I heard that at the police station, Big Rocco was not as calm as before, but gloomy.

You know, today's Director Kane is no longer on the same front as them.

"Brother, I'm going to negotiate with Kane. No matter how arrogant this guy is now, he doesn't dare to openly oppose us. Moreover, this guy is very greedy. As long as he is given enough benefits, letting him go will not be a problem." Little Rocco said confidently. .

After hearing this, Da Luo Ke said with gratitude: "Okay, you can go there now."


Just when little Rocco was about to leave, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the study.

"Come in!" Big Rocco said.

Then a young man turned pale and said breathlessly: "Master, it's bad! The whole parade is coming towards us!"

"What!? Coming towards us? Didn't the deputy mayor pass by!?" Big Rocco was surprised.

The young man explained: "Gore's guys, I don't know why, after being beaten up by the workers, they actually called the master out, and even explained the entire plan and your order in detail ”

Gore, the leader of this assassination operation.


Upon hearing this, the Rocco brothers instantly turned red, clenched their fists, and an indescribable anger filled their brains.

"Death! I want them to die!" At this time, the two people could only rage and vent their anger on these incompetent killers.

"Down with the oppressors! Seize the initiators!"

"Down with the oppressor! Catch the initiator!"

"Brother Rocco, who is full of sin! Give our workers their lives! Give our workers their health!"

At this time, a sound like ocean waves had passed through the wall and reached their ears.

The two people's faces were full of panic at this time, and they turned around to look.

Standing on the fifth floor and looking around, two streets about five hundred meters away were already filled with countless people.

At this time, these people were shouting neat slogans and walking towards this direction.

The leader was none other than Marion, who was wearing a bandage and moving forward with the support of workers.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The two of them felt their brains go blank for a moment and didn't know how to deal with it.


On the other side, the housekeeper Mike had already left the apartment, got in his car and quickly headed to the Leopard Gang's location.

Of course, he would not go there directly. While driving, he told Bell's person in charge of contacting him about the transfers related to the Leopard Gang.

Then it flew all the way.

Bell was well prepared here and quickly prepared relevant personnel and clothing to start taking action.

He had been waiting for such an opportunity.

His plan is very simple, that is to directly intensify the conflict between the Wild Wolf Gang and the Golden Leopard Gang.

"Listen up, the main elites of the Golden Leopard Gang will be dispatched now. This is our best opportunity. Listen up. One group has memorized the relevant identities and lines. After robbing the things, they will be sent directly to the Wild Wolf. Help the area south of the city, there will be people there to help you."

"The second group will follow me to provoke the Wild Wolf Gang, and then act according to the plan."

"Do you understand?"


Randomly, the eighty soldiers divided into two groups and began to take action.

What happened after that was very interesting.

Because the Rocco brothers were surrounded and Mike's instigation, the Leopard Gang came out in full force.

Mike passed the news to the Wolf Gang through a mole in the gang.

The people of the Wild Wolf Gang were immediately moved when they heard this. You know, no matter how much peace the higher-ups advocate, there is never peace below.

At this time, the members of the Wild Wolf Gang suddenly discovered that a small group of gang members were attacking them.

Although the attack was fierce, there were not many people and they were quickly repulsed.

Then, according to the person who was caught, the attack was carried out according to the instructions from above. The specific reason is not known.

Just when the people here were confused, another person from the branch came with news.

According to their "secret information", the Golden Leopard Gang is preparing to sneak attack on the Wild Wolf Gang today. They want to use a small force to lure them out and then surround them. They want to take back the entrance to the east side of the city that was taken away from them before.

However, due to an unexpected incident, the large forces now returned to defend Rocco Manor, resulting in a lack of response.

And they also received the provocation there. They had seized the opportunity and secretly entered the hall of the Golden Leopard Gang, looted a lot of things, and received praise from the superiors.

Since the mechanism of the Wild Wolf Gang is to divide it into different gangs without a gang leader, each gang can receive different rewards based on their contribution.

After hearing this, the Tangkou here was not willing to be outdone, and with the provocation just now, he immediately killed him.

On the other side, facing the attack of the Leopard Gang, this group of workers seemed to be well prepared.

When this group of fierce robbers just showed up and took out machetes and guns, the workers had already raised their hands.

Then, fist-sized stones were thrown towards the group of people like raindrops.

You know, there are 60,000 people here, and there are only about 300 people here.

When this group of people saw the sky-blocking stones being thrown towards them, they were completely dumbfounded.

"Damn it! This group of workers came prepared this time! They actually attacked us!" Mike, the leader, shouted loudly.

The power of the stone thrown from a long distance is not small. If it is hit hard, it can easily break the bridge of a human's nose.

The person who was hit suffered a huge bruise, which hurt like hell.

In serious cases, the skull will be smashed, or the body will bleed and die directly.

These gang members are indeed fierce, but they are also human beings and afraid of death.

Faced with this situation, they can only turn around and run, or find cover to dodge.

However, this round of attack also left at least fifty gang members seriously injured and seventy slightly injured.

The workers here suddenly shouted in victory.

Hearing this shout, the gang members here were suddenly filled with anger, and then someone shot at the workers.

A worker fell to the ground in response.

However, the gunshot did not scare the workers. After experiencing Marion's assassination just now, they deeply knew that fear could not solve the problem.

What's more, the great leader Marion was at the forefront at this time.

"Compatriots! The Rocco brothers actually hired killers and gang thugs to attack us. We must fight them to the end!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

Then, the stones in the hands of the workers were aimed at the Rocco family's manor.

"Damn it! Who fired the gun!?" The Rocco brothers in the manor were completely dumbfounded at this time.

You know, this situation is different from assassination.

Assassination is done in secret, but the gang members openly shot, and the nature of the matter has completely changed.

At this time, a large number of stones were thrown into the manor.

"Damn lowly people!" Seeing his beautiful manor being smashed by stones, Little Rocco was furious.

"This matter is troublesome." Big Rocco knew that this matter was not something that the two of them could handle.

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