Nowadays, Eve rarely expresses herself when she speaks.

It's not that she has become cold, but that after merging with the King and Queen in Yellow, Eve's feelings have become thinner and thinner.

Even with the blessing of blood therapy, if her body contains a demigod and his wife at the same time, Eve's personality and thinking will be affected to some extent by the King in Yellow.

"What should we do?" Renault asked in a low voice.

Eve said casually: "Since they came with bad intentions, according to our tradition, we cannot let them leave with bad intentions."

"Leave these two to me, leave the others to you, and don't make any noise."

"no problem!"

Gloria and Renault were immediately eager to give it a try.

Since merging with those ancient heroic spirits, they have not had any actual combat, and today they can finally show off their skills.

Eve left the crowd and followed the steps to the second floor.

At this time, Marion hurriedly ended her interview and went to find Eve.

Eve in front immediately noticed Marion, but she didn't care because this guy was part of the great mayor's plan.

In terms of the mayor's plan, this guy will set off a proletarian revolution in the future and overthrow this decadent world.

Moreover, Marion is an important part of Massa's follow-up plan.

Just as Marion left the crowd, the other two men and women looked at each other and followed.

In the corridor on the north side of the second floor, after walking around a corner, Marion suddenly realized that she had lost sight of Eve.

"Where did you go?"

Just as he was looking around, he suddenly felt someone strangled his neck from behind, covered his mouth, and was then taken directly into the utility room by the two men.


Marion, whose mouth was covered, kept struggling fiercely, his eyes kept scanning, and then he found that he was firmly trapped by a strong man.

At this time, the woman on the side took out an injection with a smile on her face, rolled up his sleeves, and said with a smile: "Who would have known that the dignified worker hero and famous adventurer Guy Marion is actually... An addict."

"He was invited by David Charlemagne and came here as a civilian, but due to drug addiction, he ran to the utility room and injected an overdose of medicine, and died here."

"Then your workers will think that Charlemagne killed you, and they will madly attack the Charlemagne family and the new owner who has come back and has a firm foothold."

Marion here was stunned when he heard this, and his body continued to struggle violently.

However, he discovered that the man possessed very powerful strength, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from the other side's restraint.

At this moment, he could only see the fatal needle gradually approaching his veins.

"Damn it! You damn bastards! Damn capitalists! Even if I were a ghost, I would never overturn you!" At this time, Marion's expression was very ferocious, his veins were bursting out, and his face was as red as a red-faced devil.

The woman sneered: "That's a nice expression. It fits the look of someone who has been taking drugs for too long."

"It's over! Am I really going to die here today?" At this moment, Marion was completely desperate.

He regretted not bringing a weapon. What he regretted even more was why he separated from the crowd even though he knew that these guys had evil intentions against him.

At this desperate moment, the door to the room was suddenly opened, and Eve stood at the door with an expressionless face.

The three people turned their heads and looked at each other at the same time, all looking shocked.

"What are you doing?" Eve asked calmly with eyes without any fluctuation.

The woman on the side instantly took out a sharp dagger from nowhere and stabbed Eve directly in the neck.

"Run! Run!" Marion screamed crazily when he saw this scene, but Eve didn't react at all and still stood there a little dull.

Just when the blade was about to get close to Eve's neck, Eve turned her head to look, and a pair of eyes as deep as the abyss met the woman's eyes.

The next second, the eyes of the woman holding the knife widened because she clearly saw an extremely large figure floating from the body of the clothes.

This body had an indescribably majestic body. Although she couldn't see clearly, the majestic royal robe filled everything in her mind.


The dagger fell to the ground. At this time, the woman's expression was distorted and her body was trembling, as if she had seen some unspeakable horror.

Marion on the side was completely stunned, because in his opinion, nothing happened.

Eve didn't move, but she suddenly froze, and then suddenly showed that weird expression.

At this time, accompanied by a strange smell, Marion looked down and suddenly found a stream of water flowing down the skirt of a woman's evening dress and onto the ground.

"Hey! What happened!?" Her male accomplice looked completely confused when he saw this, not knowing what happened.

But after he turned his head to look at Eve, he also showed a similar expression to before. His legs went weak, and he knelt on the ground weakly, and then peed.

Marion, who was standing in the middle of the two people urinating, was completely dumbfounded. Even now, he doesn't know what happened here.

At this moment, two young men wearing dark suits and cold faces came to the door.

"Thank you." The two people said, picked up the bag, picked up the two people, and carried them away.

It wasn't until the two people were completely gone that Marion came back to her senses and asked: "Ms. Pava, what just happened?"

Eve turned around and said, "Who knows, the two of them suddenly peed. They probably took too many drugs and had hallucinations."

Marion naturally didn't believe this.

Eve said calmly: "There are at least twenty people here who want to kill you. If I were you, you would find a place with many people and stay under everyone's sight, or approach them through interviews. Mr. Charlemagne.”

"Now here, the only one who can protect you is Mr. Charlemagne."

After saying that, Eve walked away directly.

Marion hurriedly followed and said hurriedly: "Ms. Pava, thank you, thank you for saving me! Although I don't know you very well, I feel that you are a beautiful and kind person like a goddess."

Eve turned her head slightly and glanced at Marion, and then she smiled like a teacher looking at an ignorant student: "Sir, you have no idea what a goddess is."

If there is a goddess in this world, then Eve believes that that goddess must be Lilith.

But here, Marion was fascinated by this charming smile.

At this moment, the only thing left in his mind was Eve.

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