Senior official's office.

Marion, who had completed the relevant procedures, took Chambers and sat opposite Morris, a senior official, with a calm demeanor.

"Dear Mr. Senior Official, do you have anything else you want to say now?" Marion asked with a calm smile.

Morris' face was very ugly at this time. He never thought that things would develop to this point.

"The Rocco brothers are very smart. They took refuge with us yesterday. At least they protected the family's property and reputation. However, the remaining major families are having a hard time. Now they have both stolen goods and they can't shirk it even if they want. Marion said leisurely.

He had never felt so happy before, being able to suppress the high-ranking officials of the entire province into this state, and be so arrogant in front of the high-ranking officials.

He had never imagined that the Black Pharaoh had such huge energy and such powerful means that he could move these big families at the same time.

Morris took a deep breath and said calmly: "Sorry, Mr. Marion, I don't quite know what you are talking about."

Marion casually took out an account book and said, "This is the transaction flow and accounts between you and several major families every day. Do you need me to read it to you in person?"

Seeing this account book, Morris's eyes flashed coldly, and a fully armed superhuman suddenly rushed out of the office.

The moment he rushed out, the ferocious flesh and blood weapon in his hand bit directly into Marion's neck.

"If you die, then who knows about this?" Morris sneered, looking proud.

Marion was very indifferent to such attacks.

At this time, Chambers said flatly: "Stop!"

This sound was full of special power. The moment the sound was transmitted, the superhuman actually remained motionless and stopped attacking.

"What's going on!?" Morris was completely stunned when he saw this scene.

This guard was specially sent by Frozen to protect him. He was transformed by the military laboratory. He has the combat power to kill five hundred elite special forces alone.

At this time, Chambers continued with a calm expression: "Kneel down!"


A heavy voice sounded, and the ferocious transformed human actually knelt down.

"This is impossible!" Morris screamed when he saw this.

Chambers walked up to the reformed man and whispered a few words in his ear.

Then the reformer turned around and left, as if he didn't recognize Morris at all.

"No! Don't leave! Come back!" The usually calm and composed senior official was now completely panicked.

Here Marion stood up directly, kicked him down on the chair, stared at him condescendingly and asked in a low voice: "I said, all your resistance is in vain, you have no idea what you are facing. What kind of existence.”

"Maurice, I'll give you one last chance, agree, or go to jail to pick up soap!"

At this time, Morris looked at Marion, who had a ferocious look on his face. He had completely lost the arrogant air of a senior official.

"If I promise you, Frowson will definitely kill me!" Morris whispered.

Chambers said calmly: "If you show enough value, we can be responsible for the safety of you and your family. If you are willing, we can even give you a powerful combat capability that is not weaker than the transformed warrior just now."

"What!? Is there such a thing?" Marion was very surprised when he heard this.

Chambers said casually: "The leader is an omnipotent existence. How do you think we became so strong? How do you think Kane's body was healed?"

Hearing this, Morris's last fear was crushed by this power.

At this time, he already knew that the situation was over. The sooner he surrendered and betrayed more of his own people, the better status he would gain.

"Okay, I will help you set up a workers' guild, and I will also cooperate with you to seize the assets of those major families. I will also cooperate with all your actions."

When Marion heard this, she smiled and patted the shoe print on his chest, helped Morris up and said, "That's right! If you were so cooperative from the beginning, why did you have to suffer all this?"

On the other side, Robin was using all his brain to write an article against the sins of several major families.

This article needs to be written in an hour, and then handed over to major news newspapers, printed as quickly as possible, and officially spread throughout the entire province of Massa.

At the same time, he also mobilized all his previous connections to organize information as quickly as possible, striving to report the most comprehensive incident.

This big event will cover all pages of the newspaper! It is a massacre in the true sense!

The three nobles who were suddenly attacked were already a little confused at this time.

This time the police took action so suddenly that they had no precautions, and all the superhumans they commonly used were damaged in the assassination of Marion.

At this time, they looked back and found that the whole thing was a chain of events. Even the loopholes left by Marion were deliberately induced by Frozen to force them to take action, and then wiped out these elites and allowed the police to launch a raid.

"Now is no longer the time to hide. If we don't show our true skills, no one will be able to pass this hurdle." Willy said with a gloomy face.

Polly said first: "You don't need to say anything, I have already sent someone there."

Furneng nodded: "Me too."

Willy sneered: "It seems you are not stupid either. As long as no physical evidence is left behind and all those policemen are killed, we will not be found!"

While the three major families were discussing, the Charlemagne family.

"I'll leave those strongholds to you." Charlemagne adjusted his collar at this time and looked ready to go out.

Eve nodded slightly: "The Brotherhood of the King in Yellow, the Redemption Society of Father God, and the Eye of Insight all attacked our city. We were powerless at the time. But now... I will let them know what the real terror is. !”

Immediately, Eve and eight others left.

Charlemagne turned to look at Judy, who was dressed up and coming out of the cloakroom, and smiled: "Let's go! Let's meet our old friends again."

Judy reached out to hold Charlemagne's arm and said: "What a good trick. In a few days, not only Massa was turned upside down, but the three major families and the government were even forced to a dead end."

Charlemagne said casually: "This is nothing. If the mayor is willing, he can easily sweep away the entire top management of Massa and the heirs of the three major families, and then turn them into his servants."

"Can this still happen!?" Judy's eyes were filled with shock after hearing this.

Charlemagne said casually: "Of course, our current police officers in Arkham are all enemies transformed by the mayor. These people were ordinary people before. After transformation, they not only became level 20 superhumans, but also attacked the mayor. Unfailing loyalty.”

! ! ! !

Hearing this, Judy was completely dumbfounded.

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