At half past ten in the evening, the leaders of the three nobles left Charlemagne's manor with satisfaction.

After several hours of negotiations, although they paid some price, it can be said that they succeeded in getting the Charlemagne family to side with them.

In Rocco Manor.

"What, the Wild Wolf Gang has taken over all our territory!?" Little Rocco heard the report, his face full of anger.

Big Rocco said coldly: "The attack happened when we had just transferred the large troops away, which means that these guys had already decided to abandon us at that time! Otherwise Willy would not have dared to attack so rashly."

Kane said with a casual expression at this time: "It seems that even in the same camp, there are still a lot of contradictions."

Little Rocco clenched his fists: "Since you are unkind, don't blame us for being unjust. Now let us know and fight back against the Wild Wolf Gang with all your strength, at all costs!"

"Since you are now the leader's subordinates, let me help you too! The Thunder Gang will help you." Kane said casually.

Brother Rocco was delighted after hearing this: "Okay! Thank you!"

Although darkness falls and the noise of the city subsides, in the suburbs of the city, the real battle has just begun.

Massa Center Building.

The three nobles sat together with Frosen, Openg, Morrison and Mayor Gerry again.

They already knew the decision of the Rocco brothers from the mouths of the workers. It was hard for them to imagine that the Rocco brothers would make such an incredible decision.

Now they have not only betrayed Rosen, but have even stood against the entire province of Massa, and even the entire imperial nobles. Are they crazy, or do they no longer want to live?

Frosen was not as calm as in the morning. He said in a cold tone: "Those two losers Rocco have completely betrayed us. They bow to the workers like this now, which has seriously affected our order. Today, you are asked to come Here, there are two things!”

"First: take care of your factory. After what happened today, there will definitely be commotion among other workers."

"Second: Behind Brother Rocco and Kane there is a mysterious organization called Black Suit. Have you heard of it?"

Willy here was the first to say: "I have heard some, but the relevant information is very fragmentary. According to my people, there are two people who claim to be a black suit organization and are interfering in our drug business these days. It seems that Interested in developing here.”

"It's really a bad idea!" Polly said coldly after hearing this.

Although those illegal drugs are not their main business, they are their means of controlling the entire bottom population and their main business of gray income, which brings them huge benefits every year.

The most important thing is that these benefits do not need to be taxed, and it is also a hugely profitable business!

Here Furneng said: "The news I know here is a little earlier than yours."

"Morning!? I'm the first here." Willy said confidently.

Vernon shook his head: "I'm not talking about Massa City, but the Imperial City. When I was chatting with another friend of mine a few days ago, he said that a mysterious organization had recently appeared in the capital and seemed to be selling some illegal drugs. , but he didn’t tell the names of this group of people.”

"But now based on the situation here, it can be determined that those people over there are also affiliated with the black suit."

After that, the two people explained their relevant information in detail.

Soon people came to a rough conclusion.

This is a mysterious organization, mainly engaged in the business of illegal drugs. There are not many people. Generally, two people act together. There seem to be very few members. At present, they are mainly distributed in the capital and Massa City.

Frosen said coldly: "It is now certain that this organization has begun to contaminate Massa's senior management. I don't care what difficulties you have now. Give me the most powerful force to completely strangle this organization as quickly as possible. "

They naturally hated such a mysterious organization, so they all nodded and fully supported this order.

"What is the attitude of the Charlemagne family?" Frosin asked.

Polly said: "Charlemagne's attitude is quite clear. Charlemagne means to spit out 40% of the business that his family has swallowed up in the past few years, and he will stand firmly with us."

Frosen nodded slightly when he heard this number: "40% is still acceptable. In that case, let's start our action."

"Leave Brother Rocco and Kane in charge of me. You guys go and get rid of Marion, the Thunder Gang, and those guys in black suits with their heads exposed!"

"It's certain now that they don't have many people here, and they can't protect several places at the same time."

"Understood!" Everyone nodded at the same time.

Frosen waved his hand: "Start taking action."

Afterwards, everyone broke up and the heads of each family began to make arrangements quickly.

Although they seem to be following the orders, every family has some small-mindedness.

You know, the Rocco brothers are not fools. Now they dare to defect to the opponent so decisively, which shows that the opponent's strength is not weak.

And under normal circumstances, Fulosen will be the first to take action when encountering anything. Now that they are allowed to take action today, it means that the matter is gradually out of his control, or that the elites under him have been attacked. .

Regardless of the possibility, if you dare to attack rashly, you may cause irreparable losses.

So, after these people went back, they spent the whole night with each other. The next morning, they sent their own people out when they saw Frosin in action.

In the morning, Marion, who had slept comfortably all night, got up refreshed.

Pulling open the curtains and looking at the bright sunshine, his heart was like the bright sunshine, bright and full of vitality.

At this time, he had already faintly felt that the peak of life was waving at him!

Just as he was about to wash up, there was a knock at the door.

Marion, who had become relatively cautious, immediately took out his pistol and loaded it, walked over cautiously and asked: "Who?"

"The man in the black suit." A low voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this, Marion was immediately very happy and pushed the door open without any defense.

But the moment he pushed the door open, he felt a cold light piercing his head instantly.

He didn't even have time to react.


At this time, accompanied by a heavy collision, Marion suddenly reacted and retreated as if he was a beat slower.

When he saw the situation at the door, he found a young man wearing a black suit and a knight's hat, dressed like the Black Pharaoh, and asked with a smile: "Is this Mr. Marion?"

"You are..."

The young man threw the unconscious man on the ground and said: "You can call me a lawyer. The leader asked me to protect you."

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