With Mike and four people as internal agents, Bell's plan can be executed very smoothly.

Subsequently, Mike and the four others did not stay here for long, and quickly left with the help of Los.

Rocco Manor in the southern part of the city.

Mike quickly returned with three people to resume his life.

Leaving the three people outside, Mike quickly entered the villa alone and reached the third floor.

"Second Young Master."

"Come in!"

Mike went in immediately and saw little Rocco polishing a goddess statue made of pure gold and gems.

This statue is the size of a human head, and the entire statue is lifelike. Although it is wearing a sacred robe, its key parts are exposed.

At this time, little Rocco's fingers kept touching it, giving people an extremely perverted and vulgar feeling.

"Second Young Master, my subordinates were not doing well and had some accidents." Mike whispered with a look of self-blame.

Little Rocco asked calmly: "What have you been doing if you haven't been back for a few hours?"

"We followed the instructions and monitored the magician who came back with Charlemagne. Then we captured him for interrogation. After the interrogation, we killed him directly, and then followed the old rules and dumped his body in the suburbs."

"Then what?" Little Rocco said, but his hands did not stop.

Mike whispered: "Then we met the Wild Wolf Gang. They didn't go to dump the body, but seemed to be waiting for us."

"Wild Wolf Gang!?" Upon hearing this, little Rocco's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

Mike continued: "When we passed by, they suddenly rushed out and seemed to want to snatch the magician's body. Fortunately, we were prepared and poured gasoline on the body. We set the body on fire and left quickly, but this The group of guys refused to give up and surrounded us in various directions. We made a full circle around Massa City before running back from Iron Rose West Street. "

Little Rocco came over at this time, looked at Mike, and then suddenly opened his shirt.

At this time, you can see that the skin on the inside of the shirt is bruised and purple, which looks like bruises left after being hit hard with a stick.

Seeing this, Little Rocco's eyes suddenly filled with anger: "They bullied people too much!"

Mike continued to whisper: "Second Young Master, we set a trap while escaping and caught a member of the Wild Wolf Gang. I heard from his mouth that they seem to have been making moves recently."

"Action? What action?" Little Rocco asked in a low voice.

Mike shook his head: "What he knows is limited, and we don't know much about it now, but what is certain is that their action this time seems to be an attack on the Thunder Gang."

"Thunder Gang? Oh! They have really been fighting fiercely with the Thunder Gang recently. The last time they assassinated Kane, the Wild Wolf Gang left a mark. Now that Kane has survived, those guys are naturally the ones who are suffering." Little Rocco said casually said.

Mike understood: "So that's the case, but I don't understand a little bit, Second Young Master, they attacked the Thunder Gang, why did they ambush us there? It seems that they didn't just do it to provoke and vent their anger."

"And, according to that person, the place where their people recently gathered is Stamp Street. Although it is the territory of the Thunder Gang, it... is adjacent to our territory."

Little Rocco's eyes flashed: "Are you sure!?"

Mike nodded seriously: "I swear on my life, I'm sure."

Little Rocco was silent for a moment, clenched his fists and said, "So that's it, I knew these guys were just a bunch of white-eyed wolves!"

Mike asked with a puzzled look: "Second Young Master, did you think of anything?"

Little Rocco clenched his fists: "I asked you to attack the friend Charlemagne brought back to confirm his background, but the Wild Wolf Gang noticed him."

"That guy Pro Willy and that guy Polly are very close, and Polly and Charlemagne have been good friends since childhood!"

"We have had grievances with the Wild Wolf Gang for a long time. Now we only rely on Minister Openg to maintain cooperation. There is no dispute on the surface, but we have been competing secretly."

"Our seafood business is a competitor to the Polly family, and that guy Willy! Wants to unite Polly and Charlemagne through this incident, and then suppress us together!"

Hearing this, Mike's face suddenly darkened and he clenched his fists: "Master! What should we do?"

Little Rocco sneered: "Now that you know it, you can't wait to be beaten. You go and prepare. There will be a meeting later."



Ross's side was temporarily turned into a dead person. After Ross went back and briefly talked to Charlemagne in the evening, Charlemagne immediately knew Ross's next plan.

"I understand, mayor, don't worry about the next plan!" Charlemagne said confidently.

Ross nodded slightly and asked, "How was your meeting with old friends today?"

Charlemagne sighed: "Things change and people change. Five years is enough to completely change a person."

Judy on the side said calmly: "After today's meeting, it will be impossible to win him over. What are your plans?"

Charlemagne then smiled: "If you can't win him over, there are many other ways. If he wants money, this matter will be much easier to deal with."

At this time, Butler Bayer came over and said, "Master, Madam, the guests have arrived one after another, and your clothes are ready."

Charlemagne nodded, and then he and Judy quickly went upstairs to change clothes.

Loss, who is now a dead man, naturally cannot show up at this banquet.

"What a pity! I was thinking of attending such an upper-class banquet. Maybe with my handsome face, I can even hook up with two noble ladies!" Los sighed.

"Huh? Something?" Los' heart moved, and he keenly sensed something.

Then his body became transparent and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, in the bushes on the west side of Charlemagne's manor, two corpses were thrown into it at random, and their clothes were put on by two other people.

After putting on clothes, the two people gradually looked like two dead people.

"Target, David Charlemagne." The slightly fat middle-aged man on the left said.

The man on the right who had turned into a woman said: "Be careful, he is the descendant of a paladin after all, and he should have at least level 30 strength."

"No one can escape in front of the creator of life." The slightly fat man looked confident.

"I'm curious, how did you know that Charlemagne has multiple powerful spirits in his body."

"He had been receiving treatment in the Arkham Sanatorium, and then for some reason, his body and strength were strengthened and evolved into his own power system."

"Do you have anyone else in Arkham?" The woman looked curious.

The slightly fat man said proudly: "The power of our life creators is far beyond the imagination of your eyes of insight."

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