The young master came back at three o'clock in the afternoon, and at half past three he returned to the bedroom with the mistress, who then removed all the people on the third floor.

The two masters did not come out until seven or eight o'clock in the evening. Later, under the order of the experienced butler Bayer, they gave up the two masters and prepared dinner for the guests.

After all, without the order of the two masters, the others did not dare to return to the third floor rashly.

As for what happened on the third floor, no one knew.

The servants only heard some faint sounds that seemed to be screams and cries in some places near the bedrooms on the second and fourth floors.

The sound was very strange, sometimes low, sometimes high, coherent and with vague nonsense, and sometimes stopped abruptly after a high-pitched cry.

Then after a short lull, the crying sound came again.

Most of the servants here are naturally experienced people, and naturally know what this sound means.

In addition to being amazed at the young master's bravery, they also marveled at the mistress's amazing endurance.

The vague cry continued like this, from the high pitch at the beginning, to hoarseness, and finally to a faint moan.

It lasted from four o'clock in the afternoon until twelve o'clock at midnight before it gradually subsided.

Lying in the guest room on the west side of the second floor, Los sat on the bed, holding his chin and thinking.

As guests who have been with the young master for many years, Butler Bayer's reception standards for them are very good.

Each of them got a 40-square-meter high-end guest room comparable to a luxury hotel.

At this time, Los sat here, although the straight-line distance from the master bedroom on the third floor was more than 50 meters.

But his keen ears could clearly hear the battle situation in the master bedroom on the third floor at all times.

"Charlemagne, this guy! How can he be so persistent? He is even more powerful than me?" Los felt a little confused.

After all, he is also a half-ancient god of level 90, how can he not be better than a little werewolf of less than level 40 in this regard.

You know, Lilith, who is now level 49, has a very strong tolerance in this regard, even making Los a little unable to resist.

"Damn! It's really a self-inflicted disaster!" Los seemed to have thought of something.

"Before, in order to save energy, I made a fixed framework of five forms for my body, but set the normal form of the body to level 25."

Thinking of this, Los finally knew where he was lacking.

"No, this won't work! Think of a way... think of a way!" Being outdone by his subordinates immediately inspired Los's ambition.

It was already midnight, and the tentacle Los finally used his extraordinary thinking to think of a good way.

"Now with the help of the real blood of the ancient gods, my ability can have a qualitative improvement, but because the level 90 has been crushing me, I don't feel any urgency."

Thinking of this, Los's stomach churned slightly, and then some refined blood of the ancient gods appeared.

The blood of the ancient gods obtained from Innsmouth has been stored in Los's "stomach".

After all, in the current situation, only Los's body can accommodate these blood of the ancient gods.

These ancient god bloods are a great adventure for those superhumans, but for Los, they are a huge tonic.

"It takes about 20 drops of 100% pure ancient god blood." Los is ready to go one step further.

This real ancient god blood is of great help to a half-baked ancient god like him.

These 20 drops of 100% pure ancient god blood are 80% of all the ancient god blood he brought back.

Now he wants to use these ancient god bloods to upgrade his level from level 90 to level 93, and unlock his sixth form, which is his usual human form.

"Now that I have broken through level 90, I can breed all the substances in this world through my body."

The ancient gods are the source of the substances in this world. The half-ancient gods of level 90 can transform their body tissues into any substance in this world.

"Let's start!" Los in the tentacle form quickly absorbed these 20 drops of ancient god blood.

In the darkness, his body began to twitch violently, and then the form collapsed rapidly, and finally turned into a small meat ball the size of a human head.

"Sure enough, only this little box is your eternal home." Los, who turned into this little meatball, felt an indescribable sense of security and comfort.

However, this enjoyment was only short-lived. Soon he began to digest the blood of the ancient gods and merged it with his body, creating a new framework based on human beings.

Time passed gradually in the quiet night.


The next morning, at five o'clock, before the sun rose, Bayer and other servants had already gotten up early and started preparing for a new day.

There were bound to be many guests today, so the relevant tea, carpets, reception rooms, and even dinners had to be prepared in advance.

Los also opened his eyes because of those subtle movements.

The blood of the ancient gods had been completely digested, and he had reached level 93 as he wished.

Now he was more relaxed and proficient in the transformation of that body into various substances.

Today's Los looked no different from before, but in silence, Los's body had already flown lightly.

The sixth form: the supernatural form.

Los used the blood of the ancient gods to completely renovate and evolve all the structures, organs, genes, and cells in his human form.

At the same time, he focused on transforming his brain and heart, because these two powerful existences are the key to supporting his superpowers.

Judy's command scream yesterday gave him inspiration. Although there is no soul in this world, there is mental power and telekinesis.

So, Los instantly combined the knowledge of Yog-Sothoth and all the memories about superpowers in his mind to shape the current superpower form.

Now Los's head is no longer a decoration. He is a huge mental converter that can transform Los's 89-level ancient god spirit into powerful telekinesis.

Just like now, he can easily float his body.

At the same time, Los's mouth can emit terrifying sound waves, which can easily shatter a human.

Both hands can release four types of superpower attacks: fire, ice, storm, and lightning.

At the same time, this body has extremely strong physical strength and activity, and the physical strength alone has reached level 55.

All abilities added together, the comprehensive combat power can reach level 65, which is similar to Kos.

Although this ability is a little inferior to his other five forms that are used for fighting, it is sufficient for daily show-offs and trouble-making.

"Lilith, wait for me to come back this time!" Los felt that he was no longer the same as before.

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