Looking at Charlemagne's strength and arrogance at this time, Judy did not show such disgust.

Under the guidance of the bishop, when Judy discovered her twisted and vicious nature, she felt deeply disgusted with the mainstream kindness and gentleness.

The essence of the teachings she received since childhood and her own efforts is to adapt to this disgusting world where the strong prey on the weak and blood and money are intertwined.

And the so-called kindness and gentleness are just the disguise and excuses for escape shown by those cowardly people.

Five years ago, whenever Charlemagne showed that kind of care and pity for those servants, she felt disgusted and disgusted.

Perhaps she was born to be the vicious queen in the story!

In silence, Judy began to take off her clothes. When the luxurious and beautiful skirt gradually fell off the body that made countless men salivate, Charlemagne's breathing suddenly became heavy.

"What? After not seeing you for many years, do you also want to have a good time with me?" Charlemagne asked with a smirk.

Judy did not speak. In silence, a large number of black lines gradually appeared on her smooth skin.

These black lines gradually emerged from her skin like countless tentacles, and then quickly gathered under Charlemagne's gaze.

In an instant, these black lines directly turned into close-fitting clothes with countless black substances gathered.

Then, on those dark clothes, a large number of hideous mouths full of fangs and barbs appeared.

Then the key parts of her body were covered by the hideous and dense mouths, making this beautiful lady extremely weird and twisted, which was terrifying.

At the same time, the rest of the black gradually turned into dark gloves and boots, covering her calves and forearms, and the dark and solid mask covered her rosy lips.

In just ten seconds, she turned into a female assassin wearing a strange armor, with deadly beauty and mysterious sexiness.

"David Charlemagne, I will not allow cowards who are weaker than me to touch my body."

A low, hoarse voice came from under the mask.

As she spoke, Judy's eyes turned red, like a demon in the dark.

"If you really have the ability to break through my Black Forest Armor, then you can play with my body at will."

"But! Do you have such ability?"

Hearing this provocative but tempting tone, Charlemagne also immediately aroused a strong desire to win and conquer.

"The mayor is really omniscient. He actually guessed Judy's thoughts so accurately without meeting her!"

The admiration for the mayor in his heart was gradually covered by the strong desire and competitiveness.

Facing the twisted and dangerous weird clothes, Charlemagne's greedy eyes slowly swept over Judy's body, looking at those mysterious parts, although covered by the hideous mouth, it seemed that he could see the inner beauty through these twisted monsters.

"Judy Roman, you have successfully aroused my desire to conquer!" Charlemagne said, striding out of bed.

Judy gradually entered the combat form: "David Charlemagne, let me see what you are capable of."

"I have a lot of abilities..." Charlemagne said, and his body began to grow taller.

In less than five seconds, Charlemagne's body had reached two meters high, covered with soft black hair, and his ferocious wolf mouth was filled with scary fangs.

The thick arms were five times thicker than Judy's thighs!

Seeing Charlemagne, who had completely dehumanized at this time, Judy's scarlet eyes flashed with astonishment, and then she was eager to try.


The next second, the thick arms collided with Judy's black gloves.

Then Charlemagne directly opened his arms to hug Judy and pressed her down.

Crack! Crack!

Those ferocious mouths were naturally not for show. The moment the two people came into contact, those mouths began to bite Charlemagne's skin and hair frantically.

But the next second, Judy suddenly discovered that the mouth that could easily bite through steel could not tear Charlemagne's skin!

Charlemagne grinned at this time, turned over and pressed Judy's petite body under him, saying fiercely: "What kind of body do you think this is!?"

"This is a powerful body with the blood of the ancient gods! Judy Roman! I will plunder everything from you today! Wash away everything you have done to me over the years!"

At this time, Charlemagne has gradually shown his bestiality because of the pain and stimulation.

You know, although these mouths can't tear his skin, the pain caused still exists.

It feels like there are many people constantly pinching his skin.

At this time, Judy, who looks weak, can't resist the powerful force of the thirty-nine-level werewolf at all, and is pressed on the bed by Charlemagne.

Then under her incredible gaze, completely ignoring those ferocious mouths, the big hands began to move constantly, releasing huge power, as if venting the hatred and anger accumulated over the years!

"Damn it! What level are you now!?" At this moment, facing such an unbearable behavior, Judy has no ability to resist.

Charlemagne leaned over and opened his mouth and said: "Thirty-nine level!"

"Level 39!?" Upon hearing this, Judy was shocked. She knew very well how long it would take and how much it would cost to advance to level 30.

Um! ! !

Just as she was meditating, the big hand with super strength had already kneaded the soft jelly-like existence through the inhuman monster's coat.

And before she could regain her senses, the continuous force like waves kept coming.

A special feeling that she had never felt before suddenly filled her body and her spirit.

Unknowingly, she had tightened her legs, and her scarlet eyes were a little confused.


This was accompanied by an inhuman roar.

Click! Click!

Judy suddenly discovered that the ferocious claws actually clawed their way in through the gaps in the armor, and then a huge force burst out, peeling off the inhuman monster armor bit by bit from her body.

"This is...what a powerful force!?"

In the five seconds that Judy was stunned, the armor on her upper body was peeled off and completely crushed by the ferocious claws.

Seeing the perfect existence exposed just now, Charlemagne's eyes turned red, and his primitive animality and impulse gradually covered everything about him.

More terrifying and violent power burst out.

The twisted armor only lasted three minutes under such power before it was completely stripped off by Charlemagne in the most primitive way.

"Now! Who is the master!?" Charlemagne growled ferociously.

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