"Master, what are you doing..." Bayer was very surprised to see this, because this broke the rules.

Charlemagne said seriously: "Wilson is my savior. He has saved me more than once, whether it is life or my will. If it weren't for him, I couldn't get through the darkest period, and I couldn't come back smoothly."

Hearing this, Bayer and a group of servants were shocked, and then turned to look at Los who was eating fried rice in big mouthfuls, and the contempt and disgust in their eyes gradually faded.

They didn't expect that this rude guy actually helped their master so much.

Judy said at this time: "You go down first."

Bayer didn't say much, and quietly left the restaurant with a group of servants and closed the door.

Eve and others immediately knew that they had to talk about business, quietly put down the tableware, and sat upright in danger. After all, they couldn't embarrass the great mayor.

For a while, Los was the only one left in the huge restaurant, eating fried rice and sausages.

Eve and others felt a little ashamed when they saw this.

We did not embarrass the mayor, but...the mayor himself was embarrassed.

Judy said calmly: "I didn't expect the mayor of Arkham to be such a rude and unruly person."

Although she was shocked by Los yesterday, it doesn't mean that Judy is afraid of Los.

Charlemagne frowned slightly and said in an unhappy tone: "Judy, watch your tone, you don't know who you are talking to at all."

Judy was silent for a while and defended: "I'm just telling the truth."

Loss on the side smiled when he heard this.

Although yesterday's "battle" did not directly tame Judy, it at least made Judy have a faint respect for Charlemagne.

Otherwise, with Judy's personality, she would not care about Charlemagne's attitude, let alone defend this matter.

People who don't care, what you do has nothing to do with me.

Only when someone who cares about it says it, people will take the initiative to defend themselves.

Los swallowed a mouthful of rice, wiped his mouth and said: "When you reach a certain level, you will understand that the so-called etiquette, rules, and face between humans are very boring and useless things."

As he said, Los filled the spoon with rice again and said: "At this time, all the rules in the world cannot constrain you, you just need to do what you like."

"And now, what I like is eating."

Hearing this, Judy was suddenly shocked. She had only heard similar words from the great "mother".

And her "mother" is a demigod who is over level 50!

With just a few words, her perception of Los has changed dramatically.

Just now, he was a rude and ignorant civilian who didn't know the rules, but now he has become a legendary strong man who plays with the world and is unruly!

Los ate and sighed, "I have to say, your food is so delicious that I am reluctant to leave."

Charlemagne smiled and said, "If you need, I can send the chef to Arkham."

Los waved his hand, "No, after this matter is dealt with, I will let Lilith bring Ruixue and the others to learn the skills."

"Such beautiful girls, if they learn top-notch cooking skills, they will not have to worry about not finding a good man in the future." At this time, Los' tone was more like an old father who cared about his daughters.

Eve and others were immediately infected by Los' warmth, and their hearts were filled with happiness and security.

Having such a powerful and warm-hearted leader is the greatest luck in their lives.

Judy was also a little surprised to hear this. She didn't expect Los to be such a person. This is completely different from the powerful and superior strong man she imagined.

After Los almost finished the food that was distributed, he said, "Don't make so much in the future. It's too wasteful. Fortunately, you met me today, otherwise so many top-notch foods would be wasted."

"You are right." Charlemagne replied with a smile.

After a brief chat, Judy asked, "Yesterday Charlemagne told me roughly the purpose of your visit, but I want to hear your detailed plan. You know, you are facing not only the entire province of Massa now, I must assess the risks and losses that may arise from this action."

Los was about to speak, but smiled and said, "Do your servants still have the habit of eavesdropping in the corner?"

Judy and Charlemagne were stunned when they heard this.

At this moment, Los casually raised his hand and grabbed through the wall.

The next second, the door of the restaurant was opened, and then a maid in her thirties floated directly in the air and flew towards Los's palm.

"This is..." Judy saw this and her eyes shrank.

This is the first time she has seen such a powerful telekinesis.

The maid floating in the air was pale, her eyes widened and full of fear. At this time, she only felt a strong force pinching her body, making her completely unable to break free, and could only watch the invisible force pulling her to the restaurant.


The body fell to the ground weakly, and the maid's face was full of despair, because she knew that everything was over.

Judy looked down at the maid with cold eyes, and didn't even ask: "Take her away."

As the voice rang out, two men in black suits appeared from nowhere and directly carried the woman away.

The maid seemed to know Judy very well. At this time, her face was ashen, and she didn't cry or beg for mercy.

Because she knew that all this was of no use in front of Judy, and she also knew what she would face next.

Thinking of this, she suddenly pulled out a dagger from nowhere and stabbed her neck directly.

It was sudden, but quick.

But at this moment, Los, who was eating, curled his fingers.

The next second, the dagger flew out of the woman's hand and slowly landed in front of Los.

While chewing, Los said vaguely: "Sister, life is so precious and wonderful. What can't you think about that makes you so anxious to die?"

The woman looked at Los with a pale face, gritted her teeth and said, "You monster! Devil! You will definitely be sanctioned by the empire!"

As she spoke, she was already being taken down.

Here, Ross mixed the last fried rice with sausage and bacon. After eating it in one bite, he drank half a bowl of fish soup. He patted his belly with a satisfied look and said, "It's great!"

Immediately, Ross stood up and looked at Judy and said, "Don't worry, your family and your organization will not suffer any risks or losses during this operation."

"This is Massa City, a complex place with military minions everywhere and a mixture of forces from all sides. It is not your Arkham." Judy reminded.

Ross did not answer: "You just need a loving celebration."

"This is a rare amusement park, and I can't bear to share the fun here with anyone else."

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