The whole procession was so grand that even the police could not stop the procession of 60,000 people.

Moreover, the police were not prepared to stop the workers.

While the workers were marching, the boss of the striking factory had realized the seriousness of the problem and rushed to the Massa Center Building.

At this time, at the huge conference table, the top officials of the entire Massa Province had gathered together.

The leader was naturally the senior official of the Massa Province, Lee Morris.

This 62-year-old old man with white hair and a plump figure sat in the first seat. On his left was the current mayor of Massa City, Gerry, a 52-year-old, thin ordinary middle-aged man.

Below the two were the real top officials of the entire Massa Province.

President Vernen, the Rocco brothers, the Polly family, the Willy family, the lackey of the military, Open, and his immediate superior, the minister in charge of the affairs of the entire Massa Province: Ben Frosen.

At this time, sitting on the seventh floor, they could still hear the huge shouts coming from outside the window.

Beside the conference table, the heads of more than a dozen factories were pale and kept silent.

"There were signs of this incident before. I reminded you, but you didn't care." The first to speak was Frosin.

Polly stroked the ring on his ring finger and said, "This situation is caused by lax factory management. There are no people from our factory in this parade."

"What do you mean?" Big Rocco asked with a gloomy face.

The workers in this parade are mainly engaged in garment factories, glass factories and steel mills, and these three industries are the pillars of their Rocco family.

Willy on the side said sarcastically: "Who made you so black-hearted that you didn't take any protective measures. Your factory has only a few hundred people dying from the dust every year. No wonder the workers quit."


Little Rocco slapped the table with his palm and whispered, "It's not your turn to point fingers at our factory's problems."

"Okay!" It was Morris, a senior official, who spoke at this time.

Everyone quieted down and turned to look at Morris.

"Now is not the time to argue. If the working class really raises its head, none of you will ever have such high profits in the future. These greedy workers are a bottomless pit that can never be filled."

"If their protest is successful this time, can you be sure that the workers in your factory will not join in because of jealousy?"

Willie and Polly bowed their heads in thought.

Then Morris turned to look at the Rocco brothers: "How can you say that this matter was provoked by you, and I have reminded you many times about the problems in your factory."

Big Rocco said: "If the workers wear masks and work clothes, and add relevant safety facilities, our costs will directly increase by 20%, and once this is started, these unruly people will greedily demand."

"With this situation, where are the police?" Vern asked dissatisfiedly.

Mayor Gerry on the side said: "Kane should have betrayed us. This time I asked them to disperse the workers, but he was just pretending and didn't take us seriously at all. The meeting was directly rejected."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes flashed coldly at the same time.

Morris said, "We are all in the same boat after all. If someone falls into the water, it will be hard for everyone else. Now we need to solve the problem."

He looked at Frosin, who had been silent and looking down at the documents.

"Why hasn't this Marion been eliminated?" Frosin asked the first thing he said.

Polly on the side said, "I was going to take action at the Charlemagne family last night, but was discovered by Judy, and my two men died."

Little Rocco continued, "I sent someone this morning, and it seems to have failed."

"I mean, why did he live so long?"

Frosin raised the documents in his hand and said coldly, "He started to rise a year ago, specializing in reporting problems in your factories, and quickly accumulated reputation in this year. What are you doing?"


Frosen threw the document directly on the table: "You are suspicious of each other, fighting among yourselves, and all hope that this bug can become a knife in your hands, and then stab each other hard."

"In your internal fighting and suspicion, you actually let a poor trash get to this point and bring you such trouble!?"

"A bunch of trash!"

Finally, Frosen's voice suddenly became too high and he cursed loudly.

Faced with such insults, everyone lowered their heads, and even dared not breathe.

Everyone sitting here knows who is the real master of this Massa Province.

They also know that the reason why they can sit here and become the top nobles of this Massa Province is because of the permission and support of this person.

"Short-sighted, narrow-minded, if this goes on, can you still help the general block Arkham? You can't even solve a poor person, and you still want to solve superhumans!? Are your brains full of shit!?"

Harsh insults continued to come, no one dared to say a word, and no one dared to ridicule each other.

"Rocco!" After cursing, Frosen called a name.

Brother Rocco raised his head hurriedly: "Minister."

"This matter originated from your factory, and it is up to you to solve it. Before sunrise tomorrow, I want this Marion to die."

"A group of poor people lying at the bottom of society should behave like poor people. Without their leader, they are worse than ants!"

Hearing this, the Rocco brothers were immediately shocked and said, "I understand!"

Frosen stared at the two brothers with deep eyes: "This is your last chance. The general never keeps incompetent people. There are many people who can do this position."

The Rocco brothers' hearts beat suddenly, and then they immediately said, "I understand!"

Then Frosen turned to look at the others: "Don't watch the show, send your people out, and go directly to the streets to kill. Someone will naturally be responsible for all the crimes."

"The leader is dead, the companions are dead, what kind of storm can this group of cowardly poor people stir up!"

After hearing this, everyone's face changed slightly.

Such killing in the street is not a trivial matter. As nobles, they prefer to hide behind the scenes.

After all, they still have some face and decency.

But now, no one dares to disobey the order of this adult, and everyone nodded.

At this time, they dare not have any other thoughts, because they know Frosen very well and know how cruel and crazy this guy is.

"What happened to Charlemagne after he came back?" Frosin asked.

Then everyone started talking about what they saw and felt last night.

"It depends on whether this paladin is more powerful or that witch is more powerful. We can just watch the show."

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