After dealing with Luo and Marion's matter, Lose went to the Thunder Gang's stronghold again.

"How's the situation?" Ross asked.

Bell said confidently: "Everyone's attention is attracted to the Rocco family and workers, and our plan is going very smoothly."

"Now the Wild Wolf Gang, the Golden Leopard Gang, and the Jean Gang have all gotten together and started a scuffle. We took this opportunity to take away the Wild Wolf Gang's territory in the south of the city."

After hearing this, Ross nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, keep up this momentum and don't worry about the superhumans in the enemy's hands. My other subordinates will arrive tomorrow morning."

"Yes! Master." Bell was very happy after hearing this.

"How is your investigation going on the sale of illegal drugs by several major families?" Los asked.

Bell turned around and took out three large document bags and said, "All the materials that can be investigated are already here."

Ross patted Bell on the shoulder and said, "Well done! You will get a generous reward after this place is settled."

After speaking, Lose turned around and left with the materials.

After leaving Bell, Ross returned directly to the manor of the Charlemagne family.

At this time, Charlemagne and Judy were listening to a steady stream of shocking messages.

"Rocco, these two bastards, just backed down like that?" Judy felt incredible after hearing the news of the workers' victory.

Charlemagne sneered: "Of course they won't back down arbitrarily, but since this matter is personally led by the mayor, they can't help but have so many choices."

"Tsk, it's Charlemagne who understands me." As the voice rang out, Ross appeared eerily opposite the table between the two of them.

"Mayor." Charlemagne stood up and said hello.

Ross nodded slightly and said, "You must have heard about this, right?"

Charlemagne nodded and exclaimed: "It's very sophisticated and rigorous. People who don't know the inside story will never think that someone is manipulating it."

Ross said: "The relevant preparations have been prepared, and now it's time for us to appear in black suits."

"Understood!" Charlemagne instantly understood what Los meant.

Judy looked at Ross warily: "What do you want to do?"

"Tomorrow, Marion will do two things. The first is to announce that the Polly, Willie, and Vernon families are selling illegal drugs, which has greatly increased the crime rate in Massa."

"The second thing is that Marion will lead the workers' representatives to establish a workers' union to protect the working class."

Hearing this, Judy immediately thought of the seriousness behind this incident. She stood up with a snap, stared at Los and asked, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Los smiled and said: "I just want to fight for more rights for the workers. Don't admire me too much. I am such a good person."

When Judy heard this, she almost laughed out loud. If you are a good person, there will be no bad people in the world.

Los said to Charlemagne: "After the workers' union is established, the Rocco family will be the first to support it. In the process, violent conflicts and suppression may break out. I need you to lead the Charlemagne family to stand up and support the workers at the critical moment." guild."

"That's impossible! We can't stand against the entire Massa nobility, or even the entire Rosas Empire!" Judy said categorically.

As soon as she finished speaking, Charlemagne nodded happily and said: "I understand, just leave this matter to me."

"Charlemagne!" Judy raised her eyebrows and looked angry when she heard this.

Charlemagne pulled her to sit down with a smile and said, "Don't be so angry. I will explain the mayor's plan to you in detail later. Don't worry, it will definitely be of great benefit to our family."

Judy frowned and looked at Charlemagne carefully to feel that this guy was not lying. Then he sat down and stopped talking.

Ross looked at Charlemagne and said: "Tomorrow, Kenneth and Chambers will come over. After the superficial matters are dealt with, what is left is the hard power at the inner level. I think the extraordinary organizations behind these major forces will not Let’s give it up, so the next extraordinary battle will be left to you, Charlemagne.”

Charlemagne heard this and said eagerly: "No problem, I have been patient with this for a long time."

"After the battle begins, you will become the superficial leader of the black suit. All the conflicts between the forces will be concentrated on the Charlemagne family. I will let others assist you secretly. Just go ahead and do it."


Judy on the side sneered after hearing this: "You really don't treat me as an outsider? I don't care what plans you have, I will report these contents to my organization."

"You won't." Ross said confidently.

Judy sneered after hearing this: "What? Kill me?"

Ross smiled and said: "You are Charlemagne's sweetheart and your future subordinate. I have always been very kind to my own people, so you don't have to worry about your life at all."

Judy stood up suddenly, glared at Los and growled: "Los Arkham! Don't really think that strong power can make everyone surrender! I am different from Charlemagne, a loser! I have firm beliefs! For My faith! I am not afraid of life and death! I..."

Before Judy could finish speaking, Ross laughed, then playfully stuck out his tongue, put a drop of dark, round blood on his fingertip, and asked, "Really?"

After seeing such a drop of blood, Judy, who had just been extremely angry and extremely pious, suddenly stopped speaking, and then her eyes gradually widened, and then all attention was focused on this drop of black substance.

After seeing this drop of black substance, Charlemagne whispered: "Mayor... is this... a drop of the blood of an ancient god?"

Los explained: "The current level is indeed similar to the blood of the ancient gods, but in terms of its source, it is a higher-level existence than the ancient gods."

"More advanced than the ancient gods...!?" Upon hearing this, Charlemagne was filled with shock.

Judy's gaze here has changed from fierce to obsessed. She can feel a power so powerful that it makes her tremble in this drop of black substance.

But such a powerful force made her extremely friendly, as if this drop of blood was the mother who gave birth to her.

Instinctively, she stretched out her palm here, but Lose stuck out his tongue and swallowed the drop of blood.

Then Judy came back from the intoxication just now, looked at the complexity on Ross's face, and asked in a low voice: "Where did you get it?"

Los smiled and said: "The reason why you became what you are now is because of blood similar to this, right?"

Judy stared at Ross, speechless.

Because this guy has already told his biggest secret.

"And you should know that your tissues are not going to give you a second drop of this blood."

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