Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 328 The Powerful Black Pharaoh

Here, while this group of senior executives had already issued a killing order to Marion, Marion had already brought a group of workers to the Freedom Square in the center of Massa.

Tens of thousands of workers surrounded here, and there were tens of thousands of onlookers around. From the sky, it looked dense and like an ant nest.

"We can't continue to be silent. The bloodthirsty capitalists will only squeeze us. They won't give us an extra penny!"

"Workers! We want to fight for our own rights! We want to be our own masters! We are not slaves of capitalists!"

"We are not slaves of capitalists!"

"We are not slaves of capitalists!"

The deafening roar spread out from the Freedom Square, and the roar here could be clearly heard two kilometers away.

"All fellow workers, let us unite! Don't continue to work for those capitalists! We want to fight for our rights!"

"We want to form our own union! A union belonging to our workers! A great organization that can protect the interests of all our workers!"

"Fellow workers! It's time to stand up! Don't bow your head like those vampire capitalists!"

Holding a loudspeaker, Marion stood at the highest point and kept making inspiring voices.

Los was standing next to Marion at this time, because he had already felt that fifteen snipers had appeared on the surrounding buildings.

At the same time, among the workers, at least twenty people were constantly approaching this side.

Standing on the platform at this time, Marion was also a little unsure, because he knew very well that if those people wanted to kill him, they could kill him here at any time.

But now the arrow was on the string and could not be stopped.

Just when Marion was very worried, a voice from nowhere entered his ears.

The voice was still so mysterious, calm, and elegant.

"Now there are thirty-five people approaching to kill you."

Hearing this, Marion's slogan froze for a moment.

Los continued: "Don't stop shouting, I say you just listen."

Marion was naturally an experienced person, and he quickly recovered and continued his speech.

"Someone will shoot in a while, I will let the bullet scratch your clothes and skin, and you will bleed a little, but it's just a skin injury."

"Do you know what I mean?"

Marion's brain was spinning at high speed, and he immediately knew what Los meant.

He nodded slightly to show that he understood.

"The boy is teachable." Los was very satisfied, sitting leisurely in the air, waiting for those people to take action.

Marion's inspiring speech continued.

At this time, the killers hiding in the surrounding buildings were ready.

They were all experienced fighters, and the weapons in their hands were the most advanced sniper rifles obtained from the military, with an effective distance of 500 meters.

And now the distance is only less than 300 meters, and the bullet can easily blow up the guy's head.

Take a deep breath, and according to the agreement, the killer on the north side took the lead in shooting.


A heavy gunshot sounded, and the people in the square showed silence after hearing this, and then turned to look at Marion.

Everyone knows that the evil capitalists have always regarded Marion as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

This shot must be aimed at Marion.

Sure enough, when everyone looked over, they saw a blood mark on Marion's cheek at this time, and the blood was flowing down the wound.

"Mr. Marion! You are injured! Come down! Someone is going to kill you!" For a moment, the workers below shouted hurriedly.

Marion on the stage fell into a temporary silence.

He was really scared by the bullet just now. The hot bullet still made his face feel hot.

He even felt that he was dead at that moment.

But the magical thing was that the bullet actually turned.

"My God! The powerful black pharaoh! He actually has such a magical ability!"

After a short silence, Marion stood up again under the worried gaze of everyone.

At this time, under the gaze of everyone, Marion's face was firm and his eyes were deep. He shouted loudly: "Compatriots! See! Those capitalists who can only hide behind are afraid! They are afraid of our voices! They are afraid of our rise!"

"So they are so angry that they are ready to kill me! Kill me, the one who led you to make a sound!"

"But!" Marion suddenly roared with all his strength.

"But! They don't know! This spirit of resistance cannot be stopped by anyone! Even if they kill one of me! There are still thousands of me! Everyone present will be me! They will inherit my will!"

"If I really die here today! If our death can allow our compatriots to obtain reasonable benefits, then! Evil capitalists! Shoot me!"

"Since ancient times, great revolutions have always shed blood! And in this revolution, I am willing to be the first person to bleed!"

Oh oh oh oh oh!

Such inflammatory words, such a fearless spirit and attitude, especially in this situation where he was almost killed, are more authentic and infectious.

"Protect Mr. Marion! Protect Mr. Marion! Find those capitalists' running dogs!"

Just as the masses below were filled with indignation, gunshots rang out again around them.

Marion did not move, his eyes were firm and deep, his body, which was no different from that of an ordinary person, stood there as majestic and firm as a mountain.

People who were afraid of the sound of gunfire just now, now all looked up at Marion who was motionless and ready to die.

Now, no one doubted Marion, and now Marion would transform from a leader into a hero!

Under their gaze, it seemed that Marion's bravery and greatness had infected the heavens, or those who were fighting for it.

None of these bullets hit Marion, only one of them penetrated his left arm muscle without hurting the bone.

But even so, Marion still stood there firmly, roaring: "Evil capitalists, you will never be able to defeat a real fighter! Death can't stop him!"

At this time, the killers around were completely stupid, and they were a little doubtful of life.

Not to mention that they hit the target every time, their hit rate was at least 95%!

But now, in this motionless situation, they had all kinds of empty guns, which made them begin to doubt their lives.

Just as they hesitated, they suddenly felt the door behind them being knocked open by a huge force, and then a group of workers with red eyes and angry faces rushed in frantically.

"Catch these capitalists' running dogs! Protect Mr. Marion!"

"Damn it! How did they find us!?" At this time, the more than 30 killers were completely confused.

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