"Your Majesty." The two came in and bowed respectfully.

The two people's respect for Su Yi was naturally from the bottom of their hearts.

Not to mention that she is the queen of this country, as long as she can be on the same level as the great mayor, she can get their respect.

"Please sit down, both of you." Su Yi said with a smile.

The two put down the box and sat down. Dani beside them had prepared delicious snacks.

"Eat something first, don't rush." ​​Su Yi asked.

The two people who hadn't eaten for two meals were naturally not polite and ate snacks very familiarly.

After a simple meal, Su Yi asked: "Is the journey smooth?"

Kenneth nodded: "With Chambers following, there is naturally no obstacle to the passage, but it is obvious that the military's blockade of Arkham is tightening rapidly."

Chambers added: "This time, it is completely different from the one three months ago."

The two have been responsible for transporting some drugs that Su Yi needs from Arkham to here in the past four months.

These include strengthening potions, blood wine for daily practice, and potions for treating various difficult and complicated diseases.

The two people make a trip once a month. In order not to be discovered, it takes about ten days to go back and forth in a month, which is very troublesome.

And this time, the one-way time has taken eight days.

Su Yi sighed: "It's a pity that I can't help you now."

Chambers smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, the mayor has already started to solve this problem."

"He went to Massa?" Su Yi instantly grasped the key point of the problem.

Kenneth nodded: "It will be much easier to come next time."

"After waiting for four months, this guy finally stopped squatting at home." Su Yi leaned on the chair and smiled.

If she had the convenient technology and power of Los, she would have taken the entire Massa Province into her pocket four months ago.

But Los has been waiting for four months.

The two pretended not to hear this. Chambers opened his box first, and there were ten colorful injections inside.

Seeing this, Dani suddenly felt a burst of heat, and her heart gradually accelerated.

Each injection here represents the birth of a superhuman.

"These ten injections are what you needed last time, including super regeneration, super speed, super strength, super vision, and super perception, a total of five types, two of each type."

Su Yi took the box over and reached out to pick up a bottle of ice-blue medicine. The label on it was written in neat cursive: Super Perception Potion.

Chambers added: "Dr. Mursi asked me to remind you that the basis for using this medicine is level 15, and each person can only use one medicine at the same time."

"Well, I understand." Su Yi deeply knows the magic and horror of this thing. Although it can give humans supernatural magical powers, when this power exceeds the tolerance, it will become boundless fear and distortion.

"The detailed instructions for use are at the bottom, and together with the instructions are a total of 200 blood wine particles."

Blood wine particles, something Wayne specially prepared for Dani and others, compresses the essence of blood wine into solid particles, and each particle is a one-time amount.

Each time you take it, you only need to use wine to dissolve it, just like taking medicine.

Dani carefully picked up the potion on top and saw blood-colored cubes wrapped in a large bag below.

Each cube is about the size of an adult's thumbnail, square, and looks crystal clear, like a gem.

Dani took out the bag directly and began to pack it. This thing is the basis for their group to continue to become stronger.

Perhaps Dani herself has not realized that they have become addicted without knowing it.

Suyi naturally noticed Dani's somewhat anxious eyes, but she did not stop it, because during the negotiation, Los had clearly told her about the addiction and dependence.

But Suyi didn't care about these.

Strictly speaking, she is similar to Los, and she has no sense of belonging to this world.

But Los at least has his own life goals, beauties, and subordinates.

And Suyi has lived in the palace of intrigue since she was a child, and she doesn't feel close to the people around her.

So she doesn't care much about the life and death of the people around her. For her, these people are tools, and others are like ants that can be destroyed at any time.

Now only Ross made her feel close and real.

Kenneth opened the box, and there were four bottles of different colors inside.

These bottles are the same as the drip bottles, and even each bottle is equipped with a dedicated infusion tube on the side.

"This is a customized medicine according to your requirements. These two are used to treat lung cancer and liver cancer."

"This bottle is used to regenerate broken limbs, and this bottle is used to treat paralysis of the whole body."

Kenneth smiled and introduced, saying: "With these four bottles of potion, you can easily get the support of the two ministers."

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction: "Mayor Arkham really didn't let me down. His subordinates are always so reliable and punctual."

The two were naturally very happy to be praised.

Su Yi said: "You have worked hard on this trip. You two should rest here for two days before leaving!"

Chambers said: "We will stay for one day this time. We will go directly to Massa when we return this time."

"What about the next deal?" Dani asked.

Chambers said: "Don't worry, the mayor's wife has arranged someone more suitable than us. In the future, our two temporary workers will be laid off, and the team that will connect with His Majesty will be a more professional team."

"Oh?! How professional?" Su Yi became interested.

Kenneth smiled and said: "They can not only transport what you need, but also help you deal with some things that are not easy to deal with, and even destroy some facilities you don't like, and enter the enemy's interior to hear some news."

Su Yi laughed happily after hearing this: "It's really professional."

"By the way, this time I will go back and bring this blueprint to Mayor Arkham, and say that if conditions permit, I can let him produce it and try it, and I can cooperate with him to make further improvements."

Su Yi handed over the blueprint that had just been packaged.

Kenneth took the blueprint box, and his arm turned into a demon directly.

After the demon opened his mouth and swallowed the thing directly, it turned back into a normal person's arm.

"Don't worry, we will definitely convey your will."

Then, the two of them went to rest under the leadership of Dani.

Su Yi looked down at the two boxes of medicine, her eyes sparkling, "In two years at the slowest, and one year at the fastest, with these, I can completely take back my rights, and then make a huge change in this world!"

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