Luo looked up at this mysterious, terrifying existence that was so powerful that he felt fear and had no intention of resisting at all. He asked in a trembling voice: "Are you...the real master behind Marion?"

Ross smiled and said: "Not too stupid."

Then Ross looked around Luo's deformed body and asked, "Recently, do you feel that your arms are stiff and difficult to move? At the same time, you often feel dizzy and can't turn your head normally?"

! ! !

Luo looked at Los with wide eyes: ""

Los raised his cane and put it on Luo's shoulder: "It's great that you can reach this point as a mortal, but you won't survive more than a year if you continue like this."

"The strong arms have begun to compress your spine, and the strong muscles are gradually twisting the nerves around your spine. If this continues, you will be killed by these alienated arms."

Luo looked down at his arms and whispered: "I know, but I don't know what to do. I even feel like these arms are gradually coming to life recently."

Los said easily: "Are you interested in becoming my subordinate? I admire people like you who have relied on perseverance to reach this point."

"Your subordinates? What good can I do?" Luo asked instinctively.

Although he hates the Luoco brothers very much, he has to say that with the support of the Luoco brothers in recent years, Luo's life has been very nourishing.

Los squinted his eyes: "Benefits? Isn't it good to be alive?"

Hearing this, Luo shuddered instantly, feeling a terrifying chill freezing his soul from the inside out.

"I...I..." Luo was trembling at this time and wanted to defend, but was speechless.

Los put the cane on his head and said condescendingly: "If your performance can satisfy me, you are qualified to follow me, and then you will have the opportunity to feel what true extraordinary power is."

Upon hearing this, Luo instantly thought of Los's terrifying power that was so terrifying that it made him tremble.

Without any hesitation, he, who believed in the law of the jungle, knelt on the ground and respectfully kissed the toes of Los's black leather shoes: "Great leader, Luo will dedicate everything I have to you."

"Mike." Ross's voice sounded.

Mike, the butler who was waiting outside, walked in respectfully.

When Luo saw Mike, there was no surprise in his eyes.

Lose hooked his fingers, and Luo saw the special bow that had been with him for three years floating under the control of invisible force.

Then... click!

The terrifying power caused the big bow to break in mid-air.

Although Luo looked very hurt, he did not dare to say anything.

Lose thrust the cane directly into Law's arm.

Then under Los's gaze, the cane seemed to be alive, constantly squirming and beginning to suck its own blood.

Before Luo could get scared, Los had already pulled out his cane.

The cane then spurted a large stream of blood onto the broken bow and arrow.

Lose casually waved the bow and arrow to Mike.

Mike then bowed, turned around and left quickly.

Ross turned to look at Luo.

At this time, Luo Anjing was kneeling there, not even stopping the bleeding from the wound on his arm.

"Stop the bleeding, and then wait until night to avoid all eyes and go to the abandoned factory in the north of the city."

"Understood!" Luo didn't dare to violate anything.

Afterwards, Los disappeared directly on the spot under Luo's gaze.

On the other side, angry workers have smashed the door of the Rocco family, and a large number of workers have rushed into Rocco's vast and exquisite manor.

The only sixty-seven guards of the Rhodes family turned pale and confused when they saw such power.

Now that defeat has been decided, these people have to imagine their own fate.

They could clearly see the stones in the hands of these workers.

If you dare to shoot rashly, the consequences will be serious.

At the same time, in the villa.

"Damn untouchable! Damn untouchable! My garden! My tree wall! My statue!" Little Rocco clenched his fists and gritted his teeth when he saw the fists, his face full of anger.

"Why hasn't Luo taken action yet!?" Big Luo Ke's face was extremely gloomy.

At this time, the door to the study room was hurriedly pushed open.

Then Mike ran in panting: "Master! It's not good! It's not good!"

"What's going on!?" The two furious people turned their heads, ready to vent their anger on this rude servant.

But the moment they turned around, the two people's eyes fell on the huge bow and arrow held in Mike's hand.

At this time, the blood on it had not solidified yet and was still dripping slowly.

"What...what is this!? Mike! What is this!?" Little Rocco was full of disbelief, pointing to the broken bow and asked loudly.

Mike's face was pale and he said in a trembling tone: "Mr. Luo... I haven't taken action for a long time, so I... went over to take a look... and then... I saw broken corpses all over the ground, and... this broken bow and arrow."

Hearing this, the two brothers suddenly felt a severe dizziness, and their bodies suddenly took two steps back, barely sitting on the ground.

"It's over, the Rocco family... will be covered in dust in the hands of you and me." Big Rocco took off his glasses with trembling hands, his face pale.

Little Rocco said at this time: "Brother! Not yet! Not yet! We still have a lot of industries! We just need to use 10% of the profits to appease these untouchables!"

"As long as we survive this period of time, we still have the possibility of making a comeback!"

Big Luo Ke smiled bitterly: "It's impossible. If we fail this time, we will become losers who destroy the market. The upper class can no longer tolerate us."

"However, the most important thing is not these, but Fuluosen. This incident has proven your and my incompetence. They can support you and me like this, or they can take away all this!"

Little Rocco leaned weakly against the bookcase, his face was ashen, and his eyes were full of despair.

"You two, why are you obsessed with that rude and barbaric soldier?" At this time, a voice sounded.

The two people turned their heads following the voice, only to find a young man with elegant manners, mysterious temperament and a hearty smile standing at the door of the study.

At this time, the guard in the corridor fell to the ground without knowing when, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Who are you?" At this time, the two despairing people had no reaction to this weirdness.

Los took off his hat, sat in, and smiled: "You can call me the Black Pharaoh."

"Black Pharaoh? What are you doing here?" Big Rocco asked feebly.

Los said: "Of course I want to save your lives, but I also want to help you preserve this ancestral inheritance."

Hearing this, little Rocco's eyes lit up slightly and he looked up at this mysterious and elegant young man.

"Just you? Alone? Do you know what you are going to face? How dare you talk so shamelessly to us here?"

Ross walked to the bookshelf, looked at the rich collection of books, and said casually: "They are just lackeys of a few military departments."

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