Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 300 Returning to the long-lost home

Police Department, Director's Office.

Kane wiped his hands and said, "They are both sensible people. Since they are more cooperative, don't disturb their families."

Bell said, "Hate and the others came back overnight. Although they are a little slow, it is not too late. I plan to clean up the people in various organizations during this period. It's time to let them know who is the boss now."

Kane agreed, "Okay, I trust you to do the job. Go ahead."

Bill glanced at Kane, and after a moment of silence, he said, "The day after tomorrow is her death anniversary."

Kane's body stiffened, and then he said in a heavy voice, "I know."

After Bell left, Church walked in quickly and said, "Director, I have retrieved all the files on David Charlemagne. It can be easily handled in one morning without leaving any loopholes."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you first." Kane said, straightening his collar.

"Are you going home?" Church asked.

Kane's mouth curled up slightly: "After working for eight consecutive days, it's time to go home, isn't it?"

Church laughed: "Yes, you should "visit" your family."

After leaving the police department, Kane got into his own car. The driver was a little happy: "Director, you look really good. Where are you going today?"

Since he got sick, Kane rarely left the police station, and the royal driver was naturally unemployed.

Kane said casually: "Go home."



When Kane was preparing to go home, Kane's home was already in a mess.

The most worried person was naturally Kane's current legal wife, Maria Kane.

The second was Kane's eldest son, Jock Kane.

Because both mother and son were involved in Kane's assassination last night.

They even started preparing for a celebration party today.

However, as the news from the police department continued to come, the two people's thoughts of celebrating suddenly fell into an ice cave.

When they found that something was wrong, they quickly changed their minds and unified the caliber of their family members.

Especially their two sons and two daughters.

"Mom! Uncle and aunt are here." The eldest daughter of the two, Fanny Kane, opened the door and said.

Maria and Jock felt slightly relieved after hearing this. They were all responsible for Kane's affairs. Now that the four of them were together, they had already mastered 70% of the family and various channels' connections and resources while Kane was sick.

What if he didn't die now? What's the point of pretending to be strong even temporarily?

As for Kane's body, their close relatives knew it all.

Maria said: "Fanny, call your uncle and aunt to the living room."

Fanny frowned slightly: "I don't have time, you let Jock go."

Seventeen-year-old Fanny is still in the rebellious period. She has no sense of belonging to the whole family, and naturally hates the strong father.

Without waiting for her mother to speak, Fanny turned around and closed the door and left.

"This disobedient girl!" Maria's face was full of dissatisfaction.

She and Kane had no feelings, and even had deep dissatisfaction and hatred.

It was a political marriage at first, but after the marriage, the powerful Kane has been in power all the time, and the conditions discussed at the time of marriage have not been fulfilled because Kane is becoming increasingly powerful.

And the four children she gave birth to, except for her eldest son, the other three children have similar personalities to Kane, which made her dislike these three children since she was a child, and even a little disgusted.

Soon, two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, walked in with worried faces.

The two people are similar to Kane only in face shape and eyes, because they are not brothers with Kane, but their fathers are brothers.

The first thing they did when they came in was to quickly come up with a plan to deal with it.

That is to drag it out until Kane's body is no longer able to do it.

Because they firmly believe that it was Kane's bluffing, because they know Kane's condition too well.

Just as they were talking, the servant came in and said, "Madam, the master is back."

! ! !

Hearing this, the four people were shocked. They didn't expect Kane to go home today...

To be precise, he dared to come back today!

Several people looked at each other and asked, "How many people did he bring?"

The servant said, "Besides the master, there is only one driver."

"Only him?" Hearing this, Maria suddenly felt a little incredible.

Several people made a quick decision in a few seconds. The opportunity must not be missed.

Then several people quickly began to make arrangements, preparing to control Kane in their own hands this time.

The black iron gate at the gate slowly opened, and the car entered the manor along the neat stone road, and finally stopped at the flower bed fountain in front.

Kane turned and got out of the car, looking at this manor that he bought with his years of hard work, and suddenly felt familiar and strange.

At this time, the front door opened, and Maria ran out with her four children with a worried and anxious look.

"Dear! You are finally back!" At this time, Maria had tears in the corners of her eyes, like a good wife and mother who had not seen her husband for a long time and was full of worry in her heart.

Kane turned his head and saw his younger brother and sister at a glance. His sharp eyes could see their vigilance and tension at a glance.

The sharp ears clearly heard the breathing and heartbeat of the hidden person in the manor.

Instantly, Kane had a strong feeling and confidence that everything was completely under his control.

"This is the power beyond human beings! This is the miracle given to me by the gods!" Kane thought in his heart, with a very bright smile on his face.

Seeing such a smile on Kane's face, everyone here was stunned.

Because they had never seen Kane actually show such a...bright and pious smile.

You know, this kind of smile belongs to those devout religious people.

And Kane is a staunch atheist!

"This guy, did he start to believe in God in order to cure his illness? It's really desperate and stupid! If there is really a god in this world, a scum like you would have been struck to death by lightning long ago!" Maria thought disdainfully in her heart.

Kane came back to his senses and strode over and said, "Oh! Maria, my wife! I'm so happy to see you again!"

"And my brother! My sister, and my children!"

As Kane said, a very strange smile appeared on his face.

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