Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 320 The Prince and the Priest

The woman on the side could also faintly see the terrifying figure.

"What...what is this!?" The woman is someone who has been killed for a long time.

But at this moment, the woman was filled with fear from the bottom of her heart, and even her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

The distortion, cruelty, and bloodiness exuded from this shadow can no longer be described by humans.

When the woman was stunned, she suddenly heard a terrifying sound like hell.

The easy-going voice just now no longer exists. The handsome, gentle-toned, and elegant uncle now had a cruel and twisted smile on his face. He looked down at the two people: "You should be able to see the torture instrument behind me, right? ? Come on, choose one, they...have always been hungry for blood."

At this time, the two people covered their mouths with their hands and shook their heads desperately.

But just as they shook their heads, the muscles in their backs and shoulders began to squirm, and then the woman found that their bodies began to twitch violently, as if they were suffering indescribable horrific pain.

Seth looked at the two people and said with great interest: "You all take your hands away, and then tell me your purpose and your master. I will give you five seconds. If you are slow..."

Sass said, raising his hand, and a hook full of blood grooves and barbs fell on his hand.

"I really like to see it pierce the flesh and blood and hang you up."

woo woo woo woo!

The two people's eyes were about to pop out at this time, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"1" Seth started counting.

The two of them seemed to hear the voice calling for their lives coming from hell.

The moment they heard this voice, their eyes turned red. They endured the heart-wrenching pain and tried their best to move their hands under the chain full of spikes and barbs.

Sweat, tears, pain, fear, and trembling filled the entire process.

When the woman on the side saw this scene, the corners of her eyes twitched. She couldn't imagine the pain of being tied up by those chains, causing the two dead soldiers who regarded death to be in this state of pain.

The most important thing is that this thing obviously did not cause any harm to their bodies.

"4" Seth said, already raising the hook in his hand.

The two people looked like crazy when they saw this. Regardless of the inhuman pain, they directly removed their hands and said with their mouths: "Our master is Polly! Eli Polly!"

Afterwards, the two people kept talking like machine guns.

"We have been watching Marion for a long time, and we have never been able to find a suitable way to kill him. Then we are going to take action here. On the one hand, we can get rid of the thorn in our side, and on the other hand, we can also suppress Charlemagne's prestige. All hatred directed towards Charlemagne’s family!”

The woman asked: "What is the purpose!?"

The woman said with a tearful voice: "The Poli family has risen rapidly in the past two years, and many industries have gradually overlapped with the Charlemagne family, creating conflicts of interest."

"Since there is no real head of the Charlemagne family, in two years the heirs will only be distant relatives, and then there will be nothing to worry about."

"But now Charlemagne is back. Our master knows Charlemagne's abilities, so he wants to make the entire Charlemagne family stink before he takes over the industry!"

"That's all! That's all! Please! Stop torturing me, just let me die!"

At this time, the two of them were begging with tears and runny noses.

Their spirits have been completely broken and they now wish to die.

When Seth heard this, he put down his hand, and as the shadow dispersed, the chains on the two men also disappeared.

"The rest is up to you, madam." Seth raised his hand and gently placed it on the woman's shoulder.

Hearing this voice, the woman suddenly took a step back as if bitten by a poisonous snake, pulled out her weapon and showed a fighting posture, staring at Seth with great caution.

Seth smiled slightly: "Don't be so open-minded. We are all a family and we will all work for Mr. Charlemagne in the future, right?"

After saying that, he walked out with a smile on his face, leaving behind the two collapsed people and the woman who was still in shock.

"This damn monster, what the hell is that phantom!?" The woman thought to herself, slowly raising the hand holding the weapon.

But he found that his palm was still trembling.

"Damn it!" The woman tried her best to control her palms, but when she turned around, she found that two people had already crushed the poison, foaming at the mouth and dying.


At the same time, in the shadows in the northeast corner, Renault and Gloria shook off the blood on their palms with calm faces.

There were four corpses here at this time, two of them were young men wearing black suits, and two of them were robbers wearing black tights.

Lisa hurried over with her people, and when she saw this scene, her eyes tightened.

The two dead guards were both level 13 superhumans.

Judging from the wounds of the two guards, both of them were killed by someone touching their backs quietly and then directly piercing their necks.

Being able to kill these two guards silently and successfully bypass the entire manor's defense system, these two guys are at least level 18 superhumans.

By this time, these two men were already dead.

One of the assassins was completely crushed into a pulp, with broken bones mixed with flesh, and a large amount of blood splattered everywhere.

It's hard to imagine what kind of terrifying power could turn a superhuman of at least level 18 into this state.

The other assassin was rotten all over, his skin and internal organs all turned into thick water, leaving only white bones.

You know, how long has it been since the incident happened?

Not even thirty seconds!

Lisa looked at the two people with extremely cautious eyes and whispered, "What's going on?"

The tall and handsome Renault said casually, "We found two thieves. We happened to pass by here and found that the two guards here were killed, so we killed the two thieves."

Gloria, who had curly hair, delicate makeup, and a dark red evening dress, smiled and said, "Ms. Lisa, your defense system seems to have many loopholes. It was so easy for someone to sneak in and kill two guards."

Hearing this, Lisa's face suddenly darkened: "Whether we have loopholes or not, you don't need to judge here."

Renault on the side curled his lips and said, "If you are not unreliable and let so many people in, do you think we are willing to come here to judge? Ha, seeing this scene, I have no appetite for dinner today."

Lisa swung her arm, and more than a dozen black things flew directly over.


These things were directly blocked by the sand that suddenly appeared. Renault sneered and said, "What? You kowtow to the enemy and strike hard at your own people? You are really impressive, Ms. Lisa! You are worthy of being a subordinate brought up by Mrs. Charlemagne!"

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