Looking at this mysterious and calm Black Pharaoh, Brother Rocco fell into deep thought amidst the loud shouts outside.

Ross opened the book at this time and read: "When a car's tires lose their value, the car owner will replace the old tires before they are scrapped."

"Because once there is a problem with the tires while driving, the consequences will be serious."

Hearing this, the Rocco brothers were immediately shocked. They knew very well that the two of them were the tires that were about to be replaced.

The two people looked at each other, and Big Rocco said: "Why should I trust you? We have been cooperating for many years. Even if we are replaced, we can still get room for maneuver. After all, we are the only ones who can prevent the incident from spreading. At the same time, the person who takes care of things.”

Ross sneered: "Did you two overestimate your own value, or did you overestimate Frosen's trust in you?"

Before the two of them could speak, Los closed the book and looked at the two of them and said, "Since you two still have that illusion, let me analyze the current situation for you."

"It is absolutely impossible for Frosen to make the working class raise their heads, so they will not make any concessions in the workers' negotiations. But now the matter has become a storm in the city, and there are signs of spreading at any time. They now want to solve it. Question, what's the fastest way?"

Little Rocco frowned and said, "Kill Marion?"

Ross sneered: "Do you still think Marion is important now? He is just a symbol and symbol. Even if he dies, it will not calm the workers' anger. A second Marion will appear soon."

"You capitalists have pushed the workers into a corner. These workers know very well that if they cannot get benefits this time, they will never be able to raise their heads."

Big Rocco whispered: "If you want to calm down quickly, then of course you need our help!"

Ross said with cold eyes: "I really need your help."

"The vast majority of these workers are affiliated with your factories. They are the heroes you hire killers to assassinate the people. It is also you who order gang members to attack civilians and shoot and injure civilians. Now the blame for everything is on you."

"Come on, let me ask you, under such a heated public opinion situation, how can Frosen calm the workers' anger and shut Marion's mouth without giving up any benefits?"

The two of them were not stupid. When they heard this, a lot of sweat broke out on their faces and their palms trembled.

Ross showed an evil smile and said: "It's very simple. You two brothers committed suicide out of fear of crime. After the death of the culprit, everyone's conflicts gathered on the two corpses. The workers thought that you were forced to death by themselves. Victory will instantly dilute the interests of one’s own work and calm down anger.”

"And Marion can't stir up any trouble when facing the corpses of the two great nobles, because the weight of the two corpses is enough to block any of Marion's fortifications!"

"In the end, people returned to their jobs without any change in their own interests. Marion became the hero of the workers, and Frosen could naturally control the huge industry accumulated by five generations of your Rocco family for 170 years. ”

"And the price of all this is just the bodies of the two of them."

"When everything is over, everything will be happy. It's a pity that this beautiful manor, these countless properties, this beautiful identity, and the beautiful mistress have nothing to do with you two."


As soon as Los finished speaking, Brother Rocco slapped his palm on the table, his face turned red, and his whole body was shaking violently with anger.

"Stop talking!" Although Da Luo Ke was very angry, his voice was full of hoarseness and weakness.

Little Rocco gritted his teeth: "Damn Frosen!"

Ross: "You two know Frosen better than I do. You should all know who he is and his style of conduct."

Big Roko was still somewhat rational at this time, and looked at the Black Pharaoh with bloodshot eyes: "All this is just your guess. Compared with you, I am more willing to believe in Fuluo Sen."

Ross walked to the door disapprovingly: "Aopeng's people have already started to take action. They are expected to take action tonight. I hope you still trust him so much at that time!"

After saying that, Los' body gradually disappeared under the gaze of the two people.

The two people who had never seen such a miracle were filled with shock at the same time. They hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out their hands at the same time: "Wait!"

Los said nothing and continued to disappear.

"If you can save our lives and industry... we are willing to become your subordinates!"

At this time, the two desperate people could only pin their last hope on this mysterious and powerful existence.

You know, the two of them have also seen some superhumans, but no superhuman has ever been as magical and mysterious as this Black Pharaoh.

After hearing that there was only one left head, Los's body gradually recovered again. He looked at the two people and smiled: "I appreciate people who understand current affairs."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, angry workers had surrounded Rhodes Manor for more than an hour.

Marion, who took the lead, held a loudspeaker and shouted for half an hour.

The content of the slogan is nothing more than improving the welfare of workers and handing over the murderer.

At the same time, spies from various major families were also secretly observing the situation here.

Just as the workers were gradually losing their patience, Mike, the housekeeper of Rocco's family, came out, took the initiative to invite Marion to the villa for discussions, and allowed him to bring ten followers.

But even so, the workers were very reluctant, fearing that Marion would be assassinated after walking in.

However, Marion said with a free and easy face at this time: "Don't worry, everyone! They are willing for me to go in and talk. If this can win better rights for everyone, I am willing to take the risk!"

For a time, all the workers were extremely moved and burst into tears while being excited.

Marion did not regard death as such. The reason why he agreed so readily was naturally due to the guidance of an expert.

Immediately, Marion walked in with ten burly workers.

In the conference room in the villa, the Rocco brothers were already making relevant preparations.

Marion sat down calmly, while the ten workers on the side had never seen such a luxurious house. At this time, they looked around in a daze.

Although the two brothers were filled with contempt in their hearts, in order to save their lives, they could only welcome people with smiles and make concessions to the workers according to the black pharaoh's suggestion.

Daluo Ke pushed forward a plan and said: "We can provide the factory with a better working environment and related protective measures to increase the personal protection of workers."

The ten workers' eyes lit up when they heard this. Unexpectedly... those aloof capitalists really gave in!

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