After hearing Los's last words, the two were stunned, not knowing what it meant.

Los smiled and did not explain.

Today's social stratification is serious. If you want to further weaken this stratification, it is not enough for the workers to strike, but there must be other loopholes.

And Robin, a loser who counterattacks the rich and beautiful, naturally becomes another loophole, and will also become a popular classic legend.

Of course, Los's goal is not just this. He needs Robin to do more things, and finally become a representative of the grassroots and an idol for everyone to strive for.

Los looked at Fanny and said, "Okay, Miss Kane, although I asked Kane to ignore you, I didn't let you run around like this. The city is really chaotic now. If you come out alone like this, you will be caught by a few gangsters and taken to the alley and raped. You won't be able to find the murderer at that time, you know?"

Hearing this, Fanny recalled the scene just now, and was immediately full of fear. At this time, she said with a trembling voice: "Then should I go back!"

Los snapped his fingers directly.

Then the door of the office was pushed open, and a young man wearing a black suit, a 3:7 hairstyle, and round glasses walked in.

Los introduced: "This is one of my capable subordinates, Kenneth. Robin, you will follow him for the next period of time, and he can guarantee your absolute safety."

Kenneth smiled and said: "Hello."

Robin hurriedly stretched out his hands to hold Kenneth's hands and said: "I'll trouble you for the next period of time."

Loss continued: "Kenneth, you take Robin to send Miss Kane back, and then come back quickly to meet Chambers."

"Yes, leader." Kenneth nodded vigorously to show that he understood.

Then the three people left quickly, and Los carried John's body and drove out of the city, seemingly preparing to bury the body.

At the mass grave in the northern suburbs of the city, Los leisurely looked at the body and got out of the car while walking and said: "It should be almost there, right? You have almost played all the cards you can play. The only card left now is to capture the leader of my organization and force it to stop the organization's actions."

As soon as Los finished speaking, John's body on his shoulder suddenly exploded.

The huge impact force blew Los away directly.

At this time, several black cars drove over quickly, and then more than a dozen men in black clothes and masks rushed down, holding various weird flesh and blood weapons and surrounded Los in the middle.

Los looked around and smiled: "Did you really get the biological weapons of the military?"

"To deal with you, all this is worth it!" A cold voice sounded.

Then these indifferent men separated, and Frosen strode over with a proud look on his face.

At this time, Los, who was blown down, was about to sit up, but he saw that these flesh and blood weapons instantly burst out a large number of fangs, claws, and tentacles, directly entangled his body.

Looking at the ferocious appearance, it seems that if Los moves again, his skin and bones will be torn apart directly.

Frosin said slowly: "Since you know these people are from the military, you should know what weapons they have. I advise you not to move around, otherwise I will not be responsible for the consequences."

Los slowly raised his hands and said: "Don't worry, I won't move around. I cherish my life very much."

As soon as the voice fell, a transparent protective shield burst out directly, forming a transparent eggshell to cover Los inside.

At this time, these flesh and blood weapons burst out directly in a very disgusting form, biting the eggshell frantically, but it was completely useless.

Ross smiled and said, "Forget it. My protective shield is much stronger than any material you know. I forgot to say that I don't like people getting too close to me."

Frosen walked up to the eggshell and sneered, "But if you use this skill, it seems that you can only hide inside and wait for death."

Hearing this, Ross was silent for two seconds, and said with a smile, "It depends on whether you break the eggshell first, or my subordinates disrupt the entire Massa city first."

Frosen's expression did not change, and he sneered, "We can have a competition, take it away!"

Then everyone picked up Ross's eggshell, got in the car and left.

On the other side, Robin, who was going to send Fanny, did not go in because he thought it was not appropriate now.

So after sending the person back, he quickly returned to his office.

Less than five minutes after returning, the distinguished guests came to the door.

Robin, who had known some of the situation in advance, was not surprised to see Marion and Chambers come to the door.

Both parties are young talents who want to do something big. After a detailed discussion, Marion and Robin can be said to hit it off right away.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chambers outside the door smiled and said, "Everything is exactly the same as the mayor... the leader's calculation."

Kenneth nodded proudly: "This is a plan designed by our leader himself, and there will be no flaws in it."

"I don't know if the leader's plan will go smoothly." Chambers thought.

Kenneth smiled and said, "It must be smooth, and there is no possibility of any mistakes in the leader's calculations."

"As long as the other party's laboratory here is destroyed, their supply of superhumans is destroyed, and then through the scandals revealed by Marion, Artes and others at the same time, as long as the queen cooperates a little, the entire city of Massa will fall into our hands. Taking this place is equivalent to the entire province being taken into our hands. At that time, no one can sanction us."

Chambers nodded after listening: "That day should not be far away."

At the same time, the gang struggle in Massa also began to fight in full swing.

Under the joint attack of the Golden Leopard Gang and the Thunder Gang, the Wild Wolf Gang, whose nest was stolen, became a stray dog ​​in just one day. More than 60% of all members died, and the remaining 40% were completely scared.

Willie's face turned green when he heard the news. From hearing that the Wild Wolf Gang was attacked to its destruction, the whole process took only six hours.

The Wild Wolf Gang, which he had supported for six years, was destroyed in six hours. This can be said to be a slap in his face.

However, this was just the beginning.

In the afternoon, major newspapers released the evening papers in advance, and the content of the evening papers was news about the major families selling banned drugs.

There were very detailed evidence and records, and even the warehouses where the major families hid drugs were clearly marked.

When the news just broke, the police in Kane took quick action. Almost at the same time, they directly sealed off the drug warehouses of the three major families, the Polly family, the Willy family, and the Vernon family, and caught the people and the evidence.

However, something even more explosive appeared. That is, the high-ranking officials of Massa, the mayor, the collusion between officials and businessmen, and the corruption were reported immediately.

For a time, the whole city of Massa was in a state of panic.

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