"Lawyer..." Marion looked at Chambers, who had a gentle appearance and sharp eyes. Combined with several elite lawyers in his impression, Marion found that this man's temperament was really similar to that of a lawyer.

Chambers walked in and closed the door and said, "Don't you have any protection here?"

Marion came back to his senses, looked at the sharp knife in the killer's hand and said, "This is just an ordinary apartment, and there are no protective measures."

"Then you should be glad that you are lucky, because if I had been a second late, your head would have been moved." Chambers said, reaching out and touching the table with his fingers. When he saw the dust on it, He stood aside with a look of disgust.

Marion suddenly felt embarrassed: "Sorry, I've been busy recently and haven't had time to clean up the room."

As he said that, he quickly walked over and picked up his clothes to wipe the table and chairs.

Chambers adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and said, "Don't bother, your clothes don't look as clean as the table."

With a red face, Marion put her clothes aside and asked, "Did Mr. Black Pharaoh ask you to come over and protect me?"

Chambers nodded slightly: "The leader is very busy. The fact that you were protected by him yesterday will be the most honorable and glorious moment in your life."

Hearing this, Marion didn't have any objections, because he had seen some of the powerful being's methods, which were no longer the domain of humans.

Chambers continued: "You have time to sit around now, so you might as well hurry up and wash up. According to the relevant information the leader gave me, it will take you at least three hours to go to the city hall to apply for relevant guild information today, and then it will take nearly half an hour to go there." Contact a person and get information about major families selling drugs. "

"Then it takes at least two hours to sort it out, and at least four hours to find a suitable newspaper to publish it."

Marion felt dizzy when she heard this series of words.

Chambers continued to speak quickly: "According to what I just observed, there are at least seven killers approaching here. The fastest one takes about ten minutes to reach. They should know that I am coming, so the next step needs to be A long-range attack may be a firearm assassination, a long-range bomb drop, or even a poison gas attack.”

"Let me tell you first, my ability is far from that of the great leader. I can't catch bullets yet, let alone block bullets for you. I can't stop the related bombs and poison gas. If you want to die, You can continue to hang around here.”

After hearing these machine gun-like words and the following words, Marion stood up like a boxer preparing to sneak attack others, and then quickly climbed to the bedroom to get dressed.

While Marion was washing, Chambers knelt down and whispered a few words into the young man's ear.

Immediately, the young man who had fainted just now stood up, put away his weapon, turned around and walked out.

Chambers turned slightly sideways and looked through the window at the situation outside. The corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said, "I hope there won't be too much noise."

What I just said is not an exaggeration. He is indeed not very good at this aspect.

Now only Level 33, Chambers is not a melee type. Although his body is considered strong, it has not yet reached the level where he can catch bullets with his bare hands.

His core competency is the art of language.

Bewitching, inciting, suggesting, hypnotizing, etc., these are his core abilities.

At five o'clock this morning, he and Kenneth took the train from the capital to Massa City. After meeting Los, he was assigned to Marion to act as a bodyguard for him.

Although he is not as good as Kenneth in terms of personal protection, he can play a huge role in subsequent actions.

After all, the core of today's day at Marion is dealing with people.

Chambers is the best at dealing with people.

In less than five minutes, Marion had already put on his clothes and hat, holding a wooden comb in his hand, as if he was going to use it later in the car.


Chambers smiled and nodded: "Let's go!"

At the same time, a gunman lying in ambush nearby was about to shoot after seeing two people coming out. Ordinary people passing by him suddenly whispered to him: "Kill yourself!"

These words seemed to have indescribable magic power. After hearing this voice, the gunman's eyes immediately became very dull, and then he picked up the pistol and shot himself in the mouth.


With his skull shattered and blood splattered all over the ground, he died immediately.

The crowd who had just whispered on the side suddenly came to their senses as if from a dream. They were at a loss and didn't know what happened.

Before he could recover, a young man with a sharp blade not far away from him directly cut the neck of another middle-aged man.

The eyes of the middle-aged man holding the gun were filled with disbelief.

He didn't know that this was the companion he had just been with, so why did he suddenly attack him?

Similar situations continued to occur after that.

These gunmen hidden in the crowd committed suicide directly after hearing a word from a passerby around them.

Marion followed Chambers all the way, and it can be said that he experienced one strange thing after another personally.

There were even two times when the two gunmen were right in front of him, and he could clearly hear the words of passers-by: "Kill yourself."

Then the murderer who had been so vicious just now suddenly committed suicide, and even the broken skull splashed onto the back of Marion's hand, causing some pain in his skin.

After that, they saw gunmen committing suicide along the way.

Marion trembled inwardly at such a scene.

Yesterday, the oppression of the black pharaoh's elusiveness and powerful force was relatively vague, because he was facing bullets and the like.

But today, Chambers was facing living people, and just one sentence, not Chambers' own words, made a gunman commit suicide. This strange ability made Marion's scalp numb.

"How did you do it?" Marion asked in a trembling voice.

Chambers said casually: "It's very simple. You first live and eat with a group of severely mentally ill people for a year, and then live and eat with a group of death row prisoners for a year, and then study psychology, linguistics..."

"Stop!" Marion had seen Chambers' machine gun mouth, and hurriedly waved his hand to stop him from continuing.

Chambers adjusted his glasses and said, "Let's go. You'll be very busy today."

"We should eat something first. It's too exciting this early in the morning. I'm hungry, so I feel a little dizzy and nauseous." Marion said weakly.

Chambers was silent for two seconds. Just when Marion was about to hear a long speech, he heard: "Okay, I want a sandwich, a hamburger, and grilled sausages."

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