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Chapter 303: Lone Wolf Returns Home (Part 1)

Hearing Kane's words, Judy's eyes flashed instantly, and then she said with a smile: "Little Fanny!"

Fanny felt a little nervous when she heard Judy calling her that: "Mrs. Charlemagne, I'm here."

Judy smiled and said: "The tea here is not the most delicious here. I have prepared it for you next door. I want to talk to your father about some serious business."

When Fanny heard that Judy cared so much about her, she suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. Without any hesitation, she quietly stood up, saluted and left quickly.

After Fanny left, there were only two people left in the huge room.

At this time, Judy sat up, looking like a high and mighty queen, staring at Kane with a pair of sharp eyes: "Oh? I didn't know that Director Kane and my husband have a good relationship."

Kane smiled and replied: "With your ability, it should be clear that your husband and I have no friendship."

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Judy's eyes: "It seems that Director Kane was able to emerge from last night's operation unharmed. It must be that person's ability, right?"

Kane replied: "Your insight and wisdom are still as sharp as before. I am here this time to convey a message to you on behalf of Mayor Arkham."

"Oh? What message?" Judy was very interested.

Kane replied: "Your husband has lived a good life in Arkham over the years, and has mastered some other abilities with the help of the mayor of Arkham. This time, when he comes here, he will completely get rid of your control and conquer you."


As soon as Kane finished speaking, a cold snort filled with coldness and murderous intent came out, and the huge pressure made Kane's breath suddenly suffocate.

In an instant, he fully understood how terrifying this woman was.

Now that he has been transformed by the mayor of Arkham, he already has strength and abilities far beyond those of normal people, but at this time, he still has no ability to fight back in front of Judy.

"Los Arkham, what does he think of himself?" Judy said disdainfully.

Kane smiled: "You will probably know what the Mayor of Arkham is when you get in contact with your husband."

"I have followed Mayor Arkham's wishes and can overturn all the original cases against David Charlemagne today, paving the way for your husband's return home."

Judy stared at Kane: "At this time, he sent my husband back. It seems that he can no longer hold on and is preparing to cause some trouble in Massa City."

Kane did not answer and continued: "Your husband is now the leader of a troupe. He ran away directly after you sent him to Arkham. He has been touring the August Empire for many years. He It has nothing to do with Arkham.”

"Since he is so taboo about the military and financial circles, he still dares to tell me these things? You know, I am also a member of their camp now."

Kane said easily: "Mayor Arkham said that you should hate those annoying fat pigs, so Mayor Arkham is willing to help you kill all those annoying fat pigs."

"Also, the Mayor of Arkham wants to make a bet with you."


"The current Charlemagne will definitely defeat you and conquer you. The mayor said that the current Charlemagne will never let you down."

Judy fell into deep thought when she heard this and stopped talking.

Kane said everything he needed to say, then stood up and said, "I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't interrupt."

"Go back and tell Los Arkham." Judy's cold and aloof voice came.

"I'm waiting for the surprise he brings me."


At the same time, in the conference room of the cabin.

"Mayor, your plan is really wonderful! You transfer all of Kane's contradictions to the creator of life." Charlemagne said in shock.

Ross: "Thanks to Kenneth for providing information about the creators of life. These guys are a group of lunatics who don't recognize their relatives. They can't deal with everyone, and their whereabouts are elusive. They are the most suitable candidates to take the blame."

Borg exclaimed: "The mayor's thinking is really strategizing and winning a thousand miles away."

Of course Lose didn't care about the flattery and said, "Next, look at your information in detail and pay attention to your personality so as not to reveal your secrets."


After that, everything was spent in silence.

The Los Eleven people spent two days at sea, changed three ships, and successfully took a passenger ship to Qianshan Port.

After coming down from the port, stay overnight and then take the train directly to Massa.

Three days after leaving Arkham, when Los officially came down from the station, a new storm was brewing throughout the Massa Province.

According to a report from the Provincial Police Department, after they arrested a gang of thieves, the gang members confessed to an old case in order to atone for their sins.

David Charlemagne, who was once accused of murder, was not a murderer. He was framed by someone. It is a pity that the person who framed him died in a gang fight a year ago. Now we only know that he was framed by someone. He was framed, but he didn't know who was behind it.

As the news came out here, the Charlemagne family at the center of the incident quickly followed up.

David Charlemagne's wife, Judy Charlemagne, then announced that Charlemagne did not have a mental illness at the time. All of this was a compromise, waiting for the arrival of true justice.

In these years, he has not been in a mental hospital, but has been wandering in the August Empire, waiting for justice to come.

Then the entire Charlemagne and Roman family expressed high praise for Director Kane's cracking of an important case again, and notified David Charlemagne, who had been living abroad for many years, to return home.

Walking out of the station, Charlemagne looked up at the familiar yet unfamiliar streets and buildings, and was a little dazed for a moment.

When he was forcibly taken away from here, he never thought that he would have the opportunity to return here again.

Renault bought a newspaper casually, looked down, and then sighed: "City... It's really big news!"

Charlemagne took the newspaper and looked at it, and clearly saw all kinds of things that happened in the past two days.

Los took a general look and was very satisfied with this progress. Kane is worthy of being an old hand, and even the opportunity to discover this case is so perfect.

Taking a deep breath, Charlemagne said: "Let's go! Let's... go home!"

An hour later, Joel and Artes took another train to Massa. The two would not act with Los and others.

Because they still have their tasks.

"Let's go, find a place to stay first, and then find a chance to visit Director Kane." Joel said skillfully, taking Artes out of the station.

"Sir, do you need anything?" At this time, a child of twelve or thirteen stopped the two and asked in a low voice.

The two looked down and found that the child was holding two small bags of gray powder.

Joel's eyes flashed, and he smiled and said, "Give me some."

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