After experiencing two assassinations, the two brothers became very cautious. Under Kane's guard, the two came to the meeting room in the middle of the villa.

This place is located in the middle of the house, surrounded by thick walls, and is on the third floor. No black gun can hit here.

The three people just sat here quietly, waiting for time to pass slowly.

About half an hour later, Mike, covered in blood, knocked on the door and walked in and whispered: "Everyone has been dealt with, no one is left."

Hearing this, Big Rocco was relieved and looked at Mike and said: "You did a good job, Mike, I'm really sorry for you just now."

Mike whispered: "It's nothing, the body is outside, do you two masters want to go and see which traitors there are?"

Hearing this, the two brothers were immediately furious, and then stood up and said gloomily: "I want to see who are the ruthless people!"

As he said, the two strode out of the door.

But just when the two passed by Mike, Mike suddenly jumped up, and two sharp scimitars appeared in his hands in an instant, cutting directly at the brothers' heads at an indescribable speed.

"No!" The two men never expected Mike to suddenly attack, and they cried out in surprise.


The next second, just when the two men felt that their heads were about to move, accompanied by a gust of wind, they suddenly heard a series of bone-breaking sounds and heavy collisions in their ears.

When the two men came to their senses with cold sweat on their heads, they found that Mike was directly knocked out by some terrifying force.

The terrifying force directly collapsed his entire sternum, and his body was embedded in the wall.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of the man's mouth. The huge impact force and aftermath shattered all the bones in his body. At this time, his body was like being hit by a speeding train and lost all his ability to move.

Kane, who was standing in front of the two men, calmly put away his fist and walked in front of the man.

Reaching out and pulling his face, an exquisite mask was taken off, revealing his true face.

This was a young man who looked very ordinary. At this time, his pupils were dilated, and he even had no strength to speak.

"Lazi!" Big Rocco recognized this man.

"Lazi?" Kane raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said in understanding: "I remember, I remember that there was a guard in Open, and it seems to be called this name."

Little Rocco came over in shock, clenched his fists and said: "This time, thanks to Director Kane, otherwise we would have died several times."

Then he kicked Lazi, as if venting his anger that he had no way to vent.

"Director Kane, how did you realize that he was not Mike?" Big Rocco asked curiously.

Kane said: "He is too weak, Mike is much stronger than him."

This Lazi is only level 16, while Mike, who has been transformed into a ghoul, is already level 20. There is a huge difference between the two, and Kane can naturally see it at a glance.

Hearing this, the two brothers were a little confused. Mike was actually... so strong? Even stronger than Open's guards?

At this time, the door was knocked again, and then a female voice came: "Master, Second Master, I have prepared some dinner here, and the lady asked me to bring it to you two."

Big Rocco was much more cautious at this time, and first turned his head to look at Kane.

Kane smiled and walked to the door.

The moment the door opened, the two bombs were about to explode.

Kane's mouth instantly spit out a large amount of pale white silk threads, which were like glue and directly entangled the woman.

Kane bit the spider silk, picked up two bombs that were about to be detonated and laughed: "You should have detonated them directly when you judged that someone was approaching. At that time, you might have caused some damage to the room."

"It's a pity that now, you can't do anything."

The woman's eyes were full of shock. I don't know how such a normal person could spray out so many silk threads from his mouth. The weirdest thing is that these silk threads are so strong!

Kane threw the woman aside, looked around and said: "Don't hide, come together! Otherwise you will have no chance."

Bang! Whoosh! Dang! Snap!

In an instant, several black shadows appeared at the same time, accompanied by various weird sounds and fighting with Kane.

The two brothers hiding in the room trembled against the corner of the wall, listening to all the movements outside the door with keen ears.

They didn't know what happened, they just heard the sounds of bones breaking and screaming.

The whole battle lasted less than a minute.


A strong man smashed through the wall with great strength, and then rushed directly in front of the two brothers.

The strong man was two meters tall and had a terrifyingly strong body. He was wearing pure metal armor and looked like a steel giant.

However, the armor of the steel giant had been completely shattered at this time, and the exposed skin was full of scary twisted wounds and blood.

The huge head was also full of blood, and the shape of the whole head was a little distorted.

It can be seen that he paid a huge price to rush here.

The brothers saw that their eyes gradually widened, their legs trembled, and they almost screamed like a woman.

"Could it be... Director Kane... lost!?"


Accompanied by a heavy sound, the strong man fell to the ground weakly. Kane walked in calmly, looked at his watch and said, "It should be almost done. Mike should have a result. Let's go! Let's go out and take a look."

The two brothers woke up from their dreams and hurriedly followed Kane obediently, not even daring to say a word.

Walking out along the broken wall, the two found that the luxurious corridor in the past was full of cracks. In the corner, there was a body that was cut in half.

On the walls on both sides, sharp daggers nailed two bodies to the walls. From the wide eyes of the two bodies, it can be seen that they were full of disbelief until their death.

At the same time, there were three bodies on the roof.

These three bodies were shot up as javelins by the terrifying force. The powerful impact and penetration made half of the bodies stuck in it.

A large amount of blood and brain matter flowed down along the gap. It can be judged that the heads of these three people have been smashed to pieces.

In addition to these people, there are five or six bodies on the ground, and the appearance of each person's death is completely different.

The two brothers knew more than half of these people, or had met them before.

Because these people were the superhuman elites under Frosin and Open.

However, now, they all died here, and they attacked in groups.

But they did not cause any harm to the director!

"This is simply invincible!" The two people murmured.

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