Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 334 The beginning of the wave

In the eyes of the workers, the capitalists are a group of blood-sucking demons who are always aloof and do not treat the workers as human beings.

They are extremely stingy and never spend a penny more. It is impossible to take away anything extra money-related from their hands.

When they held the march, although they imagined that the capitalists would surrender, they did not expect that they would surrender so quickly and simply.

Just when the ten workers felt that they were dreaming, Marion looked at the content and said plainly: "This is not enough. The wages of the workers are too low now, and the results of their labor are completely disproportionate to the wages they receive." ”

"I demand a 20% increase in basic wages for all workers."

"Twenty percent!? Why don't you go and grab it!" Little Rocco glared and said angrily.

Big Rocco was relatively calm: "Mr. Marion, don't go too far."

Marion said calmly: "Two gentlemen, my request is not too much. I hope you can understand that the reason why the world operates normally and you can eat and wear clothes every day is because of these low-level people." The workers have worked hard, and if you continue to suppress the enthusiasm of this group of workers with too low wages, it will inevitably cause the workers to become passive and even go on strike like now. "

"I know that 20% of the salary is nothing to the two of you. Our request..."

The ten workers were listening to Marion's talk at this time, and they were too excited to add anything.

It’s good to have relevant protective measures, and it can actually increase your salary! ? This is simply an incredible miracle!

At the same time, their admiration and gratitude for Marion have reached a level that cannot be attached.

In the following time, the two sides began intense and complicated negotiations. Just a few words made this group of simple workers feel dizzy.

The negotiation lasted for three hours, until five o'clock in the evening, and finally reached a result.

In addition to the original basic protective measures, Rocco Brothers promised to increase the wages of all workers by 15%.

The price is that these workers must go home immediately to end the riot.

Although the ten workers felt drowsy after listening to it, when they heard that the salary could be increased by 15% in the end, they immediately felt refreshed and energetic!

It was completely dark by now, and light snow was falling in the sky.

Fortunately, there were 60,000 people outside, so it was very popular, and because I wore a lot of clothes, I didn't feel too cold.

After the two parties successfully reached an initial intention, Marion left with satisfaction and confirmed that the matter would be officially announced three days later and will be officially implemented starting next month.

Watching the eleven people leave, Big Rocco turned around and said, "Mr. Black Pharaoh, I hope you can fulfill your promise."

Ross said with a smile: "Don't worry, from today on, no one will harm your body or take away your assets without my permission."

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Little Rocco asked tentatively: "Mr. Black Pharaoh, what exactly do you want to do? Why do you want these low-level workers to raise their heads?"

Los said calmly: "This is just the first step. The next step is that Marion will establish a workers' guild. At that time, you will be the first capital to support them. Then the workers' guild can win over all workers in the entire city of Massa. come over."

"What!?" Upon hearing this, the two people were suddenly surprised.

"Then aren't we... going to become the public enemies of everyone!?" The two people were shocked.

Los said calmly: "Don't be so short-sighted. As wages increase, productivity will increase, and you can make more money. When the workers' union develops to a certain level, we will charge workers, they pay, and the union will protect them." rights to talk to capital.”

"When we have enough workers, we can monopolize the entire bottom workers. Will that group of people be hostile to you at that time, or are they begging you not to let the workers go on strike?"

As veteran capitalists, the two men instantly understood the huge profits and terrifying prospects involved.

You must know that all workers in the province of Massa now account for almost a quarter of the total population of Massa, and are the core force for the development of the entire society.

If you can control this group of people and make them obey orders, then the future... will be bright.

Thinking of this, the two people suddenly discovered a whole new world.

Ross continued: "Okay, it's time for me to go."

"Let's go? Mr. Black Pharaoh! Then let's..." The two of them suddenly came back from their beautiful fantasy, with nervous expressions on their faces.

Los said casually: "The person I sent to protect you has arrived. With him, no one in Massa can hurt you now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Los disappeared completely.

As soon as Los disappeared, Mike knocked on the door and came in: "Master, Director Kane is here and said he wanted to visit."

Upon hearing this, the two people understood instantly.

"That's it! That's it!" Only then did the two people truly realize what kind of terrifying power this mysterious black pharaoh possessed.

It turns out that after Kane recovered and then dared to openly challenge Rosen, the backer behind him was actually the Black Pharaoh!

On the other side, all the workers outside Rocco Manor suddenly let out loud shouts.

Because although they suffered a lot today, they have already achieved the perfect result in their dreams!

Not only are there protective facilities, but... they also have a salary increase!

This little money is nothing to the Rocco brothers, but to this group of workers, it can be said to be a timely help!

Marion looked at the admiration and enthusiasm expressed by these workers for him. He felt very happy and comfortable inside, and a strong sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously.

Although his main purpose now is to climb to a high position as soon as possible, helping this group of workers gain benefits still comes from his original intention.

Letting his true heart be released and fulfilled allowed Marion to completely release the depression and unhappiness from last night, and his whole body and mind became extremely happy.

"You did a good job today." The powerful and mysterious Black Pharaoh's voice sounded again.

Marion hurriedly thanked him and said, "Thank you for your help today, otherwise I would have died more than a dozen times today. If it weren't for your strength and coercion, Brother Rocco would not have given in so easily."

The voice of the Black Pharaoh continued: "This is just the beginning. You will be very busy next. I have a matter here about several families secretly selling illegal drugs. You are in the limelight now, and you are best suited to expose this matter."

Hearing this, Marion's eyes lit up. This was his old profession and something he was happy to do.

"Okay! I'll do it tomorrow."

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