Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 301 The Creator of Life Who Takes the Blame

"Kane is home?" Openg asked lazily while sipping the same coffee in the Massa Center Building.

As a middle-level figure who is a loyal dog of the military, this young man who is slightly chubby and looks very easy-going and sunny has already mastered astonishing wealth and connections beyond ordinary people's imagination at the age of 32.

Opposite him, President Vernon nodded and said, "According to the intelligence, Kane seems to have recovered."

Openg frowned slightly: "Where is John?"

The operation last night was led by one of his capable men, John.

John is not only a killer who is proficient in assassination, but also an eleventh-level superhuman. When he carries out this task, it can be said that it is foolproof.

But now, the one in 10,000 chance has appeared.

Vernon whispered: "I don't know, there is no news yet, John and his people suddenly disappeared."

Hearing this, Openg frowned slightly: "Is this guy out of control again?"

After John, a death row prisoner, was rescued by him, he was used as a military experiment subject for experiments.

However, his physique was still not suitable and he was eliminated after only one round of experiments.

Although he was eliminated, he still gained some physical strength and speed beyond the limits of normal humans in this round of experiments.

But as a price, he was mentally unstable due to the tremendous torture he suffered.

However, Openg is still very confident that John will not betray, because the bomb in his head is not a decoration.

"What's going on with Kane?" Openg asked.

As for what happened last night, the two of them couldn't figure it out here. He was going to send others over to conduct a detailed investigation later.

Vernon said: "He dealt with the two deputy directors we installed and then went home directly."

"Go home?" Openg raised an eyebrow without much eyebrows and said in deep thought: "Since he dares to go home, it means that he has indeed gained some special power and has become more confident."

Vernon pondered: "Yesterday during the day, we were able to confirm that this guy was huddled there and his body was not getting any better."

Openg suddenly asked: "How long has it been since you have officially contacted Kane and asked about his physical condition?"

Hearing this, Furneng was suddenly shocked: "For almost a week, he has been huddled in the office these days."

"Then is it possible that he can use special methods to control his condition during this week?" Oupeng asked.

The doctor who initially diagnosed Kane and the subsequent treating doctors were all their people. They knew Kane's condition very well, and they were very confident that Kane's disease would never be cured so quickly.

"There is indeed a possibility. During this period, his illegitimate subordinates were asking around for treatment methods, and even wanted to contact those extraordinary forces. Although most of them ignored them because of the majesty of the adults, it is still possible to find temporary relief. ”

While the two people were talking, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Vernon said.

Immediately, a young man walked in and reported: "Kane was very calm after returning home. His wife and brother wanted to take measures to control him."

"What's the result?" Openg asked.

The young man whispered: "We don't know much about the whole process. Later, they seemed to reach an agreement and no conflict broke out."

After hearing this, the two people fell into deep thought.

"Mr. Openg, Mr. John is back." At this time, the attendant at the door said.

Aoneng stood up after hearing this: "Let him come in."

Soon, a long-faced young man with gray hair, tall and thin body, wearing a black trench coat and sunken eyes walked in.

This young man looks a little scary, and his mouth seems to have fangs that are not like human beings. His ten thin fingers are like the talons of an eagle.

"Why did you come back!?" Aopeng asked dissatisfied.

John grinned horribly and spit out the pungent smell of blood: "Eat something."

Hiss, hiss...

Hearing this, Verneng and the young man on the side immediately shivered instinctively.

Openg was not surprised and asked: "What happened last night? Why didn't Kane die, but what about the others?"

"Almost all dead." John replied calmly.

"What!? All dead!?" Upon hearing this, Openg was shocked.

Then he seemed to think of something, and then asked Verneng to go out and closed the door.

"Are there other superhumans involved?" Openg asked in a low voice.

John expressed his gratitude: "Five guys suddenly appeared. It was very scary. They took Kane away directly. We had a conflict with them. We were almost massacred here. I felt something was wrong and ran away. I escaped. A calamity.”

Openg asked in a low voice: "What are his characteristics? Do you know who he is?"

John thought for a while and then said: "I can't tell who they are, but from their conversation, I vaguely heard that they wanted to transport all the corpses back to the research institute."

"Institute? What institute?"

"Who knows." John said impatiently.

Openg immediately asked: "John! Answer me!"

When John heard this voice, his body froze, as if he had received some kind of psychologically suggestive order.

Then John was silent for almost a minute, and then he tried hard to recall: "When they were killing people, they seemed to say that many new lives could be born from these corpses."

"The Creator of Life!" Upon hearing this, Open's eyes immediately thought of that group of crazy and dangerous guys.

John seemed to be thinking too much about the problem, and he was very violent at this time, gritting his teeth and said: "I want to eat!"

Open snapped his fingers, and then two servants walked in tremblingly and said: "Mr. John, your food is ready."

John did not speak, and walked over silently.

Then, Open made a phone call: "Sir, Kane did not know through what channel to contact the Creator of Life."

A low voice came from the other end of the phone: "Wait and see, he must have a backup plan next."


After a pause, Open asked tentatively: "Sir, what should we do if we contact the Creator of Life?"

"I'll let No. 7 take people over. If they don't know what's good for them, let them die."



In Arkham Sanatorium, Los, whose belly was scary, suddenly opened his mouth and vomited more than 40 corpses.

Kurvin, who was ready on the side, quickly led the medical staff to sort out these well-preserved corpses.

After all, these are all important materials and resources here.

"I'm so tired." Ross wiped his saliva.

After eating these people last night, he was like a flying fat pig, flying with them for two hours before flying back to Arkham.

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