Marion didn't sleep all night. Whenever he closed his eyes, he would recall Kane's dirty hands at the ball and the scene of the two people walking into the room.

He had already masturbated twice, but still couldn't fall asleep. Before he knew it, it was already dawn.

He sat up from the bed with his eyes dazed, turned his head and looked through the window at the bright sunshine outside the house.

Although the sun was shining, he couldn't feel any light in his heart.

He had never been so obsessed with a woman.

Although Eve was very beautiful, she was not stunningly beautiful, and she looked more than 30 years old, past the age of beauty.

But she had a special temperament that Marion couldn't describe, which made him deeply obsessed and unable to extricate himself.

He didn't even know what kind of person the other person was, and he had only met her a few times, but he liked her unconditionally.

"Eve... wait for me!"

Marion took a deep breath, turned around, washed up, and put on his clothes. He was going to lead a workers' movement today to expose the ugly faces of the evil capitalists and let this corrupt government see the power of the workers.

Through these, not only can the rights of workers be improved, but also Marion's social status can be greatly improved.

Marion now has a clear goal, that is, through these movements and his own upright and great personality, he can make himself a hero of the people, and then get the support of various forces through this identity, and then directly enter the political arena.

Before experiencing what happened last night, although this goal in Marion's heart was a goal, it was not strong. He wanted to help this group of workers in need at that time.

But after experiencing the stimulation of last night, he changed his mentality and plan.

He wants to win social status as quickly as possible, at least have power that is not inferior to Kane, and then pursue Eve openly and protect her.

Thinking of this, he was immediately full of energy after not sleeping all night. After a simple breakfast, he put on his clothes and went out directly.

Marion lives at the intersection of the north, west, and outer periphery of the city's central circle. There are all kinds of people here, and the public security is not good because people of all levels gather here.

He now has enough funds to move into the central circle and enjoy a peaceful and peaceful life.

But if this happens, the persona he worked so hard to build will collapse directly.

Walking out of the cheap shared apartment, Marion saw several young hooligans not far away shouting at each other, showing off their strength.

Marion is accustomed to such scenes. He has been working at this level for many years and is very familiar with such people.

And now Marion's identity of fighting for the interests of civilians has given him a good reputation among the working class and the lower-level hooligans.

"Mr. Marion!" The hooligans on both sides stopped immediately after seeing Marion and looked over with a smile on their faces.

Marion smiled and said, "Don't fight too much. Our real enemy is the evil capitalists. We are all poor people in the same camp. Why bother our own people?"

Hearing this, the dozen or so hooligans on both sides were suddenly ashamed, and their arrogant arrogance just subsided a lot.

Marion does have the qualifications of a charlatan. His voice is very magnetic, his tone is very sincere and contagious. Coupled with his glorious personality and hard work over the years, this group of hooligans admire him very much.

"Yes! Mr. Marion!" The hooligans immediately nodded respectfully.

Marion smiled, walked quickly through the two streets, and headed towards the residential area where the lower-class workers lived.

Just when Marion just passed an alley, he was suddenly rushed out by three big men, who strangled his neck and dragged him into the alley.

"Fight! Quick! Kill him and we can get one million Rosa coins!" In the blur, Marion heard a greedy voice.

Hearing this, Marion pulled out the gun behind him, but another person grabbed his wrist and snatched the gun away.

"Damn it! These guys are getting more and more crazy!" Marion immediately regretted it.

He should have been more careful after being attacked last night, but because of Eve's incident, he forgot about it.

In the blur, Marion saw three guys took out three sharp daggers.

"Sorry, people's hero!"

The three men said greedily like evil spirits at this time, and directly stabbed Marion's chest with daggers.

At this critical moment.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Three sounds like watermelons being smashed sounded, and Marion's eyes, which were wide open with anger, were gradually covered with blood.

After that, he closed his eyes tightly, felt the broken bones and blood scattered on his face and mouth, and then he was pressed under the three people.

"Who! Who saved me? Is it... Miss Eve?" Marion struggled to get up, spit out the bones and blood in his mouth, and wiped the blood off his face and looked forward.

"Hello, Mr. Marion." A peaceful voice sounded.

Marion looked up and saw a tall and thin man with a jazz hat on his head, wearing a decent suit, holding a cane in his hand, with black hair and a pair of rare black eyes.

He looked to be about thirty years old, with neatly combed hair, dark skin, and a handsome appearance.

At this moment, the young man was looking at him with a hearty smile.

"Who are you?" Marion asked tentatively.

The young man smiled and said, "You can call me Black Pharaoh."

"Black Pharaoh? Weird name." Marion commented.

The young man smiled and said, "A name is just a symbol. For example, you can be called Marion, I can be called Marion, and anyone on the street can be called Marion."

"And after removing the name Marion, who are you?"

Faced with the young man's questioning, Marion was stunned and couldn't answer for a while.

The young man still had a hearty smile and said, "Remove the name Marion, I think you are a reformer of the times, a leader of workers, and a hero of the times."

Hearing this, Marion was shocked, and his eyes gradually revealed a divine light. He looked at the young man and said, "Mr. Black Pharaoh, you have a pair of deep eyes and keen insight."

The young man smiled slightly: "I have been observing you for a long time. You have done well in the previous things, but next, you may need my help, don't you?"

As he said, the young man pointed his cane at the three headless corpses on the ground.

Marion swallowed his saliva: "You... saved me just now?"

"Besides me, is there anyone else?" the young man asked.

Marion's heart beat faster and faster, and he thought to himself: "My adventure has finally come!"

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