These gunmen were ordinary people, and the sniper rifles in their hands could not fire continuously. Facing such a group of extremely angry and strong workers, they had no possibility of resistance in this narrow room.

Almost at the first sight, these gunmen were directly caught by the workers and beaten black and blue.

At the same time, more workers surrounded Marion in the middle in the form of a human wall, ready to use their bodies to block bullets for this hero.

Faced with such a situation, Marion was shocked. He did not expect that this trick was so useful that it could make this group of workers so fanatical.

But at the same time, what shocked him even more was how the group of workers found the gunmen hidden in the surrounding buildings and the attackers hidden in the crowd?

The next second, Marion suddenly thought of the powerful, mysterious, and elegant black pharaoh.

"It must be him!" Marion was very sure in his heart.

You know, the dozen long-range gunmen on the periphery were scattered in the seven buildings around the square, and the workers surrounded here could not see the black guns inside through the windows.

Finding the twenty attackers among the crowd of 60,000 people is almost impossible for ordinary people.

"This is really... too powerful!" Marion felt a tremor in his heart at this time.

He never thought that he could get help from such a magical person.

All the killers have been caught at this time and escorted by angry workers.

Marion here also seized the opportunity to start a new round of speeches.

With the three core points of fearlessness of life and death, the interests of workers first, and the ugliness and viciousness of capitalists, Marion began to package everything about himself with the infectious language.

Los in the sky was very satisfied with the situation here, and then he directly notified the captain, Section Chief Church, who was patrolling around.

Then Church quickly passed Los's instructions to Bell and Kane.

You know, when the entire city's police system and a large gang in the dark transmit a message together, the speed is terrifying.

Coupled with the identities of the police and the exaggerated descriptions, its credibility has been greatly improved.

At noon, within two hours, everything that happened in the square spread to most of the city.

In a fast food restaurant in the factory area on the north side of the city, a large number of workers in overalls wiped their sweat and took out a Rosa coin to buy a lunch.

The lunch was simple, black bread, covered with lard, a large bowl of mashed potatoes, and a lot of sucrose added.

It was very simple, but it could provide them with a lot of energy and sugar, allowing them to complete high-intensity physical labor.

"Hey, have you heard that the parade in the central square is very loud."

At the door of the restaurant, two policemen were "whispering" gossiping.

"Do you still need to hear? I just changed shifts from there! Tsk! Didn't you see that the 60,000 workers gathered in the square have scared the bosses silly and they dared not show up at all."

"Is it true?!" the tall policeman asked.

The short policeman said with a beaming face: "Marion's speech was very contagious, and all the workers were united together. There were even dozens of gunmen who wanted to assassinate Marion. Guess what? It seems that God blessed him. The gunman was in a bad condition today and only shot through his arm."

"And there's more! Marion is a real hero! He is not afraid of death at all. I think those big bosses are really scared this time. They dared to assassinate Marion so blatantly in front of 60,000 people!"

"What happened next?" The tall policeman seemed addicted to listening.

The short policeman continued: "When I left, the deputy mayor had come to appease them and said that there was room for negotiation. I didn't expect that it would really work after such a commotion. When can we make a commotion?"

"Are you looking for death? Aren't you living comfortably now!?"


The two policemen spoke in a "low voice", which can be said to be unintentional, but intentional.

It was lunch time at this time, and the density of workers was very high. When they heard the police talking about this, they were suddenly filled with shock and excitement, and even some yearning and regret.

"Damn it! I would have gone there if I had known!" A bearded man looked at the unappetizing lard and pale mashed potatoes with a look of regret.

Others also looked surprised.

You know, most people here have been invited, but they were rejected.

The main reason is that the seafood industry they are engaged in does not have so many occupational diseases. In addition to being a little tired, there is no risk of terminal illness. In order to support their families, they don't want to make trouble.

And there is no precedent for this matter. If they fail, they will not only lose their jobs, but if they are on the blacklist of the employer because of this matter, they will even lose their job opportunities!

Similar policemen and workers were staged in various factory areas in the city at noon, which made this group of original outsiders also think about it.

Human beings are like this. If everyone is equally hard, no one is willing to stand up and fight for it.

But when others succeed in fighting and get more profits, the rest are full of unfair dissatisfaction.

When this dissatisfaction begins to grow, a new wave will emerge.

Rocco family villa.

"A bunch of trash!" When the Rocco brothers heard the situation at that time, they were immediately filled with anger.

"We must not let him live past today, otherwise, given today's situation, tomorrow's workers may exceed 100,000!" At this moment, the two brothers were completely panicked.

They watched the situation from afar, and it can be said that the public was excited and the public opinion was boiling.

The failure of the assassination perfectly set off Marion's bravery and completely elevated his status to a great hero.

If it is not eliminated at this time, there will be endless troubles!

"Let the Golden Leopard Gang enter the scene, first disperse this group of untouchables, and then let Luo take action."

Luo is their secret weapon. This is a real superhuman they recruited.

He has the powerful ability to catch bullets with his bare hands, and the power of the bow and arrow he uses can easily shoot through the walls of both sides of a building. He is a very terrifying existence.

But superhumans must be separated from the normal human world after all. They also have unspoken rules on the noble side. In internal fighting, superhumans are not allowed to be used, otherwise the consequences will be too terrible.

But now, it is not an internal fight.

And the situation is so serious that this special existence needs to be used.

Soon, Mike, who was deployed as a personnel, was called over.

"Go and notify them. In the afternoon, call 300 people to disperse these unruly people!" Little Rocco said.

Mike nodded immediately: "Understood!"

Then he turned around and went immediately.

Big Rocco asked: "Where are those people?"

"They were taken away by the police and are now in the police station."

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