Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 345: The Loser's Counterattack in Another World

Seeing these five familiar playing cards, Robin couldn't recover for a long time.

"Hey! How have you been lately? It doesn't seem too good!" A familiar voice sounded, but the scene had changed dramatically.

When Robin was stunned, he turned around and saw that the person who came was not the magician he was familiar with that day.

"Are you...?" Robin looked at Los in the form of the Black Pharaoh, somewhat unrecognizable.

Los was stunned: "Don't you recognize me? Oh! You should recognize this person, right?"

As he spoke, Los's face gradually changed, and in front of the two young men, he quickly turned into the missing guest of the Charlemagne family in the newspaper.

"What...what's going on?" Fanny's eyes gradually widened when she saw this scene, expressing disbelief.

But Robin quickly calmed down and didn't seem to be too surprised.

He saw clearly just now that John's weird body, which Fanny's bullets couldn't even penetrate, was actually shot through by this man with a few playing cards.

This means that the person in front of him must be the legendary super human.

Los gradually regained his identity as the Black Pharaoh and said with a smile: "Young man, it seems that you have made your own choice for the future."

Robin took a deep breath, stood up and said, "Yes, Mr. Magician, I have made my own choice."

"But this choice is not easy. For example, if I hadn't come here, both of you would have been tortured to death by this person just now." Loss looked at John, who was unable to move on the ground.

After hearing this, Robin quickly went upstairs and took Fanny's little hand. Even now, both of them felt a sense of fear.

John's terrifying and brutal look just now, as well as the two people's sense of powerlessness at that time, the two young people had never experienced such terrifying despair.

Ross came over with a cane, looked down at John, who was still conscious, and asked with a smile: "Did Openg send you here, or Frosen?"

John's expression was very ferocious at this time, and he asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

Los raised his staff and placed it on his chest and said, "You can call me the Black Pharaoh."

"Black Pharaoh...I see, you should be the leader of the black suit, right? It was the Rocco brothers you asked Kane to protect last night?" John quickly figured out the relationship.

Hearing this, Fanny and Robin were suddenly stunned, and then they thought of a lot of frightening relationships that they couldn't understand, but that could be completely explained at this time.

Los's cane gradually penetrated his chest and said indifferently: "You know too much."

With the cane piercing John's heart, this failed crazy experiment died.

Fanny's face was very pale at this time. At this time, she had already figured out that her dying father's disease must be cured by this guy. At the same time, the cold-blooded father said that he would dedicate himself to the leader. The leader was the one in front of him. A rather cheerful and mysterious young man.

And here, Robin also instantly felt the terror of this guy. He was a distinguished guest of the Charlemagne family, the leader of the black suit, and a superhuman with powerful power.

At the same time, he can control Director Kane and even control the Rocco brothers to make concessions to the workers.

In less than ten seconds, Robin's face turned pale and his back was soaked with sweat.

Because at this time, he has fully understood the terrifying gap between himself and the other party.

This gap is even bigger and more insurmountable than the gap between him and Kane.

After that, the three people didn't even say a word. They saw Robin holding Fanny's hand tightly, his face pale, but his eyes full of determination: "Fanny and I really love each other! Everything is fine." Can't break us up!"

"Even if it's death?" Ross took a step forward at this time, and his tone instantly became gloomy and cold.

The terrifying aura broke out instantly, and Robin sat down on the ground in fright, his face was pale, his eyes were dazed, and his hands and feet were trembling.

Fanny on the side knelt directly on the ground. Facing this powerful existence, she could not speak the language of resistance, or even generate any will to resist.

There was an urge to surrender directly to this stranger, and he even vaguely felt that his father's decision was the right one.

The next second, Los lost his momentum and turned into an elegant young man with a hearty smile and said, "Just kidding, I'm not here to break up you, but to tell you some good news."

Without the pressure of the momentum, the two gradually came back to their senses. Robin clenched his fists hard, touched the sweat on his forehead, and tried to stop his voice from trembling when he asked: "What...good news?"

Ross smiled and said, "I have informed Kane so that he will no longer interfere with Fanny's life affairs. Kane will respect your own choice and will not interfere with the two of you."

Hearing this, the two of them were stunned at the same time and looked at Los in disbelief.

Ross continued: "Don't show such an expression. I don't like to lie to others, and I like someone who is more mature. I am not interested in this kind of little girl."

Hearing this, Fanny was obviously deeply relieved, but she didn't know why, but she felt a faint sense of loss in her heart.

Robin here stood up ecstatically and ran over excitedly and said, "Thank you! Thank you for your help! Thank you for your help."

Loss continued, "You know, this kind of help is not free. From now on, you need to work for me and give me everything you have."

"My everything?" Robin hesitated when he heard this.

Loss smiled and said, "If you are obedient enough, I may be able to help you achieve the same achievements as Marion, or even higher."


Hearing this, Robin swallowed his saliva, and desire and longing gradually appeared in his eyes.

Here he asked tentatively: "Mr. Magician... Mr. Marion is also..."

"Otherwise, do you think that the group of gunmen are really stupid and can't hit a target standing still after firing more than 20 shots?" Los asked back.

In an instant, all the doubts and confusions of yesterday suddenly became clear.

It turned out that the strange scene in the dark yesterday and Marion's fearless heroic appearance were all the result of the protection of this powerful existence in secret.

Thinking of this, Robin turned his head and looked at Fanny. Although the obstacles were gone, he naturally hoped to gain a higher status and make Fanny happier.

He made up his mind in silence, turned around and asked respectfully: "Mr. Black Pharaoh, what kind of service do I need to provide you with next?"

Los nodded with satisfaction: "Today Marion will set up a workers' association, he needs an assistant and outline drafter, he will need your help."

"In addition, in the future, the love between you will be widely spread."

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