Outside the Rocco Manor, angry workers surrounded the entire manor.

Before the gang members could take action, they were hit with stones by the workers and bruised all over their bodies.

Just as they were preparing a formal counterattack, the police arrived.

A large number of heavily armed police officers rushed to the scene and directly surrounded the group of thugs.

Hundreds of guns were pointed at this group of people, and Chief Church, who was taking the lead, shouted directly: "I count to three and put down the weapon, otherwise we will shoot directly!"



Looking at the black muzzles of the police's guns, no matter how fierce the thugs were, they did not dare to question the determination of the police.

After all, it is legal for people to shoot!


The firearms and weapons in their hands were neatly thrown to the ground.

At this time, Kane also arrived with a large police force, first quickly surrendered the thugs, and then called medical staff to take the injured workers to the hospital.

When Little Rocco saw Kane coming, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly sent someone down to prepare to call Kane in for relevant negotiations.

But what they didn't expect was that Kane would leave just as quickly as he came.

Even before their men could run out of the manor, Kane had already left in a car, seemingly completely ignoring such a large group of workers.

"Damn Kane!" Seeing this scene, the two of them knew that Kane was determined to stand against them.

"Why hasn't Luo arrived yet? Kill that damn Marion!" Rocco roared loudly.

"Already here!" the servant reported hurriedly.

At the same time, not far from Rocco Manor, in the clock tower about three hundred meters away.

A middle-aged man who looked about forty years old and had a vicissitudes of life skillfully took off the large bow that was 1.7 meters high.

This man was tall, almost two meters tall, and his body was unusually strong.

And he has a pair of exaggerated arms. The thick arms are full of muscles, and the roots of the arms are even as thick as the waist of a normal adult.

The middle-aged man looked at Marion three hundred meters away with sharp eyes like an eagle, and took out a very scary-looking arrow.

The arrow was jet black, made entirely of steel, and the arrowhead was filled with ferocious blood grooves and barbs.

This arrow was as thick as an adult's middle finger and one meter long. It looked completely inconsistent with any mechanical characteristics of a bow.

But this bow and arrow, which looked very exaggerated and unrealistic, had terrifying lethality in the hands of this man.

The effective attack distance of this bow and arrow is five hundred meters. Luo is confident that if he has strong enough arrows, his bow and arrow can directly penetrate the army's tank armor.

But unfortunately, that special metal is very rare, and he only has three arrows, which are specially used to deal with other extraordinary beings.

Luo, who is 42 years old, was once a hunter from a minority group. He was obsessed with bows and arrows since he was a child.

He didn't have any adventures, nor was he so-called transformed. His current level 17 strength was entirely due to his years of hard training.

For years he lived deep in the mountains until a group of outsiders attacked their village for their land.

At that time, Luo relied on the bow and arrow in his hand and his strong body to kill nearly 300 people one after another.

Later, he was shot by a gun, but fortunately he was saved by the Rocco brothers at a critical moment, and then he became a subordinate of the two men.

"Don't blame me. This is the way the world is. The weak eat the strong. It's no different from the wild beasts in the mountains."

Luo talked to himself, making a thick sound while unstringing the heavy iron arrow.

Then directly aim at Marion and shoot out.


An extremely harsh sound sounded, and the heavy and huge arrow flew out at an indescribably terrifying speed.

After that, Luo put away his bow and arrow confidently. He was a true marksman. The bow and arrow he shot had never missed. He knew that it would not happen this time, and he could even foresee Marion's fate.

The terrifying penetrating power of this arrow will leave a penetrating wound on Marion's body that is the size of a human head, and then pin his body firmly to the ground.

The stones thrown up when the arrow hits the ground can even injure workers nearby.

The power of this arrow is comparable to that of a cannonball.

"May your soul return to the sky." Luo lowered his head and prayed for Marion.

But soon, he discovered something was wrong, because he did not hear a heavy impact, nor did he hear a panicked scream, nor did he feel a commotion.

"No! There's no way I'm going to miss!"

Luo raised his head instantly, only to find that everything in the distance was normal, as if nothing had happened just now.

His arrows seemed to just...disappear!

"What's going on!?" Luo was filled with shock.

At this moment, a calm and indifferent voice came.

"This arrow shot really well."

Luo suddenly felt like a leopard with explosive fur, his whole body tensed up and he turned his head suddenly.

Then, he saw someone appear behind him.

This is a young man with dark skin and a hearty smile on his face.

He was wearing a neat black suit, a jazz hat on his head, and a cane in his hand. With his mysterious and elegant temperament, he seemed to be a well-educated upper-class gentleman.

However, at this time, Luo Ke did not dare to treat him as an ordinary person.

Because this person was holding a cane in his left hand and playing with a black "iron rod" in his right hand

This iron rod was the arrow he had just shot.

Almost the next second, Luo suddenly stepped back and instantly took out a silver-white arrow and shot it.


The power of this time was even more terrifying than before, and it even sounded like it was not shooting an arrow, but firing a cannonball.

However, the next moment, this arrow with terrifying kinetic energy continued to rotate violently at a distance of one meter in front of the mysterious man, but could not move forward an inch.

It seemed that there was an invisible protective shield around the young man, which could easily block all attacks.

"Impossible!" At this time, Luo's pupils shrank to the extreme, and his heart was full of horror and disbelief, as if he had seen the most terrifying and indescribable existence in his life.

The young man here casually raised his hand and waved it.

In silence, the arrow made of rare alloy gradually turned into a ball of silver debris, which fell on the ground in pieces.


Luo knelt on the ground powerlessly. At this moment, he knew. The distance between them was so huge.

On the other side, what happened outside Rocco had already reached Frosen's ears.

"These two trash are really not worth using." Aopen cursed.

There was no anger in Frosen's deep eyes, only coldness.

"Get ready, we'll do it tonight." Frosen said.

Aopen nodded after listening: "I understand."

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