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Chapter 304: The Lone Wolf Returns Home (Part 2)

"What do Kane and Charlemagne mean?" In the Massa Center Building, Vern frowned and looked at the newspaper, not knowing what the two people meant.

Open said calmly: "David Charlemagne is coming back."

"David Charlemagne, where has this guy been all these years?" Vern was completely confused.

David Charlemagne was definitely a rising star among the Massa nobles, and the most dazzling one.

But after marriage, this peerless genius quickly fell and finally disappeared completely.

Open said calmly: "This guy has indeed been in the August Empire all these years, but there has been no major action, and it seems that he has completely cut off his relationship with the family."

"Have you investigated?" Vern was shocked.

Open glanced at him: "If everything had to wait for you bunch of rubbish, the province of Massa would have been infiltrated by Arkham long ago."

Fernong smiled flatteringly: "Your wisdom is naturally not comparable to people like us. Thanks to you for always presiding over the overall situation here."

Open stood up: "No matter what, David Charlemagne's purpose of coming back will definitely not be that simple. Keep an eye on them!"



At three o'clock in the afternoon, ten men and women in very ordinary clothes suddenly came to the huge Charlemagne manor.

These people were carrying some shabby big packages, which seemed to have a lot of things in them, and each one was full.

These ten guys who looked like homeless people dared to stay outside the Charlemagne manor, which was naturally a humiliation to the entire Charlemagne family.

The two guards at the door took out their batons and shouted loudly: "You homeless people, get out of here!"

Hearing this scolding, Charlemagne, who was leading the way, took off his hat, and his shining hair was so dazzling and bright under the sun.

Just this eye-catching hair made the two burly guards stunned.

When they saw the handsome face under the golden hair, but now with a little vicissitudes, their expressions were shocked.

All the servants of the Charlemagne family, from the butler, the head of the guard, to the male servants, the female servants, and the guards, are inherited from generation to generation.

Many people have served in the Charlemagne family for several generations, and 90% of them will devote their lives to Charlemagne.

These two fierce guards are no exception. They replaced their fathers at the age of 23 and started to guard here. Now it has been ten years.

The two people who impressed them the most were naturally the fairy couple blessed by the gods, the peerless pride.

Among them, they were naturally deeply impressed by the handsome young master who seemed to be not supposed to exist in the world.

"Young... Young Master!?"

After seeing Charlemagne, the two guards were full of shock and disbelief.

Charlemagne's somewhat vicissitudes of life face was filled with some reminiscence and tenderness: "It's Jack and Jerry! Why, don't you recognize me?"

The two strong men shook their heads hurriedly, and then said excitedly: "No, no, no! How is it possible! Even if we don't know our parents, we can't forget the young master. You just wore a hat and we..."

Looking at the two people's excuses, Charlemagne smiled and waved his hand and said: "Okay, I know you didn't mean it, open the door."

The two people didn't hesitate at all, and then nodded and pushed open the gate of the entire manor.

Charlemagne watched the heavy iron gate being pushed open, and his eyes were full of nostalgia at the white stone road in front of him, as well as the statue fountain in front of the house.

"After three years, I'm finally back." At this moment, longing and emotion covered everything of Charlemagne, and he even forgot the real purpose of his return.

Of course, this state only lasted for a moment.

The gate of the manor suddenly opened, which immediately alarmed the defense system in the manor.

You know, the gate of the manor is only opened when important guests come, the owner comes back or goes out, or when a major party is held. The side door is usually opened.

Now Judy, the only owner of the manor, is dealing with things. There are no special guests scheduled today. Now the gate is suddenly opened, which is assumed to be a very serious provocation.

Less than ten seconds after the gate was opened, at least twenty fully armed guards walked out of the gates on both sides of the manor. The deputy general manager of the family also walked out of the small door next to the main gate quickly to see the situation.

When the deputy general manager saw ten people like homeless people walking in, his lungs exploded.

But the next second, when he saw the brilliant golden hair under the sun, he was stunned.

Only to see his lips trembling constantly, muttering: "Young... Young Master!?"

At the same time, Judy, who was in the study on the third floor, naturally felt the familiar breath.

At this time, she stood up and looked through the window. When she saw the brilliant hair, the memories buried deep in her heart gradually appeared, which made her a little dazed.

But the next second, her expression returned to being cold again, revealing a hint of sneer: "Charlemagne, I want to see how many surprises you can give me. Are you still as cowardly and incompetent as before?"

"Master, the young master is back." At this time, a cold female voice came from outside the door.

Closing the book, Judy opened the door and said, "Since you are back, you should be welcomed."


Downstairs, when Charlemagne led people to the statue fountain in front of the house, all the servants who were temporarily unemployed in the manor gathered together.

The butler, the deputy butler, the first batch of male servants, and the first batch of female servants all came out after hearing the news.

Looking over here, there were about fifty people gathered at the door, waiting for Charlemagne's return with excitement and respect.

When Los saw this, he couldn't help but say in his heart: "Look! This is the real face!"

And Eve, Renault, Gloria and others who had been living in the lower class of society were stunned at this time.

This vast and exquisite manor, spectacular buildings, exquisite statues, and these terrifying number of servants, all broke through the ceiling of their fantasy of the life of the rich.

"Is this... the life of a real rich person? Too dreamy, right?" Gloria muttered in disbelief.

While he was dazed, two butlers wearing black tuxedos, combed their hair, and wearing white gloves came over excitedly: "Master, you... you are finally back."

Charlemagne looked around, his face became more and more gentle and calm.

Almost half of the people here watched him grow up, and to him, they were like uncles and aunts.

Especially the 55-year-old butler, Bayer, who had taken care of him since he was a child.

"Uncle Bayer, I'm back." Charlemagne was overwhelmed with emotion and even felt like tears welled up in his eyes.

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