"Mayor, do these people really not need to be transformed into "policemen"?" Debbie, who was in charge of counting the number, asked curiously.

Now in Arkham, the word "policeman" has become synonymous with ghouls.

High-level ghouls can transform into human forms, have very keen sense of smell and tracking ability, and are simply the best choice for policemen.

Loss smiled and said, "Arkham now has enough policemen for the time being, and these corpses will be used for you to practice."

As he said, Loss picked up the corpse of a young man and said, "Look, these guys haven't been dead for long, and there is still a certain amount of consciousness left in their bodies. This is a good training for you."

"Thank you! Mayor!" Debbie said happily and excitedly.

It's hard to imagine that such a sunny and energetic little girl showed such a bright and innocent expression in front of a pile of corpses.

After dealing with the corpses, Loss gave some instructions to Murthy and others, and then returned home first.

Lilith had packed her luggage at home.

"It's a pity that I can't go with my master this time." Lilith said reluctantly.










At 11 o'clock in the morning, the group boarded the ship and set sail.

In the conference room, Borg handed over the relevant identity documents and said, "Mayor, this is your identity document. It is not perfect, but they need at least one month to find out some problems."

"One month is enough." Los said as he took the things.

Charlemagne was somewhat nervous and worried at this time: "Mayor, can Kane really handle my affairs in these two days?"

Los smiled and said, "Don't worry."

"What about Judy? She has known that I have been in Arkham for many years." Charlemagne whispered.

Los smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, she won't say much."


"Because curiosity kills the cat."


At noon, Kane leisurely enjoyed lunch at home, while his wife and brothers who were dining with him at this time also had their own thoughts, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

After wiping his mouth, Kane just stood up and said, "I'm done, Fanny, you will go out with me later."

Kane's eldest daughter Fanny was a little dissatisfied after hearing this: "Father, I have an appointment in the afternoon..."

Kane tilted his head slightly, and a terrifying light flashed in his eyes.

Fanny's neck shrank immediately, and she lowered her head and said nothing.

She had a date this afternoon, but she knew that if she disobeyed him casually, her damn father would probably kill her lover.

Others seemed to be familiar with this situation, and they didn't dare to say much, and they ate quietly with their heads down.

"Dress up nicely, don't embarrass me." Kane said.

Fanny whispered: "Father, I don't want to go on a blind date yet..."

"Blind date?" Hearing this, Kane frowned slightly, and slightly tilted his head to look at his eldest daughter who perfectly inherited the genes of himself and his wife.

"Are you in love?" Kane asked lightly.

This made Fanny's body tremble, her heart beat faster, and she hurriedly answered: "No."

Kane naturally knew that his daughter was lying, but he didn't care about it.

"Not going on a blind date, come with me to meet Judy Charlemagne." After saying that, he turned and left the restaurant.

Hearing this, Fanny suddenly raised her head and looked at her father in disbelief.

Judy Charlemagne has always been her idol since she was a child. Although she has seen the beautiful woman several times at various dances, she has never had a chance to talk.

This has always been her regret.

"Father... what are you doing?" Fanny, who has never felt the love of a father, was full of incomprehension.

Although she didn't understand, she couldn't hold back her excitement, wiped her mouth and said, "I'm done."

After that, she left in a hurry.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Kane brought Fanny to Charlemagne's mansion.

As the former first noble of Massa Province, the former Lord of Massa, and the descendant of the Paladin, the Charlemagne family has retreated behind the scenes and has shown signs of decline, but under the management of Judy Charlemagne, it still holds amazing wealth.

This huge and exquisite manor alone is not comparable to a nouveau riche like him.

Kane has made an appointment in advance.

The father and daughter entered the magnificent living room easily.

After a short wait, the fragrant tea and sweet snacks were served.

This immediately made Fanny a little excited, because in the circle of little girls, it has been rumored that the tea and snacks of the Charlemagne family are the most delicious, and several of her good friends have been showing off that they have eaten the tea and snacks of the Charlemagne family and are proud and proud.

Just when Fanny was struggling whether to eat or not, the door opened and the sound of crisp high heels hitting the ground came.

Then Judy Charlemagne, wearing a black dress, delicate makeup, and beautiful appearance, walked in.

"Oh! Dear Director Kane, I am really happy to see you recover." Judy smiled warmly.

Kane stood up and laughed: "Haha, your insight is still so sharp. I have been praying strictly for these years. Maybe the gods heard my prayers and my body recovered."

"I'm sorry to visit you in your busy schedule."

While Kane was speaking, Judy looked at Kane carefully, although because of Kane's intentional concealment, she didn't know Kane's true level.

But she was sure that Kane had officially entered the ranks of the extraordinary.

"I wonder what Director Kane has come for this time?" Judy sat down and asked with a smile.

Kane smiled and said, "I am delivering a message to you."

"What message?" Judy was interested.

"The lone wolf wandering outside is about to return home."

I didn't plan to write these two chapters

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