Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 324 Judy's sense of crisis

When Judy and Charlemagne arrived, they happened to see this last scene, and heard a voice full of majesty and oppression.

"Damn it! This woman's abilities are similar to mine!?" Seeing this scene, Judy felt that Eve's attack method was very similar to her own control commands.

She glanced at Charlemagne vaguely: "You are so calculating! I thought this woman was only level 27 or 8, but now it seems that her fighting ability is not inferior to mine."

Charlemagne was stunned: "Really? I'm really not sure about this. We haven't seen each other for a few months before coming here, so we don't know much about her abilities."

Judy gritted her teeth and said, "Is it really interesting to talk like this?"

He felt Charlemagne teasing him.

Charlemagne said extremely seriously: "I swear on my ancestors that what I just said is true."

Hearing this, Judy fell into deep thought. For a person like Charlemagne, swearing to ancestors is almost the most formal and serious oath.

"This declaring something to me by taking action at this time?" Judy's heart was filled with a sense of crisis and dissatisfaction at this moment.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that if this woman had Arkham's support, then in the future... it would definitely be possible for her to live in the Charlemagne family instead of her.

Although she now controls most of the family's actual estate, she doesn't yet control them all.

Many people have control over her because she is Charlemagne's legal wife.

If one day Charlemagne divorces himself and marries this woman, then those people will not have any objections.

After all, the one they have always been loyal to is not Judy, but the Charlemagne family!

If she reaches this point, her status in the organization will quickly decrease, and she may even be sacrificed as useless trash.

"No! I won't allow this to happen!" The strong and fierce Judy made up his mind.

Eve's attention was not here, she waved to Seth.

Then Seth tied the two people with chains and took them away.

Charlemagne asked: "Eve, where are the others?"

Eve replied: "Their malice has completely disappeared from this world. The corpse has been dissolved by Gloria, and the bones have been collected by Lang Ke."

"Okay! Then this matter is settled perfectly! Go to sleep!" Charlemagne looked satisfied and turned around to leave.

Judy took a deep look at Eve and winked at Lisa and others, and the matter came to an end.


"Really? Did you hear that correctly?" Openg asked in confirmation at the Massa Center Building.

The subordinate nodded vigorously: "You heard me right, Kane did have contact with the Life Creator, and during the banquet, he took advantage of the time of having a relationship with a woman to meet with the Life Creator."

Hearing this, Openg clenched his fists: "What are these crazy people doing here?"

On the other side, the Polly family.

"The other two people didn't come back. It seems they were killed." Eli Poli said lightly.

"But it's not without gain. At least we can identify the forces behind Kane. Both of them are our dead men and will not leak our information." Eli's wife said lazily.

Eli leaned on the sofa: "It's a pity that Charlemagne is really alert enough to notice Marion."

At the same time, both Willy and the Rocco family learned something they wanted to know.

Soon, Massa's top management was completely certain that Kane's recovery was due to the relationship with the Creator of Life.

"Now that it's confirmed, let's start our plan!"


When Massa's undercurrent was surging, Los had just experienced a hearty and hearty hard work and was sleeping with Lilith in his arms.

"Master, Kingston is expected to return to Arkham in a week." Lilith said.

Ross was stunned: "Kingston?"

"Captain of the Green Covenant." Lilith reminded.

Ross immediately understood: "It turns out to be him!"

"Did he say how much he could do for us when he came back this time?"

Lilith said: "He can help us solve some unnecessary troubles in the name of the Green Covenant, and through their relationship, declare the justice and legitimacy of our Arkham in the entire supernatural world."

"And we give them some intelligence and enough help."

After hearing this, Ross nodded slightly: "It's a very good deal. It seems that these people are quite aware of current affairs."

Lilith continued: "In addition, Kingston heard that we lack some experts in buildings, and he will bring over some building experts from the Green Covenant this time."

"They are not superhumans. They are just stained with special marks for some reasons and are hunted by certain beings. The Green Covenant has been protecting them all these years."

"Recently, Green Covenant's capabilities in this area have been approaching saturation, and some trade-offs have to be made, so Kingston plans to move them here."

Ross became happy when he heard this and said: "Isn't this great? They will be safe in Arkham, and at the same time they can make up for our shortcomings here."

The two of them chatted and fell asleep directly.

The next morning, Lose had a hearty breakfast and headed directly to Massa City.

In Kane's office, Kane, who was working with his head down, suddenly heard a voice.

"Well done yesterday."

Kane immediately raised his head and looked at Los, then stood up quickly and said happily: "Being able to receive your praise is the greatest affirmation for me."

Los smiled and said: "Bell has told you the plan, right?"

Kane nodded: "I said last night that we are going to intervene directly. Last night they have confirmed that there is a life creator behind me, so they will not be surprised by what I do next."

"Okay, you continue to move forward. By the way, your little daughter seems to be in love with an ordinary boy." Los said.

Kane was stunned: "How do you know? I am just about to deal with that guy."

Los waved his hand: "No, just develop it like this. The relationship between the two of them is very helpful for our future plans."

Although Kane didn't understand it, he still obeyed unconditionally.

In fact, he planned to give his daughter to Los.

Ross continued, "You should protect Marion in secret recently. Then, one of you will be in the open and the other in the dark, and you can turn the whole city of Massa upside down. It will be convenient for me to take action now."

Kane is not stupid. He immediately knows the role of Marion. Then he suddenly said, "Mayor, I have a piece of news here. It was discovered by Joel and Astor."


"It's about several big families selling banned drugs."

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