said with difficulty: "There should be... there should be some misunderstandings... because we... found some problems in your office."

"Oh! That's it." Kane looked clear. Then he turned to look at all the police and said, "What are you looking at!? Are you waiting here to have breakfast?"

"Since it's a misunderstanding, then don't watch the fun here, just do whatever you have to do! Disband!"

Hearing these powerful words, as loud as a tiger's roar, everyone knew that the tiger from before was back.

No one here dared to disobey such an order. No one dared to stay at all and turned around and left quickly.

Some people are full of fighting spirit because their backbone is back.

Some people are confused and worried about their two-sided behavior yesterday.

Some people were already terrified, worried about what they had done yesterday.


Everyone left quickly, and the hall, which was a little crowded just now, quickly returned to calm.

Kane turned his head slightly and glanced at Church. Church immediately understood and turned away with a sinister smile on his face.

Kane hugged the two deputy directors and said with a smile: "Come on, you two, talk to me about the gang fight outside the police station last night."

"No need...we..."

The two of them desperately wanted to escape Kane's control and kept refusing, but they were surprised to find that Kane was now powerful.

In front of Kane, the two found themselves as powerless as two-year-old children.

Before the two of them could recover, they were already taken into his office by Kane.

Meanwhile, the Massa Center Building.

"What? Kane is not dead? What happened? Where was the person who acted last night? Where is Tom!?" In the luxurious office, the branch president of the Imperial Bank, Jean Vernon, asked in disbelief.

The person who made the report said with an ugly face: "No... I don't know. All the people who participated in the operation last night disappeared."

"Missing! How is it possible! We have turned half of Kane's core subordinates against us, and we have temporarily pulled out his underworld forces. Where did he get the people who could make our forty elites suddenly disappear?!"

Fen Neng felt deeply incredible at this moment.

At this time, another subordinate ran in and said, "President! According to the subsequent report, Kane's body seems to have fully recovered. Now he looks very healthy and strong, and the whole person presents a very strong and confident aura."

Fen Neng instinctively cursed after hearing this: "Bullshit! ALS is a terminal illness!"

"But..." The subordinate lowered his head and dared not say more.

For a moment, the office fell into silence.

About five minutes later, a young man in a neat suit ran in hurriedly, his face pale and said, "Not good!"

"What's wrong?" Fen Neng asked upset.

"Just got the news that two deputy chiefs of the Massa Police Department committed suicide out of fear of crime!"


Hearing this, Vern suddenly sat up from his chair, and in an instant he felt that the whole world had become a mess.

Today was supposed to be a perfect day, the sun was shining, the thorn in their eyes was removed, and then they appointed their people, and the beautiful world was beckoning to them.

But in less than ten minutes, he felt that this perfect day was so bad!

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