"In addition, you can start setting up a workers' guild. The Rocco family will support you." Los said.

Hearing this, Marion was filled with shock: "Rocco is actually... willing to do such a thing?"

Los's calm and calm voice came: "I let them do it, there is no need to ask them if they are willing."

! ! ! ! !

In an instant, Marion felt as if his body was electrified, and he was completely shocked by the words of the Black Pharaoh.

After a brief shock, Marion quickly recovered and asked tentatively: "Dear Mr. Black Pharaoh, tonight...can we talk about further cooperation?"

"Okay." Black Pharaoh said, and there was no other voice.

Marion looked around, but it was still empty, and he didn't know if the powerful Black Pharaoh was still there.

The workers who had achieved their goal perfectly, under the leadership of Marion, happily left Rhodes Manor, preparing to go back to their homes, bragging about today's great victory.

Seeing the workers leaving, the Rocco brothers breathed a sigh of relief, but their hearts were still filled with tension.

After all, to them, Frosen was much scarier than these workers.

Today, the two brothers made this opening, which is equivalent to standing opposite to Frosen, standing opposite to the entire Massa aristocracy and capitalists.

At this time, Kane, who was standing aside, looked out the dark window and said, "Don't worry, you two. Since the leader wants to save your lives, no one in this city of Massa can hurt you."

Hearing this, Big Rocco turned to look at Kane and asked tentatively: "Did he also cure your disease...?"

Kane said matter-of-factly: "Of course, you can't understand the great power of the leader!"

Hearing this, the two brothers were filled with shock and awe.

They know very well what kind of role Kane is, Massa Tiger. For so many years, he has been wandering among various forces on his own without any support, and firmly sits in the position of the Police Minister.

If it hadn't been for his recent physical condition, no one would have been able to shake him until he was sixty years old.

However, such a person has now completely surrendered to the young man. The two of them can more or less imagine how powerful and magical the young man has.

Little Rocco thought for a while and asked: "Director Kane, we are now... considered subordinates who respect Mr. Black Pharaoh, but we still don't know what kind of organization we are, as well as our purpose and staffing situation. "

Kane looked at the two people and explained: "Our organization, called Black Suit, is an organization created by the leader."

"Now you two only need to know this. As for the rest, it depends on your subsequent performance."

When the two heard this, they naturally did not dare to ask any more questions and nodded repeatedly to express their understanding.

Although they are the pride of the nobility, at the same time they are more versatile and willing to compromise than businessmen.

In their view, this is fine as long as they are not shown in front of others.

While the three people were talking, two gunshots suddenly rang out outside the manor.



The moment the glass shattered, Kane suddenly waved his arm.

Before the two brothers came to their senses, they saw two deformed bullets in Kane's palm.

The eyes of the Rocco brothers suddenly tightened to the extreme. They clearly knew that Frosen had taken action.

Although they have been assassinated, the two of them have experienced great storms after all, not to mention that there is a terrifying existence beside them who can catch bullets with bare hands.

"You two, please come this way." Kane said with a smile, turned around and led the two people away from the window.

Immediately, Brother Rocco and Kane quickly left the study.

While walking out of the study, the three male servants who came to the right suddenly took out their firearms and shot at the Rocco brothers.

boom! boom! boom……

A series of gunshots rang out, but they were firmly blocked by a man's body and did not hurt the Rocco brothers at all.

"Mike! Well done! We'll treat your family right!"

At this time, the two Rocco brothers looked at the butler Mike who was blocking the bullet without any hesitation, and ran while talking loudly.

"Don't even think about running away!" The three male servants immediately pulled out their spare firearms. Just when they were about to shoot, they were thrown directly to the ground by a majestic body.

When the three people came back to their senses, they were shocked to find that the butler Mike, who had just been shot more than a dozen times, had turned into a majestic monster covered with carapace and with purple-black muscles all over his body.

But just now, the bullets that hit him were scattered on the ground like a handful of jelly beans.

"What is this... what is this!?" The three gunmen's eyes widened when they saw this, full of fear.

Brother Rocco, who had just taken two steps away, turned around and saw the monster Mike's two huge claws and his big mouth full of fangs moving at the same time.

Accompanied by ear-piercing screams, splattered blood, and internal organs thrown everywhere, the three people died quickly.

The Rocco brothers' eyes almost popped out when they saw this. They never knew that their personal butler... was actually such a terrifying monster.

Under the dull gaze of the two people, Mike's body, covered in blood, gradually returned to its normal shape. He turned to look at the two brothers, showed a very "kind" smile and said: "Then I want to thank you, you two. "

The two were frightened by the terrifying smile, and took two steps back with panic on their faces and leaned against the wall.

"Director! Director Kane! You have to protect us!" The two put all their hopes on Kane at this time.

Kane ignored them and asked Mike: "How many people are there here?"

Mike said: "There are about ten ordinary killers, and there should be at least five superhuman killers outside, and their levels should not exceed level 20."

Kane nodded: "Okay, I will follow them tonight, and you go to clean up the other killers in the manor."

"That's what I mean!" Mike turned and left with a cruel and excited smile on his face.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the two brothers looked at Kane in a daze. Listening to the conversation between the two, it seemed that the two were very familiar.

"Mike... is he your man?" Big Rocco was the first to react.

Kane shook his head: "We just have a common leader, and today he is temporarily under my command."

Hearing this, the two suddenly felt that the world had become a little unreal and full of magic.

You know, Mike's family has always served the Rocco family, and Mike grew up with the two of them, and is considered their right-hand man.

How could a servant who knew them so well and grew up with them suddenly become a monster and a loyal subordinate of others?

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