(ps: check first)

Facing Los at this time, several people's eyes gradually widened, their heartbeats began to accelerate, and an indescribable sense of fear gradually filled their spirits.

The next second, the middle-aged man took the lead, and the four people took out their pistols at the same time and were about to shoot at Ross.

Ross waved at this time, and the pistols in the hands of the four people suddenly came to life, and actually broke out of their grasp and floated next to Ross.

"What! This is impossible!" When the middle-aged man saw this, his expression was full of disbelief.

Los has a lot to do and is not teasing these guys at this time.

He raised his hand directly, and an invisible force acted on their necks.

With a crisp sound, several people's necks were directly crushed and they died.

Los then transformed into a perfect form and swallowed the four people. Then he turned transparent and disappeared.

Gift Group of East Massachusetts.

Enci Group is a large company that has emerged rapidly in recent years.

The company mainly operates in transportation and real estate.

But these are just for others to see.

Enci Group owns a five-story independent building. Everyone on the street knows that it is actually one of Kane's assets.

At the same time, this is also the headquarters of Massa's second largest gang, the Thunder Gang.

On the sunny fifth floor, Bell was reviewing documents.

After dying once, he figured out a lot of things and let go of a lot of things.

The things he was obsessed with before, money, women, power, status, etc., were so worthless in front of the great master.

After gaining super strength and being reborn in a new form, his focus is no longer on those boring things.

At this moment, he just wants to help his master wholeheartedly and turn the entire Massa into that great ideal paradise.

"Boss, the basement has been renovated, and the relevant cauldrons and materials have been packaged and placed there." A middle-aged woman wearing a formal suit reported.

Bell nodded: "Seal it down and don't let anyone else go in."

The middle-aged woman wanted to ask about these strange purchases, but in the end she didn't say much and just agreed: "I understand."

"Here you go, send more manpower. I will see the destruction of the Wild Wolf Gang within three days. The freight channel in the southeast of Massa City must be in our hands." Bell said solemnly.

The middle-aged woman took the document with some embarrassment: "Boss, behind the Wild Wolf Gang is the Massa Chamber of Commerce. They are now backed by the military. They have many sophisticated and advanced standard weapons, and their personnel are all trained. They have fought against each other several times. We all suffered heavy losses..."

A cold light flashed in Bell's eyes, and the middle-aged woman immediately took two steps back in fright.

"I understand, you go down first."

Afterwards, Bell was the only one left in this huge office.

"Wild Wolf Gang..." Bell turned to look out the window at the prosperous streets, thinking of strategies to deal with these guys.

"Are there not enough manpower? Bell." At this time, a calm and easy-going voice sounded.

Bell was shocked after hearing this, and then turned around suddenly, just in time to find Lose appearing in the office at an unknown time.

"Master!" Bell is an inexpressive, introverted and somewhat cold person, but at this time, respect and excitement still appeared on his face.

Ross smiled and said: "I have heard what happened just now. If you feel that there are not enough people, I can send someone to help you."

Bell instinctively wanted to deny it. He didn't want to rely on his master's gift in the first place.

But when he thought about it carefully, he realized that he currently had no short-term solution to the Wild Wolf Gang.

"This subordinate is incompetent, so I ask the master to punish me," Bell said in a low voice.

Ross smiled and waved his hand: "I am not in the habit of punishing my subordinates. In this matter, your side does not have the upper hand."

Bell analyzed: "But if possible, I still don't want to use your power."

"I know that with your great strength and those powerful servants, you can destroy all the Wild Wolf Gang in an instant, but this will rise to the level of superhuman combat and will definitely attract the attention of the military."

Hearing this, Ross clapped his hands happily: "Bell, I really saw you right."

Having thought of this, Bell is truly a talent who can lead a gang at a young age.

"Then tell me what you think." Ross said.

Bell thought briefly and immediately said: "I do need the help of your loyal servant, but it is not to destroy the enemy, but to help me get some information."

"for example?"

"The boss of the Wild Wolf Gang is Yves Willy, known as the Red Wolf. He is the second heir to the Willy family, the third largest family in Massa Province today, and the backbone of the new generation of the Willy family."

"According to my investigation, the three major families, the Willy family, the Polly family, and the Rocco family, have reached cooperation through the Massa Chamber of Commerce and relevant banking groups to suppress Arkham."

"But!" Bell's eyes flashed: "But there are still many conflicts between these three families. The Wild Wolf Gang controlled by the Willy family and the Leopard Gang controlled by the Rocco family have been feuding for a long time."

"I hope you can send someone to help me and let me know the actions related to the Money Gang, so that I can move more easily."

After hearing this, Ross smiled and nodded: "It's not difficult. Let's go to the basement. I'll let you meet a few people."

Then, the two came to the spacious basement.

In the basement, Los spit out the four people. When Bell saw the middle-aged man, he was shocked: "Iron Hand Mike?"

"Do you know him?"

Bell nodded: "He is one of the stewards of the Rocco family, responsible for the deployment of relevant personnel of the Golden Leopard Gang. These three people are the elites of the Golden Leopard Gang."

After hearing this, Los laughed and said: "What a coincidence."

"Now, start the pot! Heat the oil!"

The two spent the next few hours waiting.

When four zombies crawled out of the four big pots, Bell trembled all over.

He didn't expect that he could see the power of the great master again so soon.

After the four people crawled out, they quickly changed into their previous appearance, and then knelt in front of Los with a respectful look: "Master."

Loss nodded: "For the next period of time, you will obey Bell's command and deployment without being discovered."

The four people nodded immediately: "Understood!"

Then the four people stood up, Iron Hand Mike turned to look at Bell and smiled: "I didn't expect that it would be my honor to cooperate with Cold-blooded Bell."

"We had many misunderstandings before, and now we work together for the master, and I hope you can put aside the past grudges."

Bell smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "Everything is for the master."

"For the master!"

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