Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 309 The most delicious fried rice

At eight o'clock in the morning, when Butler Bayer led the servants to make basic preparations and was still struggling whether to go to the third floor for inquiry, he saw Charlemagne, who was wearing a black home suit, coming down from the third floor.

It can be seen that Charlemagne today is rosy-cheeked and high-spirited, and is in a better state than when he just came back last night.

If Charlemagne at that time was considered a wanderer who had just returned with trepidation and uneasiness, then Charlemagne now has become the confident and powerful head of the family.

"Master, breakfast is ready for you. Should it be sent to your bedroom, or should you and your wife have dinner in the restaurant?" Bayer asked.

Charlemagne asked, "Where are the friends I brought back?"

Bayer smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have already received your friends with the highest standards of courtesy. They have finished washing up now."

Charlemagne nodded and said, "Call them up to eat together."

"Master, this should not be in accordance with the rules." Bayer reminded.

Charlemagne looked at Bayer with a smile and said nothing.

In an instant, Bayer felt a huge sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression did not make him feel uncomfortable, but it made him clearly know what he needed to do next, and that the young master today was no longer the same as he was a few years ago.

"Understood, young master." Bayer nodded respectfully.

"The third floor can be cleaned up. I'll go wash up first." Charlemagne said, turning back to the third floor.

Then, led by the deputy housekeeper and the first maid, the servants began to come to the third floor to do the relevant cleaning.

At half past eight, Master Charlemagne and his wife had finished washing up. Both of them put on neat formal clothes and walked downstairs.

After so many things happened yesterday, the servants found that the mistress's face did not become worse. Instead, she showed some ruddy color that she had never had before, and her temperament became softer.

It's just that the mistress's walking posture is a bit weird, and it seems that her legs are still a little weak.

"Young master... too powerful."

The maids naturally knew the reason. They only took a glance and dared not look more, but they were amazed at the strength of the young master in their hearts.

At 8:40, in Restaurant No. 2, a three-meter-long table was already filled with a wide variety of tableware and a sumptuous breakfast.

These included bread, salad, ham, bacon, fried rice, three kinds of soup, etc., which dazzled Eve and the others.

Ross looked at the large table of dishes and was a little confused. For the first time, he underestimated the extravagance of these top nobles.

There were eleven people at the table, and there were eleven male and female servants beside them to prepare tableware, napkins, drinks and food for everyone.

Ross and his friends were like country people who had just entered the city. Under the enthusiastic guidance of the servants, they knew how to eat these foods and how to use these tableware.

"Why do I feel like I'm eating for the first time?" Ross was very confused.

Although Eve and the others were very reserved, this was their own territory after all, and they began to relax gradually after a simple adaptation.

"What are your plans for today?" Judy asked at this time.

Judy's voice was a little hoarse today, as if she had used her voice too much yesterday.

Charlemagne glanced at Los, and after seeing that Los had no additional instructions, he directly followed the original plan.

"First, hold a press conference to explain the situation, and second, visit old friends." Charlemagne said.

Judy nodded, turned around and asked the butler Bayer: "Do you have any appointments?"

Bayer said: "This morning, Deputy Minister Open said that today he wants to discuss with you the Chamber of Commerce Convention of the Province of Massa."

"What else?"

"Ms. Clary invites you to attend her charity auction tonight."

"Mayor Scott invites you to attend the meeting on the next blockade of Arkham."

Hearing this, Charlemagne's eyes flashed, and he smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to be so busy."

Judy said indifferently: "Who do you think has been maintaining this family for the past three years?"

After that, Judy said: "Decline them all, and send out invitations at the same time, and hold a celebration party in the evening."

"Understood." Bayer nodded with a smile on his face.

He was also very satisfied and happy with this decision, because now that the young master is back, the first big thing is naturally to celebrate the young master's return.

While the two were talking, Los was eating quietly.

It must be said that the food of the Charlemagne family was really delicious. Compared with this, Carrington's cooking skills could even be described as bad.

Whether it was the fragrant sausage, the delicious fish soup, or the golden and delicious bacon, they all refreshed Los's perception of the upper limit of deliciousness.

The most important thing was the fried rice made with meat, eggs, corn, and mushrooms, which made Los dream back to his time on Earth.

After all, in this era, the rice yield here was very low, and only a few upper-class people could eat delicious rice.

Although Los was the mayor of a city and had no shortage of money, he had no channels to get rice.

Unknowingly, all the food in front of Los had been swept away, and the male servant standing next to Los was completely dumbfounded.

You know, there are six kinds of food in front of everyone, and the amount of each kind of food can easily fill the appetite of an adult.

But now, this guy ate all six kinds of food, which is equivalent to the amount of food for six people!

Other people at the table naturally noticed the situation here. Bayer, who was standing next to Charlemagne, was shocked when he saw this.

Let alone this rude and barbaric way of eating, just this amount of food, is this... still a human being?

Charlemagne asked: "Wilson, are you used to the food?"

Loss said with a comfortable look: "I'm used to it, too used to it! Lord of the Storm, I swear, this is the most delicious fried rice I have ever eaten!"

Charlemagne turned around and asked: "Uncle Bayer, my friend has a big appetite, go and see if there is any fried rice."

Without waiting for Bayer to speak, Los shook his head and said: "No."

Saying that, Los looked around and said: "I see you still have so much left. If you can't eat it, give me some. It would be a waste to throw it away."

Eve was stunned after hearing this. On the table of this noble, it is still possible... like this?

Judy frowned slightly at this time. She knew that this person was Los Arkham, but she didn't understand this behavior.

I don't know if this is a deliberate act or if it's the nature of that powerful being.

So before the butler and servants could react, the food that others couldn't eat was delivered to Los in a tacit understanding.

The first one was delivered by Charlemagne himself.

ps: Chapter 304 was blocked because of the high speed. The revision was not passed today. It is estimated that it will be released at least tomorrow.

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