Massa Center Building.

After listening to the report on the phone, Aopeng's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

According to the report from the spy who had been secretly monitoring Rocco's home, the ordinary assassins and elite assassins they sent over had been wiped out, and no one survived.

Although the spy didn't know how these elites died, it was certain that the people brought by Kane ambushed them.

At the same time, according to the content eavesdropped by the spy using special equipment, Kane now belongs to a mysterious organization called Black Suit.

Frosen, who has a level of 25, naturally heard clearly what was said on the phone. He stood up slowly and said with gritted teeth: "Good, very good! Corey Kane! Very good!"

Aopeng whispered: "Minister, what should we do now?"

This group of elites is the backbone of their use in the province of Massa in recent years, but now they are suddenly wiped out, catching them off guard.

Frosen exhaled and calmed down: "I'll call the director, and you go to investigate what happened to this black suit that suddenly appeared."

Hearing this, Aopeng's heart trembled.

Calling the director means activating the group of crazy experimental subjects.

But all this is not something he can control. Now he only needs to investigate the black suit.

The sudden appearance of the black suit completely disrupted the original plan of the two people.

Otherwise, everything will be settled after taking out the bodies of the Rocco brothers tomorrow morning.

So now, the only way out is to compete to see who is stronger.


Marion's home.

After a tiring day, Marion did not fall asleep as soon as he returned home, because he knew that a distinguished guest would come to the door in a while.

He quickly tidied up the messy house, but when he turned around, he found that the powerful and mysterious Black Pharaoh was sitting there at some point.

"Mr. Black Pharaoh!" Although he knew that the Black Pharaoh was powerful and elusive, he was still shocked.

Los put his hands on his cane and smiled: "Sit down, the hero of the workers."

Marion waved his hands and said: "You are too kind. If it weren't for you, I don't know how many times I would have died today."

Then, Marion asked with eager eyes: "Dear Mr. Black Pharaoh, can I... really reach a cooperation with you?"

Marion, who was a little hesitant about cooperation in the morning, was now a little frightened because he found that the other party's size was far greater than his own, and he could no longer stand on the same level to cooperate with the other party.

Los said slowly: "You can ask such a question, which shows that you are a self-aware person, Mr. Marion."

Marion smiled when he heard this: "People should know the current situation and see the situation clearly. If I don't have this vision, I can't live until now and meet you."

Los nodded with a smile: "Yes, I admire smart people like you. Since you asked directly, I can also answer you."

"You are indeed not qualified to cooperate with me now, but you are qualified to join our organization and become my subordinate."

"Organization...subordinate?" Marion fell into deep thought when he heard this.

Los said calmly: "Now you are so eager to get promoted, just to get wealth and status, so that you don't have to look at other people's faces for everything, and at the same time you want to protect your beloved, right?"

!!! !

Marion smiled bitterly when he heard this: "You know everything."

"I said, I have noticed you for a while." Los leaned back in his chair and said.

Marion fell into deep thought at this time.

You know, cooperating with others and being someone else's subordinate are completely different concepts.

The former is of equal status and mutual benefit, while the latter can only be servile and be summoned by the other party.

However, Marion has no other choice in the current situation.

After seeing the power of the Black Pharaoh today, he knew that if he rejected his proposal, he could change someone else to do this position tomorrow, because the reason why he can have such a reputation and reach an agreement with the Rocco brothers today is all the operation of the Black Pharaoh.

Once he loses this opportunity, he will never have a chance to turn over in the future, and he will not even be qualified to attend the top banquet!

Eve's beautiful face and the scene of Kane taking Eve into the room once again hurt his heart.

After less than ten seconds of contemplation, Marion stood up and bowed respectfully: "Respected Black Pharaoh, I am willing to be your subordinate and serve you, I only hope... I can stay with my beloved woman forever."

Los stood up and put his hand on Marion's shoulder: "I can let you get the status, wealth and fame you want, as for whether you can win the heart of the beauty, that depends on your ability."

Although he now has absolute command power over Eve, Eve will not have any resistance to let her be with Marion.

But these are his lovely subordinates after all, not dead things, so he will not match them up randomly.

Marion was satisfied when she heard such a promise: "Thank you for giving me the opportunity, I will definitely seize this and repay your kindness."

Los said and put his hand on the table: "I think our relationship can last forever, so I don't want you to need me to use this power on you one day."

As soon as the words fell, the table under Los's palm turned into powder in an instant.

There was no explosion, no breaking sound. This table turned into sawdust in an instant under Marion's gaze.

In silence, Los had left.

When Marion came to his senses, he found that his back was soaked with sweat, and sweat on his forehead was constantly flowing down his cheeks.

After leaving Marion's house, Los flew directly to the abandoned factory where he had agreed with Luo.

He was very interested in this person with a strange body.

Although it seemed that he had come to this point with years of training and repeated practice, when Los saw him for the first time, he found that this guy's body actually contained other special bloodlines.

With the subsequent analysis of his blood, Los found that this bloodline was already very thin, but he didn't know how to stimulate it, so that he could come to this point, and his arms mutated into this appearance.

Los is now very curious about the truth hidden in the past of this world, which is why he didn't kill Luo directly.

Minisa let him know that there is a Newton in this world who wants to become a god through alchemy.

He also hopes to dig out some other hidden things from Luo.

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