Carter Robin was very sad because of his love.

Half a year ago, he met a beautiful, elegant, and knowledgeable girl, and fell in love with her at first sight. Although they were in love and their feelings quickly heated up, they had recently suffered a huge crisis.

The source of the crisis was not the relationship between the two, but the girl's father.

Fanny Kane was the name of his girlfriend, and her father was the famous Massa Tiger, Director Kane.

Some time ago, because Kane was seriously ill, Fanny thought that her damn father was finally going to die, so she became closer and closer to Robin, and even had a relationship.

Her mother Maria didn't care about these. As long as this woman didn't snatch the inheritance rights of her beloved son, she would do whatever she wanted.

This was also the happiest time for the two.

However, such happiness was broken in recent days.

It is said that the dying Director Kane not only did not die, but even became very healthy, and even stronger and more powerful than before.

This immediately made Robin feel deeply desperate.

Robin's background is very ordinary. He is not a child from a poor family, but from the middle class.

His father is a relatively famous lawyer, and his mother is a doctor. He has no worries about food and clothing since he was a child.

With his strong and intelligent mind, he has shown enough excellence from elementary school to college graduation.

He has always been the pride of his parents and the envy of his peers.

However, such a relatively superior family still cannot make him look like a good match in front of Fanny Kane.

There is a gap between the middle class and the real upper class that cannot be easily crossed.

Fanny is seventeen years old this year, and it is almost time to talk about marriage. At the latest next year, the family will find a good fiancé for her. By then, everything will be too late.

So a week ago, he resolutely resigned from his previous firm and came to a dangerous but opportunity-filled position, a freelance journalist.

Marion, who now has a great reputation in the city, debuted as a freelance journalist and achieved his current reputation.

This is a dangerous shortcut, but he has no other choice.

Judging from yesterday's situation, this road is feasible.

The victory of the workers yesterday had spread throughout the city of Massa overnight.

Robin, who seized the opportunity, secretly watched the entire march all day yesterday, and then quickly sorted out the relevant content. At dusk yesterday, he directly handed over the first-hand, most direct and most exciting records to the Massa New Youth newspaper.

His excellent writing ability was immediately appreciated by the editor-in-chief, and his report quickly became the headline of today.

In meditation, Robin has come to his temporary office, a room located on the edge of the city center, in the gap between two buildings.

This is an old two-story building, and the area of ​​the two floors combined is only 100 square meters.

This office was established a few days ago by him to facilitate cooperation. At present, he is the only one in this office.

Taking out the key, Robin opened the door of the office and walked in. He could feel that there would be a lot of things today, because the subsequent reactions at all levels and related conflicts would be the focus.

But he was ready, because he knew that as long as he took a shortcut, he would have to face challenges and dangers.

He casually glanced at the newspaper, and sure enough, the headline was yesterday's explosive news, with the title: Great victory of the workers!

He didn't read the content of the news carefully, because it was written with great effort.

Continuing to read, Robin suddenly found a missing person notice, and after a closer look, he actually knew the person.

"The magical magician that day!?" Seeing this person, Robin instantly thought of the magical guy who performed magic on the street and directly guessed his thoughts.

That day he finally got the house done and was about to sign a contract with the landlord, and happened to meet a street magician.

As a result, he was fooled by this mysterious street magician and finally fled.

"He disappeared, and he was a distinguished guest of the Charlemagne family! I guess he was kidnapped by that group of kidnappers."

Robin thought in his heart, and continued to read, and then he saw a melee between the Golden Leopard Gang and the Wild Wolf Gang.

"This world is really in chaos." Robin thought in his heart and put down the newspaper, quickly sorted out the information in his hand, and prepared to go out to collect today's news.

The workers have already opened the door, so other workers will definitely not continue to watch, and more demonstrations and conflicts will break out.

And I need to seize these opportunities and quickly make a name for myself.

Although Marion has an adventurous spirit, he is not a professional after all, while he is a top student in literature and journalism. In terms of writing and the power of words, Marion is definitely not comparable.

At 8:10, there was a sound of the door opening. When Robin got up and walked over to greet the guests, he saw a woman in a blue dress and a veil hat standing at the door.

"Oh my God! Fanny! Why are you here!?" Seeing this girl, Robin was full of joy and surprise.

Fanny ran in quickly, gave Robin a big hug and whispered: "I... missed you, and couldn't help but come to see you."

Robin hugged his beloved girl hard and whispered: "It's very dangerous in the city now. Don't walk around. It's very dangerous."

Fanny smiled after hearing this: "I'm not afraid, I have a gun!"

As she spoke, she let go of Robin and took out a women's pistol from her bag.

"Didn't your father control you?" Robin asked tentatively.

Fanny said with a tone full of dissatisfaction: "Yesterday he went to protect those two bastard Rocco brothers and didn't come back all night."

Hearing this, Robin said with anger on his face: "Mr. Marion here just made progress, and your father went to protect them. It's really... hateful!"

Fanny was naturally disgusted with her father and whispered: "I'm tired of being there. When can you take me away?"

Robin clenched his fists and whispered: "It's not possible now. I'm too weak. Wait for me for two more months! Just two months! I will soon be able to gain some fame by following Mr. Marion here. , I will take you away then!”

After hearing this, Fanny said: "You have to hurry up. My father has become more and more weird recently. He also said that he wanted to give me to some leader. I am very scared."

Hearing this, Robin's heart suddenly tightened. He knew very well who her father was. If he said it, he would definitely be able to do it.

"Damn it, is he crazy!? You are his biological daughter!" Robin's heart was full of heartache, and at the same time he felt even more urgent.

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