When the young couple was struggling with love, in the Forest Restaurant.

Marion and Chambers were eating while reading today's newspaper.

"Did you send someone to write this article? It's really well written." Chambers commented.

Marion was also a little confused at this time: "I remember that I went home directly last night, and no reporters or newspapers contacted me!?"

Chambers asked: "Are you sure? This article is written with such passion and authenticity, as if that person has always been with you."

"Look at this series of parallel sentences, which pushes the heroism of the scene to the peak. Anyone who sees it will be excited, right?"

Marion looked weird, trying to recall the people around him yesterday and said: "I am surrounded by a group of workers, and their education is generally not high. It is impossible for anyone to write such an article."

"And this matter was not concluded until yesterday evening. Even the group of reporters did not have time to organize the manuscripts, let alone write such a magnificent article."

Chambers pondered for a moment and smiled: "If it is not one of us, you'd better contact him today. This kind of talent is rare."

Marion looked down at the signature of the article: "Carter Robin... I haven't heard of this person."

At the same time, all the nobles have received feedback on the assassination of Marion.

"Sure enough, there are other superhumans here, and they are very powerful superhumans!" Willy said solemnly after hearing the statement.

Polly: "Who is the black suit? How did he suddenly appear?"

"Is it possible... related to Arkham?" President Vernon asked.

Everyone was shocked after hearing this. They didn't know the situation in Arkham, but they knew the weirdness there.

Even Frosin was very afraid of that place.

"It shouldn't be." Willy said here.

"Oh!? Why do you think so?" Others looked at Willy.

Willy said calmly: "According to my information, Arkham has not been peaceful during this period, and has been under martial law, and has been attacked by various organizations. No matter how powerful they are, they can't extend their tentacles here, let alone send such a large number of superhumans here casually."

"You know, powerful superhumans above level 25 are the real core and precious existence of each organization."

Poly whispered: "Maybe it is really related to that group of lunatics. According to Open, it was the creator of life who cured Kane. At Charlemagne's banquet, he also had contact with the creator of life, and now he still has such a powerful ability."

"According to our intelligence, the means to quickly make people stronger in a short period of time seem to be only possessed by the creator of life."

Hearing this, everyone immediately focused their attention on this group of lunatics.

"So what should we do now? We have no means to launch a sneak attack now." Vern said weakly.

The ones sent over today are all their elites, and they are all elites with levels generally at level 12 or 13. Now they are suddenly wiped out, which caught them off guard.

"Then there's really nothing we can do!" Several people looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

All the people present were old foxes, and behind each family there were shadows of other organizations.

For example, the Willy family had the shadow of the Yellow King Brotherhood.

It's just that they didn't want to reveal their true power and use it as a knife for Frosen.

The reason why they still obey Frosen's orders is just to get more benefits from him and save a lot of trouble.

On the other side, Aopen's face was extremely gloomy after seeing the newspaper, and then he said to John, the last superhuman left by his side: "Go, kill this guy for me!"

John grinned after hearing this: "Just right, I haven't had breakfast yet."

In the office, Robin and Fanny were hugging each other on the second floor and suddenly heard the doorbell ring.

"Hello!" Robin hurried down and looked up at the door.

Just saw a pale young man with violent eyes.

"Hello?" Robin asked tentatively.

The young man came over and asked with a smile: "Are you Carter Robin?"

Robin nodded and asked tentatively: "You are..."

"My name is John, I haven't had breakfast yet." The young man walked over with a smile, but his smile was full of distortion and weirdness.

Seeing such a distorted smile, Robin immediately felt that something was wrong and immediately said: "Sorry, you are not welcome here."

John showed his bloody teeth and said ferociously: "Really? I welcome you very much!"

After that, he rushed forward and threw Robin to the ground.

Hearing that something was wrong, Fanny quickly ran over, raised her pistol and shouted: "Don't move! Otherwise I will shoot!"

Hearing the voice, John raised his head and saw Fanny, who looked beautiful and full of youthful vitality.

In an instant, his face was full of greed and excitement: "Vanny Kane, you are the daughter of the damn Kane, ha ha ha! I really made a profit today!"

He gave up Robin and walked towards Vanny and said: "Don't worry, I will enjoy you well."

Robin hugged John's legs and shouted: "Vanny! Shoot!"

Vanny was not a hesitant person and shot John.

Although she had not received professional training, this shot also hit John's chest.

"Well done! Vanny!" Robin said loudly.

But the next second, something happened that made them despair.

John, who was shot, not only did not fall to the ground, but he did not even bleed. He directly pulled out the bullet from his chest and said with a fierce grin: "You want to kill me with this toy gun!?"

Fanny was shocked.

At this time, John rushed up with Robin, and his twisted appearance was like a devil returning from hell.

It's over! Everything is over!"

Just when the two people were in despair...


A crisp sound rang out.

Robin was stunned, and then turned his head to see a poker card piercing John's thigh like a blade.

This poker is the Ace of Spades, and the black A pierced John's thigh like a spike.

John turned his head fiercely in pain and growled: "Who! ? "

However, the second poker card responded to him.

Blood spurted out, and the second poker card cut directly into his chest. It was a Queen of Hearts.

The bright red Queen seemed to symbolize John's heart.

Robin's eyes widened gradually when he saw this, because he was too familiar with these two cards.

It was these two cards that guessed his two thoughts.

"This is..." Before John could come back to his senses.

Then came the 7 of Clubs, the J of Spades, and the K of Diamonds.

They hit John's two arms and another thigh respectively.

With a plop, John fell to the ground and lost the ability to move.

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