Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 312: The Magician of Connection

Hearing Lose's words, the young man's heart suddenly felt a huge shock, and then his face changed drastically, as if the things in his heart that he didn't want others to know the most were being said.

Others around him noticed the young man's expression, and then said in surprise: "Did this guy guess everything right?"

At the same time, in several corners not far from here, a few very ordinary-looking people are paying attention to the situation here. It can be seen from their appearance that they are coming with bad intentions.

The young man was a little embarrassed at this time. This kind of public execution made him very uncomfortable.

Ross smiled and said, "Do you still need to guess the next three?"

As a staunch atheist, although the young man's reason told him to just leave, the people around him started to make noises.

"Keep guessing!"

"Don't go! Young man! Don't let this guy fool you!"

"That's right! Don't be afraid!"

"You're not afraid of these street hustlers anymore, are you?"


After some encouragement, the young man who had some disbelief in his heart gritted his teeth, handed the Queen of Hearts to Ross and said, "If you have the ability, keep guessing!"

Ross smiled and said: "The third card is the 7 of clubs. Your life is going through a huge turning point now, and you are full of hesitation about the future."

After hearing this, the young man silently handed over the third card and asked in a low voice: "What happens next?"

"The fourth card is the Jack of Spades. You are now looking for some special ways to quickly improve your status."

"The fifth card is the King of Diamonds. You are preparing for a game..."

"Stop talking!" The young man turned pale, threw the poker to Los, turned around and ran away.

The scattered playing cards were picked up by two pigeons in a swoop, and then they landed obediently on Los's shoulders.

"Amazing magician! Amazing deck! Does anyone else want to play it?"

Then a few people were unconvinced and played tricks with Los. In the end, they were directly and publicly executed by Los.

Although the scene was very embarrassing for the person being executed, the onlookers were extremely happy.

Within half an hour, forty or fifty people gathered here.

Then it quickly attracted some people's attention.

While Los was still performing, three police officers suddenly came over and drove away the spectators, then sandwiched Los.

"What are you doing?" Lose hurriedly put away his cards.

Three policemen with evil faces shouted loudly: "You are operating illegally here and blatantly disturbing public order. Come with us!"

After saying that, he turned around and left with Los.

The passers-by who were watching the excitement loudly shouted: "Street magician! Use your magic and magic to kill these stupid policemen!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away so that the police would not see him.

It seems that this group of people at the bottom of society have a lot of complaints about these police officers.

The three policemen didn't seem to care about this, and continued to move forward with Los with a sullen face.

"Where are you taking me?" Los asked nervously.

The police didn't say anything and took him directly into a small door with no house number.

After entering the small door, the three people took off their police uniforms. They were the three people who had just been secretly monitoring Los.

"You're not the police!?" Los Angeles was suddenly surprised.

Without saying a word, the three of them tied up Ross tightly and pushed him to the second floor.

"Slow down! Slow down! I just finished eating." Los said.

"shut up!"

The three people said the first words, and then pushed Lose to the second floor.

This is a small room, and there is a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa in front of him.

"Butler, we've brought them," the strong man in the lead said.

Ross took a look at this middle-aged man. He was wearing a black suit, his hair and beard were combed, he was tall, and he seemed to be a soldier.

"Butler? Wait! What are you doing? I'm just a street magician, I have no money! I have nothing, I just came to Massa yesterday!"

The middle-aged man said calmly: "I know you are just a deceptive magician. I also know that you have just arrived in Massa. I also know that you came here with David Charlemagne."

Hearing this, Lose's expression froze.

The middle-aged man asked indifferently: "Let me ask you, where has David Charlemagne been in the past few years?"

"The August Empire." Lose answered honestly.

The middle-aged man stood up, casually took out a knife and put it on Los's neck: "Are you sure?"

"I...I'm sure!" Ross's acting skills were excellent.

The middle-aged man smiled sinisterly: "Do you know? I cut off the heads of at least fifty people. Do you know how I did it?"

"I will first cut open the skin around your neck, let the blood seep out along the gaps, and then gradually cut open your muscles and blood vessels. I will not hurt your throat and cervical vertebrae. Do you know the benefits of this?"

Ross looked pale and said, "I'm just a street magician. I don't know anything."

The middle-aged man said in a dark voice: "That way you will feel your blood flowing down your neck, and you can even hear the sound of your muscles being cut open, and then you will have related consciousness and feelings, and I can even let you see yourself. What do the cut cervical vertebrae look like!”

As he spoke, the middle-aged man's knife had gradually cut into the flesh along Los's skin.

At this time, Los suddenly said loudly: "In the past two years, David Charlemagne has been in Arkham!"

Hearing this, a gleam flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and then he suddenly exerted force and cut off Los's head directly.

The middle-aged man flicked the blade and turned around and said: "Sure enough, Charlemagne's return this time is related to Arkham. Deal with the body and then notify the young master..."

"Butler! Butler! Something is wrong." At this time, the strong man on the side suddenly said.

The middle-aged man tilted his head slightly: "Why..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong.

Because at this time he found that Los's severed neck did not spray out the blood he imagined, but was full of wriggling barbs and granulations.

"What's going on!?" The middle-aged man immediately felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, a teasing voice sounded.

"I said, I'm just a joint magician."

As the voice sounded, the middle-aged man immediately saw that this guy was holding his head with both hands at this time, and then connected his head back to his neck.

"You... what the hell are you?!" The four people immediately questioned in a low voice as if they were facing a great enemy.

Los moved his neck and said with a smile: "Connector magician! What's the problem?"

Then, Los took off his head again and pressed it back.

"Look! As a connector magician, it's normal for me to be the best at connector magic, isn't it?"

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