Looking at the heat and hope in Marion's eyes, Los knew that this person had taken the bait.

As long as he was a normal person, facing this situation, no one could resist the temptation of this existence.

The person who called himself the Black Pharaoh in front of Marion at this time was naturally Los.

After leaving Kane, he focused on Marion.

Charlemagne could handle the things that happened next. After what happened last night, Judy didn't dare to do it casually, and she was so proud that she would not ask for help from other people in the Black Goat Egg.

Kane and Bell were also on the right track, and Kane gave him a very good opportunity this morning.

When everything is ready, a suitable reason is needed to unveil the beginning of this frenzy.

On the way here, Los has been thinking about what identity and what kind of personality he should use to contact Marion and become the grandfather behind him.

Then in a flash of inspiration, he thought of Nyarlathotep, one of the three pillars.

This guy has various incarnations, and then gives humans all kinds of taboo knowledge, creates chaos for humans, and then hopes that humans will destroy themselves.

Combined with the development of the past few months, Los has vigorously developed blood therapy, built special shelters, and taught people countless taboo knowledge that does not belong to humans.

Then he walked out of Arkham and came to Massa to harm the world.

So, Los thought that his current image was very suitable for Nyarlathotep's common incarnation image, and the name was randomly chosen as the black pharaoh he was most familiar with.

As for the personality, Los now stands out for mystery, power, elegance and style!

Marion is a very normal ordinary person. He can't resist normal temptations. He will desire power and women, fear death, desire beauty, and submit to power.

This is Los's current plan.

He found that the entire empire now has a very strong hostility towards Arkham, and it will not be smooth to use the name of Arkham directly.

At the same time, he also considered that in the future, he will inevitably establish many people. If the same name is used, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble to Arkham.

If other organizations are established in the process with the identities of other people, Arkham can share a lot of hatred through these fictitious organizations.

Combined with the above, Los's first official identity outside, Black Pharaoh, appeared like this.

And with Black Pharaoh as the leader, in the time it took Los to eat a hamburger, an organization called Black Suit that had never existed before was suddenly established.

Marion looked at Los with burning eyes and asked tentatively: "You said you have been observing me for a long time?"

Los nodded: "Of course, I have been paying attention to you all the way. Over the years, I have been looking for someone who can set off the tide of the times, and you are the one I have chosen."

"The person who sets off the tide of the times..." Hearing this, Marion agreed very much, because he always believed that if he could establish a workers' union, it would indeed set off a new generation of the tide of the times.

Marion asked again: "Then you... want to help me complete this great cause?"

"Otherwise I wouldn't be standing here." Los adjusted his knight's hat and smiled.

Marion felt his heart beat faster, but he was not overwhelmed by joy, so he did not continue.

"Sorry, I have to lead a workers' march next. Can we talk later?" Marion knew that there is no free lunch in the world. The other party can provide help and will definitely ask for certain benefits.

Marion is also ready to pay enough price, but it does not mean that he is a fool who can be fooled.

He needs to cool down his brain and give himself enough time to think, so as to weigh the pros and cons.

At the same time, he also needs to use this time to test the sincerity of the other party and what kind of strength the other party has.

Los said: "You have moved the cheese of some big families now. They have been trying to get rid of you. This kind of parade is very risky."

Marion looked down at the three bodies, took a deep breath and said: "I know, but I have to do this."

Los smiled slightly, showing an admiring expression: "I admire people with determination."

Los turned and walked away: "From now on, no one can hurt you."

"What?" Before Marion came back to his senses, he found that the mysterious black pharaoh had disappeared.

"This guy... seems to be very powerful!" The last sentence just now made Marion feel completely safe.

Curious, he looked down at the bodies again. The heads of the three people shattered almost at the same time, as if they had bombs buried in their heads and exploded.

But he knew very well that there could be no bombs in people's heads.

"There was no gunshot, no explosion. No gun could completely blow up the heads of three people in an instant. How did he do it?"

Marion walked out of the alley while thinking inwardly.

"Mr. Marion?!" As soon as I came out, I saw a dozen workers running towards me.

They were all wearing the same blue overalls and holding a sign in their hands.

It said "Better protection! Better working environment!"

Marion took a deep breath, temporarily put the matter of the Black Pharaoh behind his mind, and said with a smile: "Let's go! Fight for our rights!"

Then, the group walked quickly to the gathering place.

Los, floating in the air in a transparent form, looked at this very simple request and said with a smile: "This request is really simple."

The workers' requirements are not high. They can have the protection of work injuries and diseases, and at the same time improve the working environment.

Many people in the factory now always suffer from various terminal illnesses due to various chemicals and fiber dust.

For those who suffer from terminal illnesses, there is only one way to go. First, they are abandoned by the boss, and then wait for death in despair, just like Lao Han before.

Lao Han is lucky. He is a citizen of Arkham, and he caught up with the era of Los, so he got a miracle and survived.

But here, there is no miracle called blood therapy.

At 9:30 in the morning, all the workers gathered together.

There were a total of 60,000 workers gathered this time, and a total of six large factories and seven small factories went on strike.

The number of strikers accounted for one-tenth of the total workers in Massa City.

Sixty thousand people filled three blocks, led by Marion, holding signs and chanting slogans as they began to march through the city.

"It's really spectacular!" Los said with a smile on his face.

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