After breakfast, Ross did not stay at Charlemagne's house for long. Instead, he wore very ordinary clothes and left the manor alone. He did not know where he went.

At 10:30 in the morning, in the cloakroom, Charlemagne changed into a decent white suit.

White has always been his favorite color, and now is no exception.

Judy, who was beside him, had changed into a light purple dress and was choosing her jewelry.

"By the way, what happened to Willy?" Charlemagne suddenly remembered and asked.

Willy, Charlemagne's childhood classmate and rival, was a member of the King in Yellow Brotherhood who guarded the skull during the King in Yellow incident.

Judy said casually: "That loser has been coveting me. After a few failed attempts, he had me castrated. Then he went to who knows where. He hasn't been seen for almost two years."

"Old Willy didn't seem surprised by his disappearance. He just said that he was going to explore the family's external market, and there was no disturbance."

Charlemagne straightened his tie and said casually: "He is dead."

"Did you kill him?" Judy picked up a string of pearl necklaces and compared them.

Charlemagne nodded: "He joined the Brotherhood of the King in Yellow. It seems that Old Willy must be connected with that organization."

"The Brotherhood of the King in Yellow? A group of disgusting guys." Judy frowned slightly, with a look of disgust on her face.

Charlemagne looked at Judy's expression and said, "It seems we have a common enemy."

Judy snorted coldly: "Don't get too close, I haven't agreed to your invitation yet."

"You don't need to agree to anything, because now the leadership of the family has come into my hands." Charlemagne said forcefully.

Judy immediately responded: "Really? Do you know how the big families in Massa are now united? Do you know what the new industrial distribution looks like? Do you know where to find the best workers?"

Charlemagne was stunned for a moment after hearing these words. He has been away from here for too long, and many situations have changed drastically from before he was isolated from the world.

Charlemagne was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's okay, there's still you! You're my wife!"

Judy did not continue, but changed the topic directly and said: "The friends before are no longer the friends now. The Polly family has joined the Redemption Society and is one of the staunch supporters of the development of Arkham. ”

Charlemagne sneered: "The Polly family is mainly engaged in shipping and aquatic products. After the complete blockade of Arkham, the price of aquatic products in Massa Province has increased by 20%. This is of great benefit to them, and they are naturally very happy." ”

"But, it's nothing to reminisce about the past. After all, I don't want to kill them all when I come back this time."

Judy glanced at Charlemagne: "Los Arkham is indeed very strong, but you have to understand that there are four major forces entrenched here now: the Redemption Society of God the Father, the Military Group, our Egg of the Black Goat, and the Eye of Insight. Organizations. And out of these four organizations, three want you dead."

"If you offend these three organizations at the same time, no matter how strong Los Arkham is, it will be doomed to be unable to do anything at the same time."

Charlemagne chuckled: "This is not your and my responsibility to worry about."


At the same time, Ross came to the street wearing casual clothes. He didn't know where he got a template with magic show written on it.

Then he came to a busy street corner, took off his hat and put it on the ground to collect money, and then started his street performance.

"Take a look and don't miss it if you pass by. Those who are rich will support you with money, and those who have no money will support you personally."

Los shouted loudly and took out a deck of playing cards, and then the playing cards started a series of dazzling performances under his flexible hands.

At the same time, focusing on playing cards, Los Angeles gradually added some divination performances and services.

Unfortunately, this is a busy world, and pedestrians passing by just take a few glances and have no intention of stopping.

Ross smiled slightly, then flicked his arms casually, and then a dozen white doves suddenly appeared from his sleeves, then flapped their wings and flew in the sky.

You know, it is winter now, and carrying pigeons is very laborious and troublesome.

But now, this guy is just standing there, seemingly without any other props. Where did these pigeons come from?

Such magical things immediately attracted people's attention.

"Hey! Where are your pigeons hidden?" A young man carrying a briefcase stopped and asked curiously.

"I'm a street magician, so I can naturally do things that others can't do," Los said with a smile.

After hearing this, the young man sneered: "Don't lie to me. I have seen many magic performances, but they are just deceptive tricks."

Ross asked with a smile: "Really? How about we do an experiment?"

"What experiment?" The young man didn't seem to have anything urgent.

Los picked up the playing cards casually, shuffled and pulled them skillfully, and then handed them to the young man: "Pull out four cards. Not only will I know what cards you drew, but I will also know four things about you."

The young man became interested after hearing this. He took the cards from his briefcase and asked, "What if you guess wrong?"

Los casually took out a 100 Rosa coin and said, "If you guess one thing wrong, I will pay you 25 Rosa coins. If you guess everything wrong, it belongs to you."

The young man suddenly became interested. Without looking at the one hundred rose coins, he began to shuffle the cards, then turned his back and secretly drew four cards.


The interaction between the two people immediately attracted passers-by who had some free time.

Suddenly, twenty or thirty people gathered here, waiting for the magician to make a fool of himself.

After the young man made his choice, he put the four cards together, held them in his hands and said, "Okay! Let's guess!"

Los pretended to be a ghost and clasped his hands together, whispering: "Great Lord of Storms, guide your followers!"

"A religious magician? It's really rare."

"Where is the Lord of Storms?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a cult."


While people around him were talking, Los was silent for a second and then said: "The first card on your right is the Ace of Spades."

When the people around him heard this, they immediately turned their attention to the young man.

The young man had a strange expression and took out the card, which happened to be the Ace of Spades.

Ross smiled and said: "The Ace of Spades is a metaphor, representing your excellence and competitiveness. I guess that since you were a child, you have always been the first in the class."

The young man blinked, and shock gradually appeared on his face: "Where's the second picture!?"

"Queen of Hearts." Ross smiled.

The young man stiffened.

"It means that you are now in a relationship with a woman whose status is very different from your own, just like a commoner and a queen."

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