Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 338 Dark and Voluptuous Goddess

"Boss." Luo said respectfully when Lose appeared.

Ross said: "You are now considered a member of Black Suit. Call me leader."

"Understood, leader." Luo nodded immediately.

Los asked: "What race do you belong to?"

"We call ourselves the Black Mountain tribe, and we have been living an isolated life in the mountains for these years." Luo replied respectfully.

Los: "Tell me about your people."

Then Luo talked about it in detail, which was nothing more than hunting, gathering fruits, and reproducing in the mountains.

"You said you have a long lifespan, and... women have strong fertility?" Los asked.

Luo nodded: "Well, before I came here, I always thought that the life span of human beings was generally over 150 years old, but I didn't expect that people outside would not live to be 70 or 80 years old."

"In our place, an eighty-year-old looks about the same as a thirty-five-year-old here."

"How old are you this year?"

"Eighty-eight." Luo said matter-of-factly.

Looking at Luo's strong body and appearance, which looked about forty years old, Ross wanted to complain: "This is eighty-eight!?"

Holding back his rants, Ross asked again, "What's going on with female fertility?"

Luo: "The legend says that it was originally to prevent close relatives from getting married. We would have more children in each generation, so that after several generations, the blood relationship would become thinner and thinner."

"Women of our Black Mountain clan can generally give birth to four children at a time. If there are more, there may even be six or seven. It is almost impossible to have one or two children at a time like the outside world."

After hearing this, Ross fell into deep thought and then asked: "Are there any other abnormalities? For example, in terms of living habits or beliefs and worship?"

Luo immediately said: "What we worship is our ancestor. According to legend, she is the existence that created our race. We call her the goddess of darkness and abundance, or we call her the queen of gauze."


Hearing this name, Ross immediately spoke his native language.

"Chief?" Luo was a little surprised because he didn't understand what the voice meant.

Los waved his hand: "Okay, I already know what I want to know, now I'll treat your arm."

Luo was immediately surprised when he heard this: "Are you... going to treat me now?"

Los said: "Close your eyes. Unless I tell you to open them, don't open them no matter what happens, otherwise you will die miserably."

Luo felt a chill in his heart, and then he closed it obediently and remained motionless.

Ross immediately transformed into a perfect octopus form, and then extended a large number of tentacles directly into Luo's body.

Luo first felt a sharp pain, and then felt countless weird bugs burrowing into his body along his skin. This terrifying feeling made him tremble inside, but he did not dare to open his eyes. and resistance.

To prevent accidents, Ross directly wrapped a tentacle around his eyes, and then began to explore Luo's body.

Some problems were quickly discovered. Although Luo looked similar to a normal human being, the internal structure of his body was completely different.

They do not have various organs in the traditional sense. In their bodies, various organs are constantly changing, merging, and decomposing in a special membrane.

All food that enters through the mouth is broken down there, digested, and then passed through membranes to the body.

"Their cells have high-intensity fusion, phagocytosis and diversity. It seems that the original extinction of their race was not an invasion of the natives by colonists. If nothing else, it should be an invasion led by the military."

These special structures will naturally not cause Loss any trouble.

A large number of tentacles penetrated directly through the membrane and began to contact the ever-changing internal organs, then analyzed the components and analyzed the blood.

The other tentacles also knew about the arm problem.

Since Luo's arms have been used all year round, only his arms have returned to their ancestors among the special cells in his body, showing such weird shapes and huge power.

In order to pursue greater development space, these weird arms are constantly plundering nutrients and tissues belonging to the body, eager to grow.

It was as if the cells in his arms had become completely cancerous and had developed self-awareness and turned into two independent creatures.

"This weird shape is really similar to your ancestors."

Ross commented, and then began to readjust Luo's physical condition, and transformed his body by injecting a drop of heavily diluted ancient god's blood.

Of course, this ancient god's blood was not given in vain. While injecting the ancient god's blood, Los also refined Luo's blood to extract a small drop of blood containing the genes of the Gauze Goddess.

The whole process lasted two hours.

When it was all over, Los was content to return to normal.

Through a little killer, you can get the genes of the Gauze Goddess, which is obviously a big profit.

And here, after experiencing two hours of wonderful feelings, Luo also gained a new life.

First of all, he felt that he had become more powerful than ever before, and when he felt it carefully, he actually reached level twenty-five!

Secondly, his usually annoying and abnormally shaped arms have completely returned to normal, and even his previously bloated muscle lines have become symmetrical and slim.

At this time, it looked like he had lost weight twice.

Not only that, he felt that his body was getting stronger and his control over his body was becoming more and more precise.

The acuity of ears and eyes is even more unparalleled than before.

"Chief! Thank you! Great leader!" After receiving such a huge favor, Luo knelt on the ground and began to worship.

In his opinion, the leader who could easily do this was no different from the legendary god.

Los said: "You are now an official member of Black Suit and also my direct subordinate. Go back and prepare your outfit first, and then prepare your weapons. I will give you a task tomorrow."

Luo immediately nodded vigorously: "Understood."

Just when Luo was about to ask further what kind of outfit he should prepare, he found that the leader had disappeared.

In the dark factory, Luo stood up with gleaming eyes, clenched his fists, feeling this new body and powerful strength, it all seemed like a dream.

"Great leader... I am the greatest luck in my life to meet you!" Luo, who has been worshiping gods since he was a child, now regards this powerful being as a new object of worship.

After the excitement, Luo quickly left the factory, thinking to himself: "The outfit...what kind of outfit? I remember the leader said that our organization wears black suits...The leader also always wears a black suit, so that outfit should be a black suit!"

Thinking of this, Luo became happy: "Thanks to the leader's transformation, I now find that my mind has become much smarter. If I were before, I would never have thought of this!"

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