When Marion was fascinated by Eve, the man and woman had been taken to a remote room, and then a middle-aged woman with a ponytail and a men's suit came over: "What's going on? "

The man in black replied: "We just received intelligence that someone was making trouble. When we arrived, these two people had been killed by the woman named Eve."

The middle-aged woman frowned, looked down at the two men and women, who were still expressionless at this time, and said gloomily: "Bring them in, I want to know who dares to cause trouble at the master's banquet."

While the middle-aged woman was talking, a handsome-looking middle-aged man in a well-dressed tuxedo came over.

The middle-aged man looks to be in his forties this year. Although there are some wrinkles on his face and a few white hairs in his hair, you can tell from his appearance that he must have been a handsome man when he was young.

Seeing this man, the middle-aged woman turned around and walked forward and asked coldly: "Mr. Seth, if you are not going to the banquet, what are you doing here?"

Seth smiled slightly: "Captain Eve asked me to come here and said that you might need my help."

"I don't need any help here, please go back." The middle-aged woman replied coldly.

Although on the first night back, Charlemagne and Judy had some indescribable relations, and the status of the two people with each other changed subtly.

But Judy's attitude towards Charlemagne has not changed substantially. She still controls everything in the family, and Charlemagne is still an outsider, including the helpers he brought back.

This handsome uncle named Seth is not conspicuous among these eight people. He can even be said to be a very ordinary member. Naturally, he will not be noticed by middle-aged women.

Seth smiled and replied in a polite tone: "Ms. Lisa, I don't mean anything else. I am just executing Mr. Charlemagne's order so that there will be no accidents at this banquet."

Lisa, a middle-aged woman, refused directly: "With us here, there won't be any problems at this banquet."

Lisa had just been interfered with her own affairs by Eve, and she felt that she had already lost. Lisa was already very unhappy. Unexpectedly, the other party would not stop it, and even sent a guy who was nothing and unknown to harass her. .

Seth remained calm-faced and said in a pleasant voice: "There are now ten more difficult enemies mixed into the banquet. Two of them are coming for Mr. Charlemagne. They are likely to come directly to the banquet." Come on, do you really have time to interrogate these two bugs here?"

Hearing this, Lisa replied calmly: "Do you think I will believe what you say? Who do you think you are? You've just been here for two days and you're dictating our defense system!"

Seth still smiled: "You'd better send someone to look at the two patrollers in the northeast corner, and outside the west side wall, there are two corpses lying there, belonging to the guests who came here today."

Lisa's eyes flashed when she heard this. Just when she was about to speak, another young woman came over in a hurry, then lay down and whispered in her ear.

Hearing this, Lisa's expression suddenly changed, and then she took a deep look at Seth and said to the woman: "You are here to "help" Mr. Seth interrogate these two guys, let's go!"

After speaking, Lisa turned around and left quickly with the others.

This young woman was almost carved out of the same mold as Lisa. Her face was cold and expressionless, and even her standing posture was exactly the same.

"Mr. Seth, I'd like to warn you first. It's best not to spill blood. It will only make you look very rude and ignorant."

Seth became interested after hearing this: "Really? I'm curious if you were like this during the interrogation?"

The young woman sneered: "You seem to be very confident in your methods. When you have no other way, I will naturally take action."

After hearing this, Seth walked into the room with a smile on his face. At this time, the two people had recovered a little. After seeing the two people, they immediately knew what they were about to face.

Without any hesitation, the two men opened their mouths and bit the poison in their mouths.

The woman on the side snorted coldly and came directly in front of the two people in an instant. Just when she was about to reach out to stop them, the two people were already prepared and raised their hands to cover their mouths.

The next second, the two people fell straight to the ground, motionless.

"Damn it! It's your fault that it took you so long!" The woman scolded with a cold look on her face when she saw this.

Seth came over and asked with a smile: "Why do you blame me? Didn't we come in just right? Both of us have just regained consciousness."

"Everyone is dead, why are you bragging here!" The woman herself had no good impression of Charlemagne, so she seized the opportunity and naturally squirted.

Seth raised his hand in surprise: "Who said they were dead?"

After her words fell, there was a strange fluctuation, and the woman suddenly discovered that an old iron chain had appeared in Sass's palm.

This chain seemed to be somewhere between reality and fiction, but the woman could clearly see the dirt and rust on the chain, as well as the dense barbs and spikes.

She could even see the remaining flesh and hair on the barbs and spikes.

Just by looking at it, this iron chain made the woman shiver inside, as if she could faintly feel the souls of countless people who had suffered from this iron chain.

Just when the woman was shocked by how the chain appeared, she suddenly found that the two people who had just fallen straight were not dead, but were tied up tightly by the illusory chain.

At this time, she immediately understood that the two people who fell down just now were not bitten by the poison, but were tied up by the chain and could not move.

"What the hell is this!?" The woman looked at the illusory chain, her heart was full of shock, and at the same time there was a faint fear.

Seth took two steps forward and came in front of the two people.

At this time, it can be seen that the two people were trapped tightly, and the hideous spikes and barbs had pierced into their flesh without any wounds or blood.

The only eyes of the two people were full of fear and fear at this time, and the sweat that kept oozing out of their foreheads showed that the two people were suffering from severe pain at this time.

Seth still had a smile on his face, but his smile was full of horror and terror at this time.

In the haze, the two people saw a figure wearing a special uniform with a blood-red body standing in front of them.

This person was red all over, as if bathed in the blood of countless people.

He wore a mask, held a ferocious chain in his hand, and had all kinds of ferocious instruments on his body.

The mere sight of those instruments frightened countless people and made them feel terrified.

This was the chief executioner under the Emperor of the Desert!

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