"Life Creator." Hearing the words of the slightly fat man, Los' eyes lit up immediately.

He had heard the name of this organization from Kenneth and Kos more than once, but he had never had any contact with this organization.

According to the materials he has now, this organization is a group of crazy researchers, a group of truly crazy people who are pursuing the so-called truth.

All the values, world views and morals in human society are meaningless in front of them.

It is a group of existences hated by all forces.

"It's really here." Los' eyes lit up.

This slightly fat young man is level 35, which is normally considered a very good master.

If it was Charlemagne before, he would not be his opponent.

"Something!" After determining the opponent's level, Los's eyes directly penetrated his body and saw the internal situation of his body now.

This guy has undergone at least ten transformations all over his body. From the direction of the transformation, it is similar to the direction that Los's blood therapy wants to go, but they do not have such mature technology as Los.

This guy has genes from at least five different animals in his body, and his muscles and bones have been strengthened.

The most important thing is that the blood flowing in his veins is not normal human blood, but a green liquid that looks like oil.

"What a bunch of lunatics, under this skin is just a stitched monster made of various parts stitched together." Los' face was full of amazement.

He had to admire the brains and madness of these mortals.

They were completely consistent with the direction of his blood therapy, wanting humans to evolve from the genetic level.

They took action, and the methods they used were very primitive and clumsy. They even experienced tens of millions of failures and killed countless people, but they still took the first step successfully.

Although Los could not agree with their crazy behavior, he admired their scientific research spirit.

You know, these guys have come to this point entirely by relying on their persistent mortal bodies, countless experiences and efforts.

And Los took a shortcut. He is the creator of this world and a traverser, so he was favored by Yog-Sothoth and obtained endless knowledge of the Outer Gods.

"I admire you for your skills and perseverance, so if you don't kill yourself, I won't take the initiative to attack you for the time being." Los thought to himself and left quietly.

He still didn't have much sense of identity and reality for this world, so he didn't care about the life and death of those humans who had nothing to do with him.

He only cared about his Arkham, his own little piece of land.

"Charlemagne doesn't even need to take action against a level 35 minion, Eve can easily figure it out."

After that, Los's attention was not focused here. He wanted to take off and go to the police station to meet Kane.

Then he found that Kane also attended the dinner today, and as the most important guest, he received Charlemagne's most sincere thanks.

Suddenly, Los found that there was no place he could go in this huge city of Massa.

"I miss home." Los felt a little aggrieved at once, and then he turned directly into a flying form, flying towards Arkham with a harsh sound barrier.

He was extremely satisfied with his current life. If it weren't for the chattering flies threatening Arkham, he would never have planned to leave Arkham in his life.

With hospitable citizens, a group of talented subordinates, and two stunning beauties by his side, this is the life that Los wanted most.

"Lilith! I'm back!" Los was ready to "take up his gun and mount his horse".


At the same time, in the city of Aniya, the palace district.

After Su Yi finished the new blueprint, she said with a look of regret: "The current technology and materials are completely unable to support the research and development of this thing."

At this time, she designed a lightsaber that can be carried with you.

After being activated, it can release a lightsaber that can cut iron like mud, and the maximum length can be extended to 40 meters.

"Materials and energy... Arkham guy... should have a way." Thinking of this, Su Yi rolled up the blueprint and walked out of the office.

"Dani!" Su Yi called her personal maid.

Soon, Dani ran over quickly, and at this time, there was still some blood on her hands.

"Another assassin?" Su Yi asked.

Dani: "It's been solved."

"It seems that you have absorbed the bottle of cheetah blood well." Su Yi said with satisfaction.

At the beginning, she and Los had a very comprehensive transaction. She provided Los with various material plans and drawings, as well as various resource tilts and policy and legal recognition.

And Los naturally had to show some sincerity.

Now Dani, the female official beside Su Yi, and the thirty guards led by Inger have all been strengthened to varying degrees by blood therapy, and have also been nourished by subsequent blood.

Dani, who has perfectly absorbed the cheetah blood, has a terrifying speed, and her strength has been raised from the previous level 12 to level 25.

As a guard, Inger first got the muscle enhancer to strengthen, and then gave further genetic modification, becoming a steel warrior similar to Rum, with a strength of 28, enough to deal with most problems.

And the guards below have also been nourished by blood and muscle enhancers, and their comprehensive combat effectiveness is around level 18.

Dani put away the nails that could easily tear steel, and said with disbelief on her face: "Yes, Your Majesty, I have completely absorbed the blood of the cheetah."

"Your Majesty, this blood therapy is really too magical and powerful. You... should be more careful with Los Arkham. He now has too many terrifying technologies."

Su Yi smiled confidently: "Don't worry, it is impossible for him and I to become enemies."

Both of them are very smart and have no desire for power.

Los just wants to spend his days leisurely, while Su Yi wants to push his mastery of mechanical technology to a new peak.

The two complement each other's knowledge and hit it off. In addition, they are both fellow countrymen from Earth, so the possibility of becoming enemies is almost zero.

Speaking of this, Su Yi asked again: "Has the Arkham people not arrived yet?"

Dani looked at her watch and suddenly said: "They should have arrived. I will go to meet them."

Su Yi nodded and went to the secret meeting room with the blueprint.

Ten minutes later, Su Yi quietly pushed the door in with two people.

The two men each carried a black suitcase, and then they took off their hats. They were Kenneth, a private detective wearing glasses and looking like a weak scholar, and Chambers, a lawyer with a gentle face.

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