Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 317 0314 Love at first sight

ps: Post first and check

Massa City is holding the top party in the entire province tonight.

After five years of false accusations and three years of wandering, the current head of the Charlemagne family, the oldest family in Massa Province, finally got the proof and returned to Massa City again.

It is not only the bigwigs who came here for such a big news, but also countless reporters and media focused their attention here.

Guy Marion is one of the few reporters who can be invited.

Today, Marion is also a celebrity in Massa Province. He is an independent journalist, an adventurer and a detective.

Over the years, Marion has been liked by the general public for his integrity and daring style, and has a relatively authoritative image among the people.

He has never forgotten his original intention. In recent years, the little-known but shocking news about the exploitation of workers in tobacco factories, the poisonous beef in northern farms, and the expired seafood of the Wave Trading Company were all reported by this reporter.

At the same time, he has been leading the workers' equal rights movement, and even recently formed a workers' union to fight for enough benefits for the broad working class, so he is welcomed by the general public.

Now many members of the Massa Province are constantly approaching him for votes in their constituencies.

But everyone knows that this guy has moved too many people's cheese, and he is now making too much trouble.

These people are just looking for a suitable opportunity to kill him legitimately.

Marion, holding a camera, happened to take pictures of Charlemagne and Kane standing side by side at this time.

He now wants to dig out some important information from this case.

Because he found that this matter is not that simple.

"David Charlemagne, it is rumored that he is humble, kind, upright, sunny, a descendant of a true paladin, and the embodiment of all virtues. Today I saw that the rumors are not exaggerated, so I don't know what kind of person he is inside."

Marion muttered to himself with the camera.

"Inner truth? This is his inner truth." A casual voice sounded.

Marion was startled, then turned around and saw a beautiful lady in a dark blue evening dress holding a camera and speaking calmly.

This lady should be in her thirties. She looks very mature and intellectual, especially her deep and wise eyes, which attracted Marion at first sight.

"Beautiful and wise lady, are you also a reporter?" Marion asked with a respectful tone, a little nervous.

The woman shook her head: "I am a drama actor."

As she said that, the woman picked up the strange and very small camera in her hand and continued to take pictures.

"Drama actor?" Marion looked at the woman curiously and said: "My name is Guy Marion, a freelance journalist. Can I know your beautiful and mysterious name?"

The woman seemed to be easy to talk to. She put down the camera and replied: "Eve Pava."

Marion thought to himself: "This name...why is it familiar?"

"Ms. Pava, do you seem to know Mr. Charlemagne very well?" Marion asked curiously.

Eve nodded: "Of course, Mr. Charlemagne saved our entire troupe, and then took us to perform for three years, and taught us a lot in the process."

"You are..." At this time, Marion finally knew why he was familiar with this name.

Because the names of the nine people who came back with Charlemagne had already been investigated.

Eve said with a warning on her face: "You unscrupulous reporters like you had better not write bad articles on Mr. Charlemagne casually, otherwise I will not let you go."

After that, Eve turned and left.

Marion hurriedly followed and explained with a smile: "Ms. Pava, don't misunderstand, I don't want to attack Mr. Charlemagne's character, I am just more interested in the case at that time. I have always believed that Mr. Charlemagne was wronged, but I am very curious about who wronged Mr. Charlemagne at the beginning."

Eve turned her head and looked at Marion again, and replied: "If that's the case, then you'd better focus on other people."

After that, she left directly.

Marion looked at Eve's back with some reluctance. He had met many women over the years and had sex with many women, but this lady was definitely the first one who made him so emotional.

"Eve Pava is such a fascinating woman."

At this time, Charlemagne said happily on the podium: "In order to thank everyone for coming here to attend my party, I am going to lead my team to perform an impromptu performance for everyone."

"You know, I have been busy outside for the past three years. I have been conducting artistic research. This time I come back, I plan to vigorously develop drama and film."

"Great! Mr. Charlemagne's performance is rare!" Big Rocco clapped his hands and said with a laugh.

Then, Little Rocco, Vern and others followed suit.

On the other side, Pro Willy also applauded and said: "I remember that Mr. Charlemagne had a very good acting talent when he was a child. If you want to make a movie, I am willing to help you then!"

"As David's good friend, I naturally fully support it!" Polly applauded happily.

Then, with everyone cheering, Charlemagne opened his arms and said, "Welcome these partners who have been with me for three years! They are all real actors and artists, and they are also friends who have accompanied me through the darkest days of my life!"

Then, Eve and eight others walked onto the stage one after another.

Little Rocco continued to applaud without changing his expression after seeing Los disappear.

Under Charlemagne's leadership, several people performed a typical court drama. The cooperation between the nine people was very tacit, and it can be said that they were close.

Whether it was the impromptu lines or the vivid expressions and movements, they immediately won everyone's praise.

Marion looked at Eve on the stage, and his heart gradually became hot. He found that he actually... fell in love with this lady.

After five minutes of impromptu performance, it was time for them to communicate with each other.

Then everyone's eyes naturally focused on Charlemagne and Judy.

After walking down from the stage, Gloria whispered, "Captain, there is something wrong with those two people."

As she said, she looked at a slightly fat man and a woman not far away.

Renault whispered, "There are more than just the two of them. Almost ten superhumans have sneaked in today. These two are the strongest, but their targets are different."

"Those two are targeting Charlemagne, and the other eight are targeting us, just like they did to our companions this morning." Eve replied calmly.

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